Political Rants


Poet Rockstar
Feb 25, 2024

Despite the generosity of both Democrats and Republicans, there are some differences in the amounts that individuals donate. While the tendency to give is common, Republicans donate larger sums than Democrats.

A couple quotes/ purely data-based studies to back my claim. I don't want to be accused of making things up.
Touting political affiliation when giving to charity seems an odd thing to do, but maybe you're right. Perhaps Republicans do give more than Democrats. What's your point?

Despite the generosity of both Democrats and Republicans, there are some differences in the amounts that individuals donate. While the tendency to give is common, Republicans donate larger sums than Democrats.

A couple quotes/ purely data-based studies to back my claim. I don't want to be accused of making things up.

"However, empirical studies regarding political ideology and charitable giving have yielded mixed results."

"Our meta-analysis results suggest that political conservatives are significantly more charitable..."

"It could, maybe, perhaps if you close one eye and squint real hard with the other be what we think it is."

In curious if you take religious orgs out, how this would stack up.

Furthermore, meta-regression results indicate that the measure of charitable giving, the type of charitable giving, and controlling for religiosity can account for the variation in effect sizes.

In my experience working at the local food bank, it is a fairly balanced crew, ideologically.

I think the title of the thread is not a good one
Touting political affiliation when giving to charity seems an odd thing to do, but maybe you're right. Perhaps Republicans do give more than Democrats. What's your point?
My point is that liberals and Democrats pretend to be the party of compassion. They say that they are the ones that care about minorities and the poor and the needy. But when it comes to actually putting your dollars where your mouth is, you don't do it. It's the conservatives and the Christians who are the ones who are most likely to actually act in charitable ways to reach out to help those in need. To pretend that the party of compassion is the party that is made up of people who are least likely to give to those in need is just dishonest.
In curious if you take religious orgs out, how this would stack up.
That's the fundamental problem. You can't take the religious organizations out. People on the left are far more likely to be atheistic or antitheistic, and are far more likely to see it as the government's role to handle that. That's why they aren't giving their dollars to help other people. They would rather just let government handle it. Some of the most cold-hearted people I've met have been liberals who claim to be compassionate. And even the liberal compassion is very wrong-headed because the majority of it tells people who are minorities or in struggling positions. You can't make it without our help. You aren't good enough and America is going to hold you down. It tells them they are less than and so must be dependent on government. Conservatives are far more likely to be religious and therefore believe they are accountable to God, and believe that God made people in his image, and thus have intrinsic value from conception to death. You can't take the religious organizations out of the mix because they are essential to understanding conservatism and conservative compassion.
That's the fundamental problem. You can't take the religious organizations out.
Of course you can. You remove religious organizational charities from the data.

People on the left are far more likely to be atheistic or antitheistic, and are far more likely to see it as the government's role to handle that. That's why they aren't giving their dollars to help other people. They would rather just let government handle it.
Based on what data?

Some of the most cold-hearted people I've met have been liberals who claim to be compassionate. And even the liberal compassion is very wrong-headed because the majority of it tells people who are minorities or in struggling positions. You can't make it without our help. You aren't good enough and America is going to hold you down. It tells them they are less than and so must be dependent on government. Conservatives are far more likely to be religious and therefore believe they are accountable to God, and believe that God made people in his image, and thus have intrinsic value from conception to death. You can't take the religious organizations out of the mix because they are essential to understanding conservatism and conservative compassion.
Sounds like you hate the left and are biased in your analysis. Nothing new in this forum, but probably shouldn't pretend to be objective if you truly aren't wanting to be.
Of course you can. You remove religious organizational charities from the data.

Based on what data?

Sounds like you hate the left and are biased in your analysis. Nothing new in this forum, but probably shouldn't pretend to be objective if you truly aren't wanting to be.


Here's a couple studies that have been done on the subject just for starters
Studies showing that the left is less religious is not data that shows why they do or do not donate to charities. You make that connection.
I make that connection because ideology ultimately leads to behavior. If I believe man is all there is then why not live for myself and my own pleasures and not really genuinely care about others. If I believe that we came from animals then why not act like an animal. If I believe I'm accountable to a God for how I treat people, then that's going to change how I view people. If I believe we were specially created by God then that's going to change how I see people and treat them.

It's not a stretch, nor is it just hypothetical hyperbole to say that that is the reason why they don't give to charity and other things like that. Belief is followed by function. That's just a basic understanding of human nature. That said, I'm sure if I did some deeper digging the studies would hold true to what I'm saying. Because what I'm saying is based on a proper understanding of how people function.
Amazing how when you start with a proper basis for a theory when you actually get into the research to study the theory how accurate the theory ends up being.
I make that connection because ideology ultimately leads to behavior. If I believe man is all there is then why not live for myself and my own pleasures and not really genuinely care about others. If I believe that we came from animals then why not act like an animal. If I believe I'm accountable to a God for how I treat people, then that's going to change how I view people. If I believe we were specially created by God then that's going to change how I see people and treat them.

It's not a stretch, nor is it just hypothetical hyperbole to say that that is the reason why they don't give to charity and other things like that. Belief is followed by function. That's just a basic understanding of human nature. That said, I'm sure if I did some deeper digging the studies would hold true to what I'm saying. Because what I'm saying is based on a proper understanding of how people function.
My belief that “man is all there is” makes me more determined to be a good person. If there’s no God coming to save us, it’s incumbent upon all of us to do the best job we can to heal the broken world we find ourselves in.
I wonder who's rant this is below?

"WRONG! Trump fixed the American Economy. Up until COVID19, Unemployment was at a Historic LOW. The Stock Market was at an ALL TIME HIGH. The Poverty Rate was at a Historic LOW. The Trade Imbalance is being fixed. The US is now the largest EXPORTER of oil in the WORLD because of Trump. He pulled America out of the job killing Paris accord. He pulled America out of the horrible Iranian deal. He has fought for Religious rights that Obama tried to take away. He brought Prison reform which helps black people. He encouraged businesses to open in black and minority areas to help those areas and gave them tax breaks. And he did all of this through using Conservative and Captialist policies NOT failed Soclialist policies that don't ever work.

So I ask YOU are YOU just in denial or just stubborn? Or are YOU afraid of admitting that YOU are wrong? Because the FACTS are on MY side, NOT yours. Just admit you are wrong."

Guesses anyone????
Seek and ye shall find. I just did a little bit of quick digging and lo and behold. I found articles like this from relatively liberal sources.


Here is what you said:
That's the fundamental problem. You can't take the religious organizations out. People on the left are far more likely to be atheistic or antitheistic, and are far more likely to see it as the government's role to handle that. That's why they aren't giving their dollars to help other people. They would rather just let government handle it.
Your articles don't back up your claim. They only show that religious people give more to religious organizations and non religious give more to non religious organizations

None of that data shows that the left would rather just let government "handle it"
My belief that “man is all there is” makes me more determined to be a good person. If there’s no God coming to save us, it’s incumbent upon all of us to do the best job we can to heal the broken world we find ourselves in.
It may in fact be true that you are a wonderful, generous, kind person. However, as the studies linked above show, The great majority of liberals and Democrats, particularly if they have atheistic leanings, do not have that true about them. That isn't theory or or conjecture. There are empirical studies showing this to be true. I applaud you for your concern and care for others, sure you donate to charities but have nothing to do with the government at a regular basis. This is simply not the case for many of your fellow liberals and Democrats who have those leanings that you have. Again this isn't theory this is what the studies empirically show.
Here is what you said:

Your articles don't back up your claim. They only show that religious people give more to religious organizations and non religious give more to non religious organizations

None of that data shows that the left would rather just let government "handle it"
So list the non-religious organizations that do the same work. Me the long list of non-Christian and non -religious organizations that do that level of Charity. I would love to see that.
Conservatives are far more likely to be religious and therefore believe they are accountable to God, and believe that God made people in his image, and thus have intrinsic value from conception to death.
Claiming that the good and moral things in the world are the preserve of conservative religious people isn't a great idea. You're going to lose badly on that one.

You can't take the religious organizations out of the mix because they are essential to understanding conservatism and conservative compassion.
Giving to a church doesn't mean that the money is going to poor or needy people. It could equally be funding some televangelist's private jet.
So list the non-religious organizations that do the same work. Me the long list of non-Christian and non -religious organizations that do that level of Charity. I would love to see that.
So is your argument now that religious charities are better?
My point is that liberals and Democrats pretend to be the party of compassion.
Compared to actual public action and vocals by most in the Republican Party and most certainly by the party leader, this assertion really can only be questioned by the blind, the stupid, and the campaign trollers. Like you?
So is your argument now that religious charities are better?
The one argument is intrinsically tied to the other. I'm not talking about giving to some tele-evangelist who is wanting to fund his private Jets. That's not what these studies look at. They're looking at the places where churches or other religious organizations are starting homeless shelters and missions and sober living facilities and food banks and all these other resources in the communities. They're also looking at things like Samaritan's purse and Pacific garden Mission and salvation army and St. Vincent de Paul and several other places like that that are expressedly religious and they're in their founding and in their operations. I'm saying that churches are more equipped for this and therefore better at it than anybody else in society. In part because they already have the infrastructure in place, And in part because the people that are religious as you would put it, already have a mindset that men and women are made in the image of God and specially created by God and loved by God and therefore should be cared for, And that they will be held accountable if they don't do that. That's some pretty strong motivation to give to others in need. And that doesn't even count the one-on-one actions of those people that have nothing to do with the missions And shelters and such. Again, if you do some digging, you'll find out that what I'm saying is empirically true.

There are not nearly as many charitable organizations that are coming from non-religious or atheistic sources. I'm sure there are some, but there are not many because they believe rights of humanity come from man, not God and therefore it's government's role to handle it, not theirs. And once again these claims are backed up by multiple studies and all you got to do is Google some of it and you will find it pretty quickly.
Compared to actual public action and vocals by most in the Republican Party and most certainly by the party leader, this assertion really can only be questioned by the blind, the stupid, and the campaign trollers. Like you?
It's because we don't believe it's the government's role to do this stuff. Believe it's the private sector's role to do it. Government has a limited capacity and a limited responsibility. Private sector and people in the communities are the ones who are responsible to do this.. One-On-One... And with their own funds. Means the government needs to stop taxing heavily so that those people have the funds to do it.