Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Shows NY, NJ, CA How to Manage Covid Right

As I suspected, there’s no data to back the assertion. Since there’s no data, the assertion must be true. Lol.

We have plenty of data on cases, hospitalizations, and deaths per capita by state. We also have no shortage of economic data. The Covid data provided in the WSJ is widely available in many other places. Most of it comes from the CDC. It clearly shows that Florida’s Covid death toll per capita has been significantly lower than NY, NJ, CA and other severe lockdown states. At the same time, it’s schools and businesses have been more open and it’s residents have enjoyed more freedoms and suffered far less financial devastation. The good news is other states, even blue states, are following Florida’s example and opening back up.
There is no data on COVID from Florida that has not been fabricated. How can you have data when the governor won't release the data that was collected and then told everyone to stop collecting data.

This is nothing more than a bunch of old men sipping mint julips and passing around the crack pipe in their "strategy session".
Interesting Tweet by conservative pundit Guy Benson today:

“Prediction: Trump will endorse DeSantis for re-election in FL. In his statement, he will list all the things he’s done to help RDS’ career, leaving the clear impression that the governor owes him. Context obvious. He’ll also want to claim credit for DeSantis’ likely (big) win.”
Interesting Tweet by conservative pundit Guy Benson today:

“Prediction: Trump will endorse DeSantis for re-election in FL. In his statement, he will list all the things he’s done to help RDS’ career, leaving the clear impression that the governor owes him. Context obvious. He’ll also want to claim credit for DeSantis’ likely (big) win.”
That's how politics works, they all play the game. <shrug>
Understood. With both signaling runs in 2024 I find it an interesting political story to see unfold. First things first for the Governor though. He’s got an election to win this fall.