Political Rants

I have done my homework. I am challenging you to do yours. It's far more valuable for you to put your time in at this point. I've done my work. Do yours.
If you expect someone to agree with your claims. Then it is up to you to show the data. It is not up to me to research.
I've showed some of my research and pointed you in a clear path.. I will not spend the next hours giving you the research it took me months to do. I've made it easy to follow the thread. Go to it.
I've showed some of my research and pointed you in a clear path.. I will not spend the next hours giving you the research it took me months to do. I've made it easy to follow the thread. Go to it.
I looked at your links, and they don't give the information you claim. You want us to believe or agree, then show it. Otherwise shut the fuck up if we disagree with what you claim.
I wonder who's rant this is below?

"WRONG! Trump fixed the American Economy. Up until COVID19, Unemployment was at a Historic LOW. The Stock Market was at an ALL TIME HIGH. The Poverty Rate was at a Historic LOW. The Trade Imbalance is being fixed. The US is now the largest EXPORTER of oil in the WORLD because of Trump. He pulled America out of the job killing Paris accord. He pulled America out of the horrible Iranian deal. He has fought for Religious rights that Obama tried to take away. He brought Prison reform which helps black people. He encouraged businesses to open in black and minority areas to help those areas and gave them tax breaks. And he did all of this through using Conservative and Captialist policies NOT failed Soclialist policies that don't ever work.

So I ask YOU are YOU just in denial or just stubborn? Or are YOU afraid of admitting that YOU are wrong? Because the FACTS are on MY side, NOT yours. Just admit you are wrong."

Guesses anyone????
That has the self-righteous stench of the former situational religious shitposter XfrodobagginsX, most recently goes by FisherAmen.

I thought he was ded.
That has the self-righteous stench of the former situational religious shitposter XfrodobagginsX, most recently goes by FisherAmen.

I thought he was ded.
Nah he went and deleted his posts, then hid for a couple years, and now has returned. I pulled that from one where he was quoated. It will only be a matter of time before he start spouting the religious side. Kind of like how that situational Korean could keep it bottled up for a couple weeks....
Liberals tend to give to soup kitchens, meals on wheels, etc.

Conservatives tend to give to give to Catholic high school stadium funds, "crisis pregnancy centers", college scholarships for deserving white kids, and especially "Prosperity Gospel" operating funds (that Bell Jetcopter of Joel Osteen needs lots of aviation fuel).

So in the aggregate, conservatives generally DO give more money to charities than Liberals do.
Conservatives simply give to causes that benefit themselves personally or virtue signal their "piety".
I've showed some of my research and pointed you in a clear path.. I will not spend the next hours giving you the research it took me months to do. I've made it easy to follow the thread. Go to it.

You posted three links, two of which had nothing to do with your original point. Then we got

Seek and ye shall find. I just did a little bit of quick digging and lo and behold. I found articles like this from relatively liberal sources.

Months you say?
Nah he went and deleted his posts, then hid for a couple years, and now has returned. I pulled that from one where he was quoated. It will only be a matter of time before he start spouting the religious side. Kind of like how that situational Korean could keep it bottled up for a couple weeks....
How very unfortunate. This place was so less rancid during his self-imposed exile.
Ah well, he'll eventually have another meltdown and tuck tail and leave. They all do.
You posted three links, two of which had nothing to do with your original point. Then we got

Months you say?
If you choose to see things through such a liberal filter that you can say the sources cited are irrelevant, I can't help you. You will see what you want to see. Hopefully others seeing this are not so willfully ignorant and willingly blind.
If you choose to see things through such a liberal filter that you can say the sources cited are irrelevant, I can't help you. You will see what you want to see. Hopefully others seeing this are not so willfully ignorant and willingly blind.
How DARE people not respect your extremely biased sources!
May JESUS return and SMITE them!
If you choose to see things through such a liberal filter that you can say the sources cited are irrelevant, I can't help you. You will see what you want to see. Hopefully others seeing this are not so willfully ignorant and willingly blind.
Your original assertion was that Republicans give more to charity than Democrats. The abstract from that paper pointed out that this could be explained by religious donations, but you say that doesn't count.

Next two links were:

Party affiliation among atheists​

Republicans more likely than Democrats to believe in heaven, say only their faith leads there​

These have nothing to do with your original point, which makes them irrelevant. Did your months of research turn up any actual data?
Your original assertion was that Republicans give more to charity than Democrats. The abstract from that paper pointed out that this could be explained by religious donations, but you say that doesn't count.

Next two links were:

Party affiliation among atheists​

Republicans more likely than Democrats to believe in heaven, say only their faith leads there​

These have nothing to do with your original point, which makes them irrelevant. Did your months of research turn up any actual data?
Again, worldview determines social behavior. That in fact was the point of the Pee research studies, and the relatively liberal sources cited actually openly state that they are looking at the reasons for greater giving on the conservative side. You either ignored what you didn't want to see or didn't bother reading the articles, just skimmed headlines. Willfully blind.
Again, worldview determines social behavior. That in fact was the point of the Pee research studies, and the relatively liberal sources cited actually openly state that they are looking at the reasons for greater giving on the conservative side. You either ignored what you didn't want to see or didn't bother reading the articles, just skimmed headlines. Willfully blind.
Your worldview is that religion is a superior perspective. And that's based on nothing but your bias.
Again, worldview determines social behavior. That in fact was the point of the Pee research studies, and the relatively liberal sources cited actually openly state that they are looking at the reasons for greater giving on the conservative side. You either ignored what you didn't want to see or didn't bother reading the articles, just skimmed headlines. Willfully blind.
From the articles that you found 'from a little bit of quick digging'

Republicans attend church more frequently and donate through their congregations

Not all religious donations go to the needy. Did your months of research give give figures that take this in to account?

It’s true that religion is the essential reason conservatives give more, and religious liberals are as generous as religious conservatives. Among the stingiest of the stingy are secular conservatives.
Which doesn't support your thesis.
From the articles that you found 'from a little bit of quick digging'

Republicans attend church more frequently and donate through their congregations

Not all religious donations go to the needy. Did your months of research give give figures that take this in to account?

It’s true that religion is the essential reason conservatives give more, and religious liberals are as generous as religious conservatives. Among the stingiest of the stingy are secular conservatives.
Which doesn't support your thesis.
Actually it does when you pair that with the pew research studies. It's why I posted both
As the reverse is true. The Pew research studies prove the point when paired with the lib studies and articles
First Pew study says that Democrats are more likely to be atheists. Don't think anyone's arguing about that.

Second one says that Republicans (being more religious) are more likely to believe in heaven. No one is complaining about the idea of religious people believing in heaven either.

Your original point was that Republicans give more to charity than Democrats. To quote again from one of the of the articles you cite:

According to Google’s figures, if donations to all religious organizations are excluded, liberals give slightly more to charity than conservatives do. But Brooks says that if measuring by the percentage of income given, conservatives are more generous than liberals even to secular causes.

So looking at it one way, Republicans give more. Look another way, liberals do. Good to know. Thanks.
It may in fact be true that you are a wonderful, generous, kind person. However, as the studies linked above show, The great majority of liberals and Democrats, particularly if they have atheistic leanings, do not have that true about them. That isn't theory or or conjecture. There are empirical studies showing this to be true. I applaud you for your concern and care for others, sure you donate to charities but have nothing to do with the government at a regular basis. This is simply not the case for many of your fellow liberals and Democrats who have those leanings that you have. Again this isn't theory this is what the studies empirically show.
As I've pointed out, the study you linked doesn't show anything, other than there MIGHT BE a connection between political affiliations and charitable giving. As was stated in the conclusion of the study you linked, there were "mixed results" and anaylsis of the metadata "suggests" (but does not in any way prove) your supposition.

By admission in the study's conclusion, does not prove what you claim it does. The problem here is you are making the jump from "suggest" to "proven" (albeit without ever directly stating it) without any empirical evidence. It might come to pass, with more investigation thatwhat you claim is true. The study certainly points in that direction. But to claim it proves your point, is disingenuous or ignorant.

As the reverse is true. The Pew research studies prove the point when paired with the lib studies and articles
Like wtf, you make claims then run away when they get blown up. Christ, answer Comshaw you fucking coward.
Somebody's shill was getting deconstructed in this thread...and there's no Secrets about it... :ROFLMAO: