Why We Have the Political Opinions We Have, by John Engelman


Jan 8, 2022
In The Hidden Agenda of the Political Mind: How Self-Interest Shapes Our Opinions And Why We Won't Admit It Jason Weeden & Robert Kurzban argue that self interest, rather than political philosophy, determines party affiliation. However self interest consists of economic and social interests. Consequently, party affiliation is complex. Nevertheless, if one knows a person's economic and social interests one can predict that person's party affiliation with a certain amount of accuracy.

Economic issues largely concern who pays how much in taxes, and what the money is spent for. Economic conservatives favor lower taxes for the rich, and less domestic spending. Economic liberals favor the opposite. Economic conservatives will explain their opinions by saying in so many words, "I am in favor of freedom, and Constitutional government. Democrats want to punish our most productive citizens."

Economic liberals will say in effect, "I think everyone is entitled to a decent standard of living. The Republicans only care about the rich."

Social issues largely concern sexual behavior and factors that restrict it, although attitudes about guns, criminals, race, and immigrants are also important. Social conservatives will explain their opinions this way, "I am in favor of Judeo Christian morality. Secular humanists favor the sexual license that has always resulted in the fall of civilizations."

Social liberals will counter with an argument that sounds like this, "I am in favor of tolerance. The religious right is intolerant, and probably racist and sexist besides."

Immigration is a social and an economic issue. Many Americans do not like cultural diversity. Others like it. Most Americans are jeopardized by the downward pressure a high rate of immigration exerts on wages. Hispanics and Asians, most of whom are immigrants or recent descendants of immigrants, want fewer restrictions on immigration. Blacks understandably tend to favor policies that benefit blacks as a race. Many whites oppose those policies, even when they share economic interests with blacks.

Libraries can be filled with books that argue for one or another of these attitudes. Jason Weeden and Robert Kurzban assert that people do not have the opinions they have because they have read books with good arguments. Instead, they read books that reinforce opinions they already have. These opinions in turn are based on how they perceive their economic and social interests.

The United States government is a democracy. We are equal under the law. Nevertheless, wealth, education, and power correlate. Those with the most of each tend to be more libertarian than the population as a whole. That is to say, they tend to be more conservative on economic issues, and more liberal on social issues. These are the people who lead the two major political parties. Consequently, when the Republican and Democratic parties compromise, the compromise ends up to the right of the American consensus on economic issues, and to the left on social issues.

This is particularly true of the Supreme Court and of courts in general. The Supreme Court has legalized abortion, outlawed prayer in public schools, and legalized nearly unlimited campaign funding by rich people. These rich people of course expect results from the politicians they contribute to, results that benefit them in particular and rich people in general.

In What is the Matter with Kansas? Thomas Frank expressed incredulity and displeasure at the fact that low income whites in Kansas (and the rest of the country) usually vote against their economic interests by voting Republican.

Well, it turns out that low income whites usually have liberal opinions about Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment compensation. They also have conservative opinions on issues like gay marriage, abortion, prayer in the schools, gun control, affirmative action, and immigration.

Lower income whites usually vote Republican because for them social issues are more important than economic issues. Nevertheless, their liberal economic views often come as a shock to the Republican politicians they vote for when those Republican politicians get serious about cutting specific items in the domestic budget.

The vast majority of blacks vote Democratic. Their opposition to gay rights issues often displeases the Democratic politicians they elect.

President Reagan did little to advance the agenda of the Religious Right that had enabled him to be elected in 1980. (The only thing I can think of is that he helped to stop the Equal Rights Amendment from passing.) President Reagan did cut the top tax rate from 70 percent to 28 percent. Under the Obama administration corporations got bailouts. Ordinary citizens did not.

The prime movers of political affiliation are income, education, race, and sexual behavior. Generally speaking income correlates with economic conservatism. Education correlates with social liberalism. People favor policies that benefit others of their race. Number of sex partners varies inversely with church attendance.

There is a strong correlation between income and education. Nevertheless, when income is held constant, those with more education lean to the left. When education is held constant, those with more income lean to the right.

At the extremes, someone with nothing to show for a PhD. or a law degree but unpaid student loan debts and a low wage job is likely to vote Democratic or perhaps Green. High school dropouts who become prosperous business owners tend to vote Republican or perhaps Libertarian.

Whites tend to vote Republican, even when they are poor. Non whites and Jews tend to vote Democratic, even when they are rich. The tendency of Jews and Asians to vote Democratic even when they are rich irritates Republicans. It can probably be explained by the fact that Asian societies value social harmony, and that American society values individualism and competition. Jews are less averse to competition, but they usually have a collective memory of the shtetl, the ghetto, and the lower east side of Manhattan.

Moreover, the tragic history of the Jews has taught them that they are safest in multi ethnic societies, where no ethnicity is clearly dominant. For obvious reasons they feel differently about Israel. The Jewish tendency to support lower immigration laws in the United States, but stricter immigration laws in Israel angers white nationalists.

The authors get their data about how Americans with different characteristics behave and think from the U.S. General Social Survey (GSS). Most of what they find is what you would expect: rich people are less likely to favor higher taxes on the rich that are poor people; promiscuous people are more likely to favor legal abortion than are monogamous people; gun owners are less likely to favor more gun control laws than are people who do not own guns, etc.

One area where people differ is in human capital. People with high human capital score well on mental aptitude tests and are well educated. People with low human capital test poorly and are poorly educated. People with high human capital welcome competition with people of other races and religions. People with low human capital desire a form of group based preference.

Blacks and Hispanics with low human capital desire affirmative action policies. White Gentiles with low human capital want Jews and non whites to be discriminated against in hiring and university admissions.

Low human capital explains the antisemitism that infects some websites on the internet. White Gentiles with low human capital sneer at the poverty of poor blacks and Hispanics at the same time that they resent the prosperity of Jews and Orientals.

The most interesting finding of this book is that sexual behavior has more of an influence on religious attendance than does religious attendance have on sexual behavior. The authors discuss sexual behavior with a continuum that ranges from those they call "Freewheelers" at one extreme, to "Ring Bearers" on the other. Freewheelers enjoy sexual variety and casual sex, and have little interest in marriage. Ring Bearers have little (or no) interest in sexual variety and casual sex, and much interest in marriage.
It is true that Ring Bearers are more likely to have been raised in church going families. Freewheelers are more likely to have been raised in secular families. Nevertheless, Ring Bearers raised in secular families have a stronger tendency to go to church than do all adults who were raised in church going families.

Ring Bearers benefit from a society with more Ring Bearers, and consequently from a society that discourages Freewheeling. Outlawing abortion increases the costs of Freewheeling. Although anti abortion people claim to be pro life they are more likely to favor capital punishment, and a foreign policy that increases the possibility of war. They are also less likely to support Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. Although pro abortion people claim to be pro choice, they also tend to favor more government restrictions in other areas, such as gun control laws, and seat belt laws.

If religious upbringing, or its lack, is not the main cause of adopting the Freewheeling or Ring Bearing lifestyle, what is? The authors suggest that genes are important.

The sexual revolution has benefited Freewheelers at the expense of Ring Bearers. The sexual revolution has meant that there are fewer virgins and fewer marriage prospects that are willing to wait for marriage. It also means that it is easier to find a sex partner who does not expect a long term relationship. I have not found these polls on the internet. Nevertheless I have read that a Gallup poll taken as late as 1969 indicated that most Americans by a significant margin still thought sex outside of marriage was morally wrong. By 1974 that had changed. Five years are insufficient to lead to significant genetic changes. What also happened during this time was the fact that the War in Vietnam became unpopular with the general public, and the Watergate scandal. Attitudes toward the War in Vietnam and Watergate influenced respect for traditional ways of thinking and feeling about things in general.

What I suspect is that between 1969 and 1974 political events influenced changes in sexual mores and behavior. For genetic reasons some people were more susceptible to these political events than others. Even politically conservative Vietnam era military personnel and military veterans spent formative years in an environment that does not encourage chastity.

Freewheelers and Ring Bearers differ in other respects. Freewheelers are more likely to patronize bars. They are more likely to smoke marijuana. They are more likely to favor legal abortion. They are more likely to favor no restrictions on pornography. They are more likely to get divorced if they marry. Finally (and you were waiting for this) they are more likely to vote Democratic.

When comparing the behavior of people who differ on one characteristic, we should be careful to compare those who are similar on other characteristics. For example, born again Christians are more likely to get divorced than are secular people. However, born again Christians are much more likely to get married than are secular people. When we compare the divorce rates of born again Christians who have been married, with the divorce rates of secular people who have been married, the secular people have a higher divorce rate.

It is also true that non born again Christians who have been married have a lower rate of divorce than born again Christians who have been married. This is because born again Christians tend to have less education. Less education correlates with higher divorce rates. If education is held constant it is reasonable to assume that once married born again Christians will have a lower divorce rate than once married non born again Christians, although the authors do not demonstrate this.

The authors do not discuss sexual possessiveness. Nevertheless, observation, listening, reading, and introspection convince me that Freewheelers do not usually care about the previous sexual experience of their sex partners (although some male Freewheelers enjoy seducing virgins). Ring Bearers on the other hand strongly prefer, if they do not demand, their marriage partners to have had little or no previous experience.

This explains much of the difference between church and bar attendance among Ring Bearers and Freewheelers. Virgins are more likely to be sitting in the same pew than on a nearby bar stool.

According to the U.S. General Social Survey (GSS) when the bride and groom are both virgins they have only a fifteen percent chance of ever getting divorced. The national average is about fifty percent. It has risen with national changes in sexual behavior. Ring Bearers tend to have more children than Freewheelers.

I believe from other sources than this book that children raised to adulthood by both parents living together in matrimony tend to do much better in life than children raised in other circumstances. I also believe that human population growth has heavy environmental and economic costs.

This is where the sexual revolution presents us with a dilemma. It has reduced the birth rate.Population growth is a problem. It has also increased the number of children raised in circumstances that place them at risk. The authors do not make that sort of editorial comment. This is wise. They are not interested in advocating behavior. They are interested in explaining it.

In political arguments facts and logical reasoning are seldom effective. Think of the economic and social interests of the people you are arguing with. Think of this also when composing political messages designed to convert others.
Your political views are based solely on your racist perspective.
Is that why I want higher taxes on rich people and corporations, and more environmental protection? Is that why I admire Jews and Orientals, even though I am a white Gentile? Is that why I vote Democrat?
I started off republican then democrat. Now I am an independent, atheist, SOB. If I agree with you it's an accident.
Is that why I want higher taxes on rich people and corporations, and more environmental protection? Is that why I admire Jews and Orientals, even though I am a white Gentile? Is that why I vote Democrat?
Everything is about race to you. You literally can't go an entire week without bringing up race.
Everything is about race to you. You literally can't go an entire week without bringing up race.
Week? The fucking piece of shit lives it every second of his life. At the least, that is the impressing his posting history gives me.
In The Hidden Agenda of the Political Mind: How Self-Interest Shapes Our Opinions And Why We Won't Admit It Jason Weeden & Robert Kurzban argue that self interest, rather than political philosophy, determines party affiliation. However self interest consists of economic and social interests. Consequently, party affiliation is complex. Nevertheless, if one knows a person's economic and social interests one can predict that person's party affiliation with a certain amount of accuracy.
How do you square the self-interest differences between say the political philosophies of George Soros and Elon Musk?
The political philosophy of Elon Musk? He doesn't have one!
How do you square the self-interest differences between say the political philosophies of George Soros and Elon Musk?
Rich liberals, like George Soros, are rarely if ever liberal on economic issues. They are not known to be enthusiasts for a more progressive tax system, more business regulations, more restrictions on campaign financing, and so on.

I understand that one of Soros' major issues is immigration: he wants to weaken restrictions on immigration. Immigration is both a social issue and an economic issue. Many whites do not like people of other races and ethnicities. They do not like the sight and sound of foreign languages.

(I like Jews and Orientals, but that is another topic.)

Immigration is also an economic issue. By competing for jobs immigrants enable employers to cut wages. By competing for places to live immigrants enable landlords to raise rents. As a result, a high rate of immigration benefits those who get most of their incomes from interest, rent, and dividends.

By promoting fewer restrictions on immigration Soros advances his economic interests.

An additional fact that influences Soros's opinions is that he is Jewish. (As mentioned, I like Jews, but let me proceed.) Many Jews have learned from the history of Russia before World War I, and from from the history of Germany after World War I that Jews are often vulnerable if they are the most visible minority. This prevents them from realizing that by promoting more immigration they provoke the hostility of white Gentiles who would otherwise accept them. In addition, Muslims are the most anti Jewish demographic in the world.

The only thing I know about Elon Musk's background is that he has moved here from South Africa. As a result I doubt he has a positive opinion about blacks. He probably dislikes the way the mainstream media, and the social media, censor unflattering facts about the Negro race. He wants Twitter to become a medium where it is safe to draw attention to these unflattering facts.

Elon Musk
Rich liberals, like George Soros, are rarely if ever liberal on economic issues. They are not known to be enthusiasts for a more progressive tax system, more business regulations, more restrictions on campaign financing, and so on.

I understand that one of Soros' major issues is immigration: he wants to weaken restrictions on immigration. Immigration is both a social issue and an economic issue. Many whites do not like people of other races and ethnicities. They do not like the sight and sound of foreign languages.

(I like Jews and Orientals, but that is another topic.)

Immigration is also an economic issue. By competing for jobs immigrants enable employers to cut wages. By competing for places to live immigrants enable landlords to raise rents. As a result, a high rate of immigration benefits those who get most of their incomes from interest, rent, and dividends.

By promoting fewer restrictions on immigration Soros advances his economic interests.

An additional fact that influences Soros's opinions is that he is Jewish. (As mentioned, I like Jews, but let me proceed.) Many Jews have learned from the history of Russia before World War I, and from from the history of Germany after World War I that Jews are often vulnerable if they are the most visible minority. This prevents them from realizing that by promoting more immigration they provoke the hostility of white Gentiles who would otherwise accept them. In addition, Muslims are the most anti Jewish demographic in the world.

The only thing I know about Elon Musk's background is that he has moved here from South Africa. As a result I doubt he has a positive opinion about blacks. He probably dislikes the way the mainstream media, and the social media, censor unflattering facts about the Negro race. He wants Twitter to become a medium where it is safe to draw attention to these unflattering facts.
Pro Tip: Soro's main motive is anti-Americanism and the imposition of Socialism, hence his monetary support for ant-American Socialists running for office in America.
Pro Tip: Soro's main motive is anti-Americanism and the imposition of Socialism, hence his monetary support for ant-American Socialists running for office in America.
That is your interpretation of Soros' motives. His website mentions neither hostility toward the United States, nor support for socialism. As long as it exited in Europe Soros was opposed to Communism.


George Soros​

“A full and fair discussion is essential to democracy.”
George Soros has been a prominent international supporter of democratic ideals and causes for more than 30 years. His philanthropic organization, the Open Society Foundations, supports democracy and human rights in more than 100 countries.


The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and inclusive democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens.

Born in Budapest in 1930, George Soros is chair of Soros Fund Management LLC. As one of history’s most successful financiers, his views on investing and economic issues are widely followed. This is the official site for information about George Soros.

Engelman directs a lot of his elitist discourse toward dividing the human race into factional "races" and claiming that his generalizations about various traits are "truth".

His description of what he calls "the Negro race" in this thread is a typical case in point. It's elitism that fails to take into account the history and epigenetic/cultural impacts of slavery.

I'm not impressed by his pseudo intellectualism.
Engelman directs a lot of his elitist discourse toward dividing the human race into factional "races" and claiming that his generalizations about various traits are "truth".

His description of what he calls "the Negro race" in this thread is a typical case in point. It's elitism that fails to take into account the history and epigenetic/cultural impacts of slavery.

I'm not impressed by his pseudo intellectualism.
"The Inequality Taboo," by Charles Murray, Commentary, September 2005

The Harvard geneticist Richard Lewontin originated the idea of race as a social construct in 1972, arguing that the genetic differences across races were so trivial that no scientist working exclusively with genetic data would sort people into blacks, whites, or Asians. In his words, "racial classification is now seen to be of virtually no genetic or taxonomic significance."

Lewontin's position, which quickly became a tenet of political correctness, carried with it a potential means of being falsified. If he was correct, then a statistical analysis of genetic markers would not produce clusters corresponding to common racial labels. In the last few years, that test has become feasible, and now we know that Lewontin was wrong.

Several analyses have confirmed the genetic reality of group identities going under the label of race or ethnicity. In the most recent, published this year, all but five of the 3,636 subjects fell into the cluster of genetic markers corresponding to their self identified ethnic group. When a statistical procedure, blind to physical characteristics and working exclusively with genetic information, classifies 99.9 percent of the individuals in a large sample in the same way they classify themselves, it is hard to argue that race is imaginary.



Once we determine that race is an important biological classification of humans, it becomes legitimate to notice how the races have always differed everywhere and always throughout history in average intelligence, as well as criminal and sexual behavior.

Those who continue to maintain that the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow legislation are responsible for low average intelligence for blacks, and high rates of crime and illegitimacy cannot explain why black crime and illegitimacy have risen dramatically since the beginning of 1964, when the civil rights legislation was passed into law, and the War on Poverty was declared.

It was not supposed to be this way. An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy was published in 1944. It was written by Gunnar Myrdal, a Swedish academic who later won the Nobel Prize for Economics.

In this book Dr. Myrdal acknowledged that blacks tended to perform less well than whites intellectually, and that they had higher rates of crime and illegitimacy. He attributed this to racial discrimination, and predicted that when blacks were given equal rights, most of them would perform and behave as well as most whites.

When this did not happen civil rights activists tried to suppress mention of what did happen.
The only inferiority I observe in this thread is Engelman's total absence of empathy. He has no idea how damaging his judgmental theories are to people of backgrounds he deems as being inferior.
That is your interpretation of Soros' motives. His website mentions neither hostility toward the United States, nor support for socialism. As long as it exited in Europe Soros was opposed to Communism.


George Soros​

George Soros has been a prominent international supporter of democratic ideals and causes for more than 30 years. His philanthropic organization, the Open Society Foundations, supports democracy and human rights in more than 100 countries.


The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and inclusive democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens.

Born in Budapest in 1930, George Soros is chair of Soros Fund Management LLC. As one of history’s most successful financiers, his views on investing and economic issues are widely followed. This is the official site for information about George Soros.

It's his actions that define his intent. He finances the most anti-American pro-crime DAs in the country along with the subversives in the Democrat Party.
The only inferiority I observe in this thread is Engelman's total absence of empathy. He has no idea how damaging his judgmental theories are to people of backgrounds he deems as being inferior.
Or, in a different way, to the ones he deems superior. I have yet to meet the first Asian (and I am married to one!) who enjoys being called "the model minority". As for his belief that Jews are superior, that was arguably the root cause of the Holocaust if you dig deep enough.
Or, in a different way, to the ones he deems superior. I have yet to meet the first Asian (and I am married to one!) who enjoys being called "the model minority". As for his belief that Jews are superior, that was arguably the root cause of the Holocaust if you dig deep enough.
If the clock was rolled back in time, and JE was placed in Germany in the late 1920's, he would have been lapping at Hitlers feet. Of that I have zero doubt.
Are these actual books or just a way to publish your writings without submitting them through the proper channels for review?
Are these actual books or just a way to publish your writings without submitting them through the proper channels for review?
Do a Google search for "The Hidden Agenda of the Political Mind: How Self-Interest Shapes Our Opinions And Why We Won't Admit It" + "Jason Weeden" + "Robert Kurzban"
If the clock was rolled back in time, and JE was placed in Germany in the late 1920's, he would have been lapping at Hitlers feet. Of that I have zero doubt.
I am a Christian who admires Jews, respects Judaism, and loves Israel.

I was banned from Stormfront after two weeks for pointing out that one of Hitler's accusations against German Jews during World War I was incorrect.


Almost every clerk a Jew and every Jew a clerk. I was amazed by this multitude of fighters of the Chosen People and could not help comparing them with the few representatives they had on the front.

- Adolf Hitler, from Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter VII, "The Revolution"

Footnote on the same page:

Jewish citizens of Germany at the time the War broke out numbered about 550,000. Of these 100,000 were in uniform, and of these four-fifth saw duty at the front. There were 12,000 casualties, so that the ration was virtually the same as that for the population as a whole. 35,000 Jews were decorated for bravery...These figures are based on official German war records.


My edition of Mein Kampf was printed in 1940, so I could not add that Anne Frank's father was a German soldier during World War I on the Western Front.
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The only inferiority I observe in this thread is Engelman's total absence of empathy. He has no idea how damaging his judgmental theories are to people of backgrounds he deems as being inferior.
Those people should behave and perform in ways that demonstrate that they are not inferior. I am not preventing them.
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