People are scared of the stupidest shit


Jul 29, 2002
I work in a little podunk town. Now, with that being said, we are not a metropolis by any means, although we have a university.

Where I work, people come and go. Which is fine with me, I accept all people. But, my friend who works there became terrified when two men came into the store.

She panicked a bit, but kept cool. She then ran over to me and was breathing hard. What she says to me is "I was so worried there for a moment."

What am I trying to say? These two men were normal, everyday guys. They were from India, going to school here.

She thought they looked Arabic and she got scared. WTF?

Okay, I can understand being scared if you have a gun in your face, but because two dark haired, dark skinned men are near you? What the hell has happened to us?

I wasn't afraid, there was no reason to be in the first place. But she was terrified to two young men from India. Is this what we have all become?

Hanns, I know you are going to post here, and for once, I am actually interested in what you think.
Did they climb two self-hanging ropes into the sky and disappear? Cause if I saw that, I'd be like, whoa, that's kinda creepy. Otherwise I'd just punch them in the nuts and steal their curries.

I was having a conversation just twenty minutes ago about something very similiar to this.

I have a friend who lives in another country, we were talking about how prejudiced people can be. He told me about a few problems he'd encountered coming to America. I know I'm naive and sheltered but it amazed me because I just don't think that way. I don't jump to the conclusion that because they look a little different than I do, that they are going to harm me.

But I see people as just that, people.
I thought maybe they went to the bathroom, formed a cocoon, and crawled out at night as flesh eatting zombies ala X files.
Re: Re: People are scared of the stupidest shit

Problem Child said:

I don't know, it seemed like a good idea at the time.
every men I've talked to from india have almost stalked me. I've made it a habbit to not answer Pms from people from india. I am not being racist. I DO NOT like to be harrased. If I met a nice man from india I wouldnt have a problem being friend's with him.
Pixie Mischief said:
every men I've talked to from india have almost stalked me. I've made it a habbit to not answer Pms from people from india. I am not being racist. I DO NOT like to be harrased. If I met a nice man from india I wouldnt have a problem being friend's with him.
At least you are honest.

I don't worry about people's prejudices, but you do have a valid point. Some people just don't get it, you know?

But I have been where you are and I understand completely!!
Bitch and moan, bitch and moan. Is that all you know how to do ?

I bet you are afraid of your own shadow, you big, fat fuck.
I'm afraid that someone is gonna come and tell me that I can't be in America cause I wasnt born here, but most people who are prejudiced against those from another race have actually been born in America!

go figure!

Dont hate me cause im canadian!! lol I love america, whoo hoo!!

got better tv channels thats for sure!
EarthWind said:
I'm afraid that someone is gonna come and tell me that I can't be in America cause I wasnt born here, but most people who are prejudiced against those from another race have actually been born in America!

go figure!

Dont hate me cause im canadian!! lol I love america, whoo hoo!!

got better tv channels thats for sure!

I'm not thinknig anyones gonna try and get you deported to Canada, man. We make fun of you kids sometimes, but I don't know anyone who doesn't think of Canada as the 51st State. :D
BgMma99 said:
she was terrified to two young men from India. Is this what we have all become?

The USA has declared war on a group of people of indeterminate origin and location, most, if not all of whom have olive skin.

Thousands of these people entered the USA over the past several years, most as students..or they married Americans.

Given that your country and those who stand with it are under attack from these unseen, uncatchable dark skinned people (today the Netherlands) makes sense that the fear will build.

It's like the Viet Kong are in the continental USA.

And to a greater degree than the USA has ever experienced....

It's helpless.

Not a good shituation.

Given that Muslim fundamentalism has been growing for the past 25 years or more (the overthrow of the USA backed & friendly Shaw of Iran in 79-80)....I expect this will intensify for the rest of our days.
RastaPope said:
I'm not thinknig anyones gonna try and get you deported to Canada, man. We make fun of you kids sometimes, but I don't know anyone who doesn't think of Canada as the 51st State. :D

Funny, I don't know anyone who thinks of Canada as the 51st state.
Pixie-tiny but gorgeous....redheads..mmmm

Okay, back to the thread. Try riding up to a small town store with 6 to 10 Harleys with the riders averaging about 250lbs. Add 70lbs of leather and chains, and by the time you enter to buy a Pepsi, they're on the phone to Barney Fife. Perception and paranoia are a strange mix of emotions. The same goes for those that wear "hip-hop" clothing with improperly worn baseball caps, it doesn't matter what the reason is. I've had the best time with people that others would be scared shitless of. Cops scare me more than any "suspicious" persons I would come across! :D
*blushes badly* thank you for the compliment hehe actually I am a redhead but that shade is not natural LOL I've been blonde lately thought.
Re: Re: People are scared of the stupidest shit

Given that Muslim fundamentalism has been growing for the past 25 years or more (the overthrow of the USA backed & friendly Shaw of Iran in 79-80)....I expect this will intensify for the rest of our days. [/B]

the rest of my days.........I am afraid this is true......just look at all those who are being held right now, without benefit of legal council............and it is bound to get worse........the US government has an agenda which the majority of the puplic is not privy to, let alone agree with................

bf intimidates people I'm sure hes 230 lbs or more LOL and not very tall. hes a big boy.
Darkthought said:
Funny, I don't know anyone who thinks of Canada as the 51st state.

85% of everything produced in Canada drives down the 401 into the USA.

The largest industry in Ontario is auto manufacturing for US export.

BC is presently crippled due to its largest industry, softwood lumber, being barred under NAFTA.

If Alberta sees the feds sign Kyoto, the Oil & gas patch will virtually dry up, in particular Syncrude.

The oil and gas on the east coast is all flowing south.

Quebec electricity export is a major part of its economy.

The Ontario government spends hundreds of millions of dollars annually on advertising, trade offices, public-private partnerships, tourism, etc etc...all aimed at remaining close not to the rest of Canada...but the US.

Remember all the fuss about Canadian trucks held up at the border after 9/11? Canada is the hewer of wood and toter of water to our colonial masters.

That's a start for you, Mr. NBA, MLB, NHL (likely) NFL-wanna be Torontonian.

Re: Re: Re: People are scared of the stupidest shit

greybeard said:
the rest of my days.........I am afraid this is true......just look at all those who are being held right now, without benefit of legal council............and it is bound to get worse........the US government has an agenda which the majority of the puplic is not privy to, let alone agree with................


Don't forget... you had presidential elections suspended once before during wartime, yes?

(Perhaps the Bush II junta wasn't so bad after all.)

The USA is already under a color coded marshall law.

It's all being spun quite nicely...but by the way... your government is making war.

More musicals! Hooray for Hollywood!


Pixie- Hair color doesn't matter..

I can see the the redheaded fire in your eyes! Trust me, I've almost exclusively dated redheaded females all my life, and thus my obsession. :D :rose:

*On the thread, is every thread an opening to bash the US, and the American people's suspicion of the unknown? Those that present this behavior have never turned away from a "suspicious" group of people? (race isn't a fucking issue) You make no apology for slamming US gun owners (NRA), people you have no clue as to their personalities, so fuck you in advance! :D