Pay the rent...or??? (closed for Becaa57)

Her fingers felt awesome against my skin and her hands so small against my ass.

‘“Sure, tell me all…it’s part of what defines you.”
I am working now almost totally on your ass, so firm. Squeezing it, rubbing thighs up, sliding a finger in between, watching you jump.
"Ok I've never told anyone this before. Bobby and I met in high school, I was a junior he was a senior. We started dating, dated for a year before we had sex. It was the first time for me, I think for him too, although he claimed to have been with another girl. I was silly a young girl in love, thought we'd end up married with babies. Well he graduated went to the local college and we continued dating, having sex. I learned early on, that if I wanted to cum I had to make that happen. After I graduated we even moved in together. Not something mom was happy about, but again I was expecting marriage at some point." Pausing to concentrate as I move down to your thighs only now, using a firm but not as heavy of touch. "Ok I'm sure you have noticed, but I'm not real big up top, just a B cup usually although when close to my period I move up to a C. But usually a B cup, Bobby always said he liked them.... My best friend Lisa has really big boobs, she was a D cup as a freshmen, I think a double D now. He always looked, but I though he was just being a boy" I stop rubbing your legs as the memory washes over me. "I knew something was going on, I'd come home and the bed would be made, fresh sheets, he said he spilt something, I just had a feeling. About 6 months ago I came home unexpectedly and they were in bed. He was telling her how much he loved her boobs, It killed me I couldn't think. I left the apartment and went home, I just told my parents we had a fight. He called over and over leaving messages apologizing he loves me blah blah blah. Mom and Dad wanted me to go back, to FORGIVE him. I can't even think of doing that well things got tense at home and here I am sitting naked on you!!!!" Sliding off I go over to your lounge, sitting down crying
She was definitely remembering the scene as it caused her to pause massaging. Apparently Bobby must be an ass and she was right, in my opinion, to dump him. Becca was perfect with her "B" cups, large boobs are way over rated. I stood, completely at ease even with an erection, and got us two fingers setting them down on the cafe table between the loungers. She was so light weight, I picked her up, settled down on my lounger and let her cuddle up in my lap.

"I think you did the right thing by leaving. So you have some baggage, we all do. How you carry it will determine your future path."
I'm vaguely aware of you getting up, pouring more drinks, but then you scoop my up settling down in your lounger pulling me to your chest, your arms around me. I lean against you, not bawling anymore, but still sobbing quietly, my body shaking as I work past months of anger and hurt and dealing with the zero support from my parents, although part of me know that it was zero from my mom, and dad had to go along with it. Finally calmed down enough to take the whiskey and take a much smaller sip this time. More to give me something to do then anything else. Looking up at you I try to smile, fail miserably but say "Thank you, sorry that all came out "
"No sorries needed Becca. Better to let it out, it won't change what happened but acceptance comes in small steps, hiding it just lets the pain build."

She curled up even more somehow and it was amazing how well she fit...
"Thank you" I pull myself into more of a ball on your lap, aware that you still have some of an erection pressing against my bottom, but not wondering about that right now, just enjoying you holding me in a way that I think my father should have, held me. And a warm feeling comes over me. I like how your body feels I discover too, you are in excellent shape especially for your age. I reach down, taking your hand and pulling it to my breast as part of the cuddle
Ignoring the feel of her ass against my erection (the best I could), I was surprised she placed my hand to her breast as she settled in deeper. Thoughts of her previous uses of "Daddy" came to mind. No massage going on, just that purposeful direct contact at her action.So many thoughts generated by it and my mind reflecting her desires to be pushed that I always sensed. As much as I desired to start that push I advised myself just to let her settle in and relax. Sipping my drink before I knew it her breathing slowed and her hand on mine that was enjoying her breast, slipped away. Slowly, I got out of the chair and carried up to her apartment. Probably not right of me, but I entered and placed her in her bed. Tempted to crawl in myself. After covering her, I headed back out and shut/locked her door.

I cleaned up the pool area and went through the evening again. Chuckled a bit about the interrupted massage, but glad she opened up. Tomorrow is another day.....
I open my eyes the next morning, confused for a moment where I am. Then realizing I'm in bed. Not remembering how I got here. Thinking either I walked up on my own, or he carried me up. Hearing my alarm going, I know I have to get up and get moving, school and work. I get up, take a quick shower and get dressed, grabbing a quick bite to eat. I head downstairs and out to my car. Looking back at your place thinking I will probably have to apologize for crying a little girl who lost her doll last night. Then off to a busy Monday
I pull into the driveway and head upstairs. Shedding my clothes I go to the stairs, the pool area is still dark, are you waiting for me, or gone out? I head downstairs, put my towel on what I've come to think of as my lounge. Flip the pool lights on. Then dive in, doing extra laps today to work off the nervous energy, I'm not sure how you will treat me after last nights melt down, I don't know the future of our friendship. I'd spent a good part of the day thinking about it, and do want it to continue, but I also know that's just me, you are an equal part of it, and you may not have the time or patience for me anymore. I get out and still no sign of you. I pour us both a drink in case you show up, and sit on my lounge letting my breathing return to normal
Damn business dinners. So caught up in last night's delightful activities with Becca, I totally forgot about it...almost, until getting to work this morning. Truth be told, I'd much prefer an evening poolside with her instead of a business dinner. I was surprised how comfortable she felt in my lap all curled up...not to mention how perfectly her breast fit in the palm of my hand. And that was another series of thoughts that I was comfortable with.

Getting a quick shower and staying stripped down I headed out pool side. And found it quite nice she already had drinks poured for us, and still dripping from some laps, she was laid out in her lounger. Her breathing just coming back to normal yet still it drew my attention to her chest.

"Well, good evening Becca, sorry I'm so late. Meeting at dinner carried on way too long. I hope you had a restful sleep and an enjoyable day?"
"Good evening George! I slept good, but curious how did I make it up to my bed?" Watching you move around, so comfortable anymore with being nude around you and you nude around me. "I hoped you come out, so I made you a drink. How was your day?"
Sitting down and having sip, "I took you up to your room. You seemed all comfy and maybe the memories just exhausted you. You seemed quite comfortable all curled up so I let you be you and enjoy."
"Thank you for that" taking a sip of my drink. "I'm sorry and a bit embarrassed about my behavior, but I think it helped me purge a lot of feelings and emotions out" Staring off into space for a bit. "I've made some decisions today about relationships mostly. I am totally done with Bobby, Our relationship outlive itself. What he did was wrong, but it's in the past now, I can't dwell on it. I think I'm going to text both my Dad and Lisa, which may surprise you. But they are people that I do miss having in my life. I am hurt that my dad didn't support me more, don't get me wrong on that. But in the past he has, so maybe gets a pass? Lisa well that's different, however she has been my best friend forever, and I never gave her the opportunity to tell her side of things. Beside from what I hear she is not seeing Bobby anymore. Both of them have continued to text me, I just delete them. Mostly though I want to thank you for being there for me, listening to what I have to say and not really saying much just listening, something everyone needs, you are a good man and I'm so very happy to have you as a friend. That part I want to keep the same, if you are willing"
Her words rang true on several levels.

"Dwelling on the past doesn't improve the future is what I've found to be true. No need for you to be embarrassed at all, Becca. Never be ashamed of what you are...or your needs."

Letting her give thought to that as I finished my drink.

"I'm glad to have you as a friend also and I too am glad to have you as my friend, and don't want that to change...just grow into more. Laps?"
I listen to you, thankful that you still want to be a friend.
"Sure a few more"
As I get up to take more, I think more on your comment about my needs and also your needs, although I know you have some 'Friends' who help take care of yours, from what I remember seeing last night you have some that might involve me
We both dive in and each of us lost in our own thoughts as we listen to the water rush by our ears. And as deeply as she was opening up last night, what did she remember about what happened? That deep snuggle into my lap...her locating my hand and purposely placing it on her breast? She needed that contact to calm her? Doesn't matter was damn pleasant on all levels. And keeping "that part" the same...? What if that meant more or did it mean as it was? What ever it was, it was getting more difficult to restrain myself after last night. Something about our connection was calling.

Pulling myself out of the pool and sitting down while watching her leave the pool. It wasn't taking a massage to get a reaction from me. A slight hesitation as she stood near our chairs drying off...maybe contemplating where to sit?

"So good to relieve the day's stress and find comfort."
You beat me out of the water, sitting there watching me as I come out and start drying off, thinking to myself I am not sure how to proceed with you now. I do enjoy the way you look at me, from head to toes, thinking I hope he doesn't mind my small breasts, I guess something I will always be sensitive about. Then your line about relieving the day's stress gives me an idea. "Yes it is good to relieve the stress, and I haven't forgotten I still owe you a massage. So Good sir if you will assume the position, face down please. I will finish what I started last night." Watching as you smile and lay on your lounge face down, your arms cradling your face. I straddle you, lowering onto the small of your back. My hands with the lotion on it, working on your shoulders. Nice and wide I think to myself, mentally for a moment comparing your body to Bobbies, then pushing that thought away. "If you would be so kind as to lay your arms down by your side", giving you a folded up towel to use as a pillow. When you comply I work the lotion into your arms from shoulders to down to palms and fingers
Despite a strong desire to watch her dry off and steal all I could of seeing her breasts, I comply. Somewhat amused at her taking charge though convinced at some levels she wanted to let out a submissive nature. I roll over and position myself as per her request, the warmth of her settling in to my lower back and giving me thoughts. Her hands work around my upper back, her weight shifting back and forth. And sensing some increased breathing on her part from the exertion of the massage or who knows what.

"This feels great, Becca. Just what I need..wanted."
I smile as you do what you say, different for me being the one telling you what to do. Rubbing your back, feeling your back muscles, so well defined "The swimming is paying off big time for you" Trying not to think how warm your back is between my legs, and what it would feel like if you were on your back. Shifting even further down. "I know it worked wonders for me the other night, but I can't promise you a happy ending :)" God thinking back, that was the biggest orgasm of my life, and I don't think it was really planned out be either of us
“Well, the swimming is just an added benefit to get time with you”

She shifted down, me losing that warmth on my lower back, but getting the added pleasure of hands there and just exploring my buttocks. Happy ending? Ahh….chuckling as I full well knew what she was referring to.

‘“If I drift off, just shake me when you need me to turnover.”
I spend more time on your buttocks then I probably should have, but to be honest this is a first for me, to touch a man here. "I think you've been swimming a lot longer then I've been living here!!" Shifting so I'm kind of riding your one leg more then the other, did it without thinking, but god that feels good.
"I'm not boring you am I??? Drifting off?"
Her hands weren’t tense but that cautious exploration I expected. Light fingers getting use to the form then firmer hands exploring. Shifting her hips lower but settling on one leg. While she maintained the massage, there was direct movement in her hips unrelated to it. I heard what she asked and chose to remain silent.
I continue massaging your bottom, until I realize that I've been on it a long time and discovering that unconsciously I'd been rubbing against your let, loving the sensations of that. Giving it a light smack, I move down to work on your thighs. Yours are much thicker then mine, but even so very trim and well muscled. You jump a little when my fingers do in between up against your body. I smile to myself and just work the muscles down, butt to knee
Once I get down to your feet, and including a foot massage as well. I give your bottom a little slap. "Ok big guy, time to turn over, front and back, just like you did to me" down at the foot of the lounge watching as you roll over.
She worked steadily and an unexpected touch that I swore had a little giggle with it when I jumped. Though not the most forceful massage, it was relaxing. Almost drifted off I get a light slap on my butt and told to turn over. I do so halfway, pause for a drink, then layout on my back completely.

“Okay, Daddy’s ready…”