obama care ~ cuckold


Literotica Guru
Feb 17, 2003
So, when does your company renew their health insurance? have you received the obama gift yet?

also, remember what your company contributes to your health insurance becomes income....a gift from obama the cuckold slave master

obama the cuckold, is like herpes, the gifts keep on cumming
I'm sorry; I'm just going to have to draw a line here in regard to the stupidity of your posts. I understand that you are only here to antagonize and I haven't put you on ignore yet because I enjoy whacking the pinata from time to time. However, this cuckold thing is beyond stupid and if you persist, I'm going to have to igggy you along with the other dregs of society.
Gee, now my company is providing better health insurance coverage than before. It's like getting a raise.
Jen long ago collapsed into a black hole of sheer stupidity. Now she's just spewing super-heated gas.

She's actually become a quasar of stupidity. The most stupid thing in the Universe.
Gee, now my company is providing better health insurance coverage than before. It's like getting a raise.

what are you taking about? sure, for people like you that chose not to work, obama care is good ...

but for those that work, obama care is crap ~ wealth redistribution welfare

obama - the slave master cuckold