My Ass Online


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
why? because I can't sleep
Who? why me of course.
another why?
Because I have a webcam and im not afraid to use it

feel free to bask in my greek god like visage, ... yes yes fall and worship at my feet.

Put before me your visages, so that my mighty thirst of curiosity may be properly quenched.
AHAHA I Can find my own ass

my poor scanner will never be the same.
your just jealous I can sit on a cold seat and not have my ass freeze, cause I come equiped with that nice coat of hair...

then again it also makes excellent camoflauge to blend in with deep pile carpets
Aquila said:
your just jealous I can sit on a cold seat and not have my ass freeze, cause I come equiped with that nice coat of hair...

then again it also makes excellent camoflauge to blend in with deep pile carpets

I'm not jealous of someone who has to comb their ass before they wipe it.
Whats that old saying.. Ill show you mine if you show me yours?

Come on I know your all a bit "Cheeky"

God I was gifted with the gift of pun, and I do give my thanks.. ohmmmmm
Aquila said:
my poor scanner will never be the same.

oooohhh....well that was clever, Aquila....nice ass....


scan your weenie......hard preferrably.....;)

O my son.. i see your fitting in quite well here. Yes you do have a fine ass.. And your cutey lil face is handsome as well..
I love the way you just jumped right in.

Thanks for sharing your face.

And your ass.

Aquila said:
your just jealous I can sit on a cold seat and not have my ass freeze, cause I come equiped with that nice coat of hair...

then again it also makes excellent camoflauge to blend in with deep pile carpets

Thanks for giving me my first laugh of the day! I think I'm going to enjoy you! :D

*note to self: read all of Aquila's posts from here on out*
sneak in a reply while im at work

SpiceCake said:

Thanks for giving me my first laugh of the day! I think I'm going to enjoy you! :D

*note to self: read all of Aquila's posts from here on out*

Everyone should get a dose of me, Im good for people.

Took 20 minutes to type this reply so far.. damn trying to reply at work.

And for all you people who complimented my ass.

Your damn right its a nice ass!
I accept your worship as my just due.
<<<big smile>>>

Aquila, you're so much fun.

did you finish writing that story yet?
awwww, so you're a quitter?

c'mon, just knock an ending on it, take you 20 minutes... I write all my stuff in 2 hours or less, and it shows! i spell check, fire it off to lit, and i'm done... <shrug>

didn't you have a whole thread of gathering info for that poor lil story???