Mr. Speaker! We Need To Get Back To Benghazi

So what do you think of NATO's response to the death of Anne Smedinghoff?

As an aside, I wonder how many gooks these guys killed in 'Nam?
You just gotta love the brother bozos Obama and Kerry...'s what Obama declared approx 6 months ago (October 26, 2012) re: the jihadists whom he illegally abetted militarily in their drive to overthrow Gaddafi, some of the same jihadists who then attacked and killed Americans in Gaddafi-less Libya:

But my biggest priority now is bringing those folks to justice and I think the American people have seen that’s a commitment I'll always keep.

Now, what do you think was truly his "biggest priority" less than two weeks before the election?

The facts are that not a single individual has been brought to justice yet, and Obama has again authorized military assistance to some of these same jihadists as they now reenact their Libya overthrow against Assad in Syria. Lovely...

...which likewise goes for Obama's boy Kerry; this is what he had to say about the jihadists currently murdering Americans in Afghan:

"Anne and those with her were attacked by the Taliban terrorists who woke up that day not with a mission to educate or to help, but with a mission to destroy. A brave American was determined to brighten the light of learning through books, written in the native tongue of the students she had never met, whom she felt it incumbent to help."

Kerry said Smedinghoff "was met by a cowardly terrorist determined to bring darkness and death to total strangers. These are the challenges that our citizens face, not just in Afghanistan but in many dangerous parts of the world – where a nihilism, an empty approach, is willing to take life rather than give it."

...Kerry said the terrorists only "strengthened the resolve of the nation, the diplomatic corps, the military, all resources determined to continue the hard work of helping people to help themselves."

He said "America does not and will not cower before terrorism. We are going to forge on, we're going to step up. ... We put ourselves in harm's way because we believe in giving hope to our brothers and sisters all over the world, knowing that we share universal human values with people all over the world – the dignity of opportunity and progress," the Obama administration's top diplomat said.

"So it is now up to us to determine what the legacy of this tragedy will be. Where others seek to destroy, we intend to show a stronger determination in order to brighten our shared future, even when others try to darken it with violence. That was Anne's mission," he added.

, wasn't it?

So maybe a bozo like playdeau can inform us all of exactly how many hundreds of millions Obama has already authorized to be distributed to the Afghan jihadists - the Taliban - to create and establish their own diplomatic headquarters in Qatar in order to negoitiate better with a Secretary of State who obviously has a natural flair for specialized ventriloquism...

...talking out of his butt while making the sounds appear to be coming out of both sides of his mouth.

How 'bout it, playdeau? Since you and yours consider yourself such an objective resource, how 'bout you be the bringer of fact to the table and answer these 4 inquiries:

1. Who was Ambassador Stevens specifically in Benghazi to meet the day he was killed? And why exactly was he meeting him?

2. How much - in $$$ and material and tactical assistance and logistical support - did Obama authorized be provided to abet jihadists in illegally overthrowing Gaddafi?

3. How much - in $$$ and material and tactical assistance and logistical support - is Obama currently authorizing to be provided in abetting jihadists in illegally overthrowing Assad?

4. How much $$$ has Obama authorized his gal Billary and guy Johnboy to transfer to the jihadists in Afghan - the Taliban - even as Kerry spews his tough guy talk as more and more Americans are intentionally being murdered by those very jihadists?

Or, since you obviously support these illegal and horrendous actions (evidenced by your voting to reelect the bozo)...

...just keep intentionally deflecting, instead, by bashing other American presidents for their like-wise illegal efforts in abetting the overthrow of previous governments and for their paying-off jihadists while those very jihadists murder American citizens.


What the frig am I even thinking about...

...bozos like you actually support the intentional killing of innocent American babies everyday here in America - why in the h3ll would you even begin to care about your tax dollars being spent to abet jihadists murdering American citizens everyday, too.

Forgive me, playdeau...

...for forgetting reality there for a minute or two.

Good question.

You should really read all of what I post, playdeau...

...then you'd realize I already portended your response:

...just keep intentionally deflecting, instead, by bashing other American presidents for their like-wise illegal efforts in abetting the overthrow of previous governments and for their paying-off jihadists while those very jihadists murder American citizens.

BTW: since you decline to answer the inquiries submitted specifically to you above, and since you've now brought it up yourself:

Could you tell us how many Americans were killed by the Taliban during Reagan's 8 years in Office...

...compared to how many Americans have been killed by the Taliban in the slightly more than 4 years Obama's held the same Office?

I mean...

...tell us without blaming Bush, too?

Can you do that?
Who was the Taliban fighting at the time?


they could just as easily post PICS

of US Presidents NUKING Japan and calling Germany all sorts of MONSTERS and FIGHTING THEM on land and sea and air

and 7 minutes later


BUNCHA DUMMIES post stupid pics

As an aside, I wonder how many gooks these guys killed in 'Nam?


The others NEVER had warnings fro MONTHS

Never had a chance to defend themselves


Interesting pic. Didn't know there was text to go with it. :)

you are a good example why women should be chained to kitchens or bathrooms!

you gonna run to the PO LEECE and complain?



Now, Bb, I know how you and your bff's stick together. You guys just love to show how lovely you are because in reality you're miserable as hell.

There is a spot on your shoulder that is empty....look for another chip to put there
Sorry, dear..I think your hate for everyone but old white Republicans is in the way.
I want to know who you mean.

He has little red rings from being touched by ten-foot poles...
That he doesn't have any bffs...

He is also an act, a parody of the Left, and phrases his answers as a mirror to their conversational "debate" norm.

To blast him is to blast the Left in absentia.