Mr. Speaker! We Need To Get Back To Benghazi

"We've seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with."

This was absolutely true.

Not sure what your point is. She is blaming the video which turned out not to be the cause of the deaths. It was not a spontaneous reaction to the video. It was a planned assault.

I am not saying there was anything she could have done to prevent it. What I am saying is after it happened she decided to shift the blame to a video and it had nothing to do with what anything the administration could have done. Not me or us! The video caused it. Watch it.
Not sure what your point is. She is blaming the video which turned out not to be the cause of the deaths. It was not a spontaneous reaction to the video. It was a planned assault.

I am not saying there was anything she could have done to prevent it. What I am saying is after it happened she decided to shift the blame to a video and it had nothing to do with what anything the administration could have done. Not me or us! The video caused it. Watch it.
There were over fifty deaths and hundreds of injuries from the protests over the video. That is what she talked about.
I am not saying there was anything she could have done to prevent it. What I am saying is after it happened she decided to shift the blame to a video and it had nothing to do with what anything the administration could have done. Not me or us! The video caused it. Watch it.

Welcome to how all governments characterize events when, for intelligence purposes, that covers for something else going on that they don't want to get out in public--mostly because the public in a country like the United States blabs every little secret they are told and you can't operate in the international environment with all of your laundry hanging out that way.

What I'd go after Hillary more for is in telling Chelsea anything about what was going on. Chelsea has no right knowing any of that. You can tell your kids it's a tense time and/or something is going on that you have to concentrate on, but neither your kids nor your spouse, parents, brothers and sisters, etc., should be getting that sort of information unless they're on the payroll and have the necessary clearances and training to handle it.
Welcome to how all governments characterize events when, for intelligence purposes, that covers for something else going on that they don't want to get out in public--mostly because the public in a country like the United States blabs every little secret they are told and you can't operate in the international environment with all of your laundry hanging out that way.

What I'd go after Hillary more for is in telling Chelsea anything about what was going on. Chelsea has no right knowing any of that. You can tell your kids it's a tense time and/or something is going on that you have to concentrate on, but neither your kids nor your spouse, parents, brothers and sisters, etc., should be getting that sort of information unless they're on the payroll and have the necessary clearances and training to handle it.
Uh huh. Was that before or after President Obama told the nation that the Benghazi attacks were an act of terrorism?
There were over fifty deaths and hundreds of injuries from the protests over the video. That is what she talked about.

Nothing to do with a synchronized attacks on a US Embassy and CIA outpost. Just a reaction to a video? The administration eventually admitted it that is what happened. A planned attack.
Nothing to do with a synchronized attacks on a US Embassy and CIA outpost. Just a reaction to a video? The administration eventually admitted it that is what happened. A planned attack.
"We've seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with."

Benghazi has a consulate. No embassy in Benghazi. Get it now?
Nothing to do with a synchronized attacks on a US Embassy and CIA outpost. Just a reaction to a video? The administration eventually admitted it that is what happened. A planned attack.

Maybe you should check out how throughout the week as new intelligence came in and the picture became more complete everyone changed their story regarding the cause of the attack. Here's a good example of that change over time.

Furthermore, your hero truth seekers at Fox "News" reported the video as the cause of the attack:

Greta Van Susteren on 9/11/12: "Both Attacks Were Triggered By A Movie Produced In The United States That Protesters Say Is Anti-Muslim."

Fox's Bret Baier on 9/11/12: "There Was ... Protest Over The Video At The U.S. Consulate In Benghazi."

Fox's Dana Perino on 9/11/12: "An American Citizen Died ... It Is Happening Across The Middle East Because Of A Video That Was Produced In The United States."

So did The Wall Street Journal, The LA Times, The Christian Science Monitor, and The NY Times.

So when are you going to call for their heads?
Uh huh. Was that before or after President Obama told the nation that the Benghazi attacks were an act of terrorism?

That was before ANYONE in the Gov't acknowledged to the public that it was an attack, and you know it. Pancetta was the one that finally admitted it. The Jug-Eared Jackass and Hillary held the line of 'a video' all through the Memorial service at Andrews.
Quit covering up for Hillary.
That was before ANYONE in the Gov't acknowledged to the public that it was an attack, and you know it. Pancetta was the one that finally admitted it. The Jug-Eared Jackass and Hillary held the line of 'a video' all through the Memorial service at Andrews.
Quit covering up for Hillary.

This is just a flat out lie. Dumbass Miles posted video proof that flatly contradicts this fantasy of yours.
Pancetta was the one that finally admitted it.

I don't think you know what that word means. Let me show you:



Leon Panetta


Come back when you've figured out the difference.