Making Him My Son (closed for silvertongue217)



Cassandra (Cassie only to her intimates) looked out over the property she had acquired when the last of her living relatives had passed on. It was offical, she was the last of her family. The house needed a lot of work. Mostly minor repairs and cosmetic touches like new paint, and carpets. Otherwise it was a solid antebellium plantation, that had been in her family since they came to America.

The plantation house was the only one in the area to have survived the Civil War, and many historical societies were lobbying her to to convert it into a museum.

She wasn't particularly proud of her families history of being slave traders and privateers, but the fortune they made had lasted generations. Even now Cassandra had more money than she could spend in the remainder of her life.

She was infertile. Her late husband had tried over and over to get her pregnant. Eventually finding out that she was unable to concieve, even IVF didn't work. But the treatments had messed her body chemistry up causing several unwanted side effects. Most of these were stopped or controlled by medication or diet, the only one that wasn't, was the cruelest of all. Her breasts constatnly produced milk. She fumed as she changed her bra for the 8th time that day. This had lead her to eliminate all but the most minimal of social activities from her life.

Several years had passed, and Cassandra remained in mourning, first for the children she would never have, then for her husband who passed on last year, and now her last living relative, great aunt, Beatrix had died leaving the family estate and fortune in her sole care.

She had sold her modest home in Califorina, and returned to her home state, and moved back to the plantation with all her childhood memories, and the ghosts of her antcestors.

Going room by rooom, she made a list of things needing to be done. A new door here, repaint there... on and on it went. By the time she was finished, she was exhausted. Realizing she wasn't a young woman anymore, having hit her 49th birthday just last week, she decided to hire someone to oversee all the repairs.

She placed an ad in the local papers classifieds...

Wanted Handyman, or construction professional with experience in all aspects of remodeling to oversee the remodel of an older dwelling. Contact Cassandra Buhtler at 867-5309 for interview. References required, must be drug free and non smoker. Onsite living quaters available.

Once she was assured that the ad would run in tomorrows paper, she hung up and fixed herself a simple dinner and went to bed.

The next moring over Tea and toast with honey and cinnamon, she found her ad in the paper and waited for the calls to come in.
“Look at this mate”

He felt the newspaper being chucked into his lap and growled throwing a piece of pizza crust at his mate’s jimmies head before taking the paper. His sapphire eyes quickly scanned down the paper finding the circled article and reading it quickly.


Benjamin Savage leaned back thoughtfully reading the article one more time to get the fact straight. There wasn’t much of a description of the house in the article but the thought of an remodel on an older home was quite fetching for him. Benjamin was fascinated with older houses one’s full of history and life. He studied them as much as he could even coming from England to look at some of the original colonial houses in the states.

Which of course made him broke

“I don’t know” He finally said his English accent coming out as he ran a hand through his thick brown hair “Doesn’t say what kind of house it is”

“So?” Jimmy said going back to drinking and playing his video game “you’ve been bemoaning all this time about not being able to work on one of your dream homes now here’s your chance you could at least call the number”

“I suppose I could” Ben murmured glancing at the article again “How do I know this woman isn’t batty?”

“What if she is hot” Jimmy said glancing over at him again and grinning “and you’re living with her might be some prime MILF action mate”

“It’s about the house Jimmy” Ben said shaking his head and getting up “Grow up mate”

He missed Jimmies rude gesture back at him

Ben walked down the hall and closed his door pausing to admire his tan reflection in the mirror before flopping onto his bed. His hands pulled out his phone and he punched the number in clearing his throat as he waited for it to pick up.

“Hello my name is Benjamin Savage” He said sitting up “I came across your add about a old house in need of repair I was wondering if you have yet to find any one? I’ve been dying to work on and remodel an old house”
"Well hello Mr. Savage. Are you familiar with Hazard county? The old Buhtler Plantation? Can you meet me there at 1 pm today?"
“Yes Ma’am I can” Ben said leaning forward his curiosity spiked. The Buhtler plantation? That was a old house and one steeped in history if this woman was serious about him remodeling that house…..

Well it would be the opportunity of a life time for him

He made the necessary arrangements and got dressed pulling on jeans and a simple white button shirt. He ran a comb through his unruly hair splashed some cologne on and was out the door and in his car with more than enough time to spare. He knew the plantation well and got over to it reaching the property fifteen minutes before he was supposed to meet her.
When he arrived Cassandra was sitting on the porch with a pitcher of lemonade and some fresh baked cookies on a silver platter, waiting for him. When he walked up the steps Cassandra stood up and said "Please be seated Mr. Savage. Pour yourself some tea and help yourself to some ciikies I just baked. Or if you prefer I have a pecan pie cooling on the window sill."
“Thank you Ma’am” He said his eyes widening in surprise as he took her in “I would love some” He said being polite and taking a cookie his eyes traveled up and down a few more times and even though he tried to prevent himself from doing so he couldn’t help but check her out. She was classically pretty sort of like the house it self which of course made Ben only like her more.

“So this is the house” Ben said looking up at it “I must confess I have driven by it a few times and admired it they don’t make them like they used to I cant tell you how excited I would be to work on this project a house like this has always been a dream of mine to work on and build” He remarked looking it over one more time.

“Was there any thing specific you were looking to do to it?” He asked turning to her.
"Ahh Mr. Savage, do I detect an accent. Are you from the continent?" She asks waving her hand, letting him know she was in no hurry to start discussing business.
“Yes Ma’am from the big city itself” He said leaning back and relaxing “I was born in Manchester where I grew up I traveled to America for the houses and because I found England to be to stuffy if that makes sense” He said giving her a kind smile.
"Ah Yes. I've spent many a wonderful time on the Continent, especially in Jolly Old England. Very many wonderful times, and people.", as the last words were spoken, a sad faraway look filled her eyes and a wistful smile curled her lips.

After several moments of silence in which memories of her time in the great cities of Europe ran through her mind, she shook her head to clear it of those bitter sweet times. "So I guess you're a fan of Manchester United Football, not our American kind then?"
“Of course” Ben said laughing and shaking his head “I played in school had a half decent chance at getting on a professional team until a injury made it hard for me to play for an extended time” He said tapping his knee before frowning.

“Not that it will interrupt my abilities or my performance” He said backpedaling “I can work on it just fine as long as I am not running around and kicking at things” He said trying to make a joke.
Feeling more at ease with the young and somewhat handsome young man sitting before her, Cassandra decided she would hire him if his references checked out. It didn't hurt he was the only person to call about the job, so it wasn't like there was a lot of competition.

"Are you married? Children? Girlfriend?..." Remembering that the moral compass of the country had changed in recent years, she quickly added "..or Boyfriend.", her face turning as read as the roses in her garden.
He snorted unable to help himself at her boyfriend comment. Did he look like a gay or some thing? He didn’t think so but the woman was clearly out of touch with some etiquette when it came to social situations.

“I am unattached” He said shaking his head softly “I am also straight I have a roommate and a small flat a few blocks away but if given the chance I would like to take you up on that offer of having on site living I want to enjoy this house as much as I can” He said breathing it in and smiling.
"Thats good." She said, "Since this will be a big project I do prefer someone who does not have any other major commitments. THis way they will be available as needed." She takes a deep breath and begins to say somthing else, when her face which had begin to return to its normal color turned even redder than before.

Her hannds shot up and grabbed her breasts. She stood up quickly, "I there's something....Excuse me please." She says running into the house.
He watched her go confused why had she run off like that? And why was she clutching at her breast? He thought about going after her and seeing if there was any thing he could do to help but instead he waited sipping his lemonade and waiting for her to come back. He tried to figure out what possibly could have gone wrong but couldn’t so instead he simply waited to see if she would come back and tell him.
A servant appears soundlessly on the porch. "You must be Mr. Savage says the ancient black man. I am James, Mrs. Buhtlers personal assistant. I must apologize for her. She has a...medical condition....that causes her much embaressment. She will return shortly. Please do not mention this incident to her." James gives the other man a smile and asks "Is there anything you need while you wait?" He asks.
“Uh no not at all” Ben said filing the information away. He wouldn’t pry or ask but he was curious despite himself what could this mysterious condition be? He couldn’t tell that there was any thing wrong with her and she seemed to be in good health…..

So what then?

“I’ll just wait then” He said feeling awkward he decided to look around the outside of the house particularly the front porch. He began to walk around it pulling out a small note pad and jotting down notes all while murmuring to himself.
"Very well sir, James bowed to him and walked away as silently as he arrived."

About 10 minutes later Cassandra returned her face still red, and wearing a different outfit. She sat down and was noticably uncomfortable.

She took a long dring of her Iced Tea and tried to compse herself.

After several minutes, she cleared her throat. "Now then, I was about to ask if you brought your references." She said.
“Uh sure” Ben said deciding not to pay it any more mind or say any thing to her about it. Instead he pulled out the sheet of paper holding his references and handed it to her.

“Most of my jobs were in London” He explained sipping his own lemonade “Work has been harder to find here in the states but I promise you if you do pick me I will approach this job with every bit of care and love that you would it is hard to find some one who loves old houses like these now a days”
She takes the sheet from him and puts it on the table. "What I need is someone who can handle minor repair jobs on their own, and supervise contractors when a job is too big. For example the house needs to be rewired and new plumbing. I don't expect you to do that, but to check on the electrician and plumbers making sure everything is done correctly and is up to code. You also need to make sue the rates are reasonable. Can you handle that?"
“I can do that” Ben said shifting in his seat and regarding her “but I know the contractors here they are all expensive I have a few of my own guys and contacts people who owe me favors that I can call in they’ll do a good job and it wont cost much of any thing a house like this needs to be cared after by people who love it I can make sure that happens”
"Let me go call make some calls, and James here will show you around the house and property." She stands up and smiles at him and walks back inside to call his references.

James gestures to the garden akd leads him down a rocky path...
"Sounds good" Ben said nodding and turning to the man named James "After you sir" He said politely following him down the steps. They toured the garden and area a for a few minutes and Ben go a sense of the house both inside and out. He made note of some of the problems before finally he was led back to his soon to be employer.
As they approached the porch, James pulled out a set of keys. "If you get the job, this will be your room. It used to be the quarters for house slaves back before the Civil war. It was renovated in the 1950's to be a guest suite."

He unlocked the door and opened it, showing him the 3 room suite with a kitchenette and private bath. As they exited the rooms, and James locked the door, he told him "You only saw a small protion of the property. We have over 20 acres, and 17 outbuildings in various states of disrepair. It'll be a buig job to get this place back to it's former glory."
"Oh believe you me I understand" Ben said grinning as he took in the house and the area "A house like this is a dream come true to me you have no idea how long I have been waiting for this opportunity" He said looking over at the property.

"Are we ready to go back then? I am eager to find out if I managed to get the job" He said grinning
Mrs. Buhtler is sitting on the porch, smiling. When she see's them returning she nods to James.

"You have the job sir. If you come with me there's some paperwirk do be done with Mrs. Buhtlers attorney, and then you will have the rest of today and tomorrow to getr settled in your home. Breakfast is at 7:30, Lunch at 1, Tea at 4:15, and Dinner at 6:30. IF you are not prompt, you do not eat."

James leads him into the library where a tall distingushed southern gentleman is sitting with a stack of papers in front of him. James intorduces him to Beauregard P. Jackson IV Esq.

There were the usual employee forms, I-9, W-4, Direct Deposit, and several others. There was one really ling form that basically stated that he would be provided with a cell phone, car and tablet, as well as a full set of keys to the property. When he was readign this one over, the mawyer handed him 3 sets of keys.

"This set is for your rooms, and the red Ford 250 pickup in the garage. The second one is just for the main house, and the last set is for all the outbuildings."

When all the paperwork was done, The lawyer put it all in his briefcase, and closed it. Looking at Ben right in the eye he asks "Do you have any questions?"