If you voted for Trump, you support him & you own him forever. Fuck your "safe space"

I think the problem in U.S. Government is a lot bigger than Donald Trump. About CNN, how am I to account for the fake newscasts "LIVE from Afghanistan", etc? All the Networks. BBC announces WTC7 collapse prematurely. These MSM media are raw propaganda tools that need to start telling the truth. President Trump is right when he says MSM is the enemy of U.S. citizens.
CNN is one source. BBC is one source. Sometimes a source gets a story wrong, but all the other sources have it right. Nobody else announced the WTC7 collapse before it happened. That was one source's error.

Meanwhile there's Sinclair, who gets 173 sources to put out their false stories.
Your tactics are illogical.

Even if you have absolute proof of certain MSM lies, that does not mean every MSM "story" is a lie.



Wiki says Tapioca is made from the Cassava plant.

BUT! Wikipedia articles have been proven wrong before! FAKE NEWS!

Therefore, Wikipedia is truly an enemy of the people, comrade!

Wiki isn't spoon-fed into the homes of Americans like clockwork several times a day. The fact that TheEveningNews has continued to perpetuate huge lies about our history, and current events, means that we, as a body-politic, are living in an artificial reality. Who murdered JFK, MLK, RFK matters a whole lot. WTF happened on 9/11? EveningNews says it was terrorists...
President Trump is 100% correct in calling out fake news, and there's LOTS of it.
Wiki isn't spoon-fed into the homes of Americans like clockwork several times a day.

Neither is MSM. Anyone can change the channel or turn off the squak box.

You act like we live in an Orwell novel with our Big Brother screens always on, by punishment of law.
Wiki isn't spoon-fed into the homes of Americans like clockwork several times a day. <snip> President Trump is 100% correct in calling out fake news, and there's LOTS of it.

Wiki is one of the top searches every time you use google ... so I's say we get a healthy dose of it daily on specific topics we are looking to learn about

45 only calls it fake because multiple news outlets take the time to fact check him and make his **lies** glaringly obvious.
Like the 10 foot wall at the Obama's residence, or the 4 living Presidents stepping out to categorically deny they support 45's long-promised border wall. And those are the first two that pop to mind. There are thousands of others. Just because 45 says someting, does not make it right, true, logical, or kind.
Does the news get it right each and every time? no
Should we believe everything we are told? no
Should we exercise our ability to use Critical Thinking and discern fact, fiction, and embellishment? YES That's called adulting.
I see far less adulting under MAGA hats than the rest of the population. As well as far less ability to carry on civil conversations. It seems the influence of 45 is name-calling, bullying, and bull-headed lack of ability to compromise or listen to a different opinion.
Neither is MSM. Anyone can change the channel or turn off the squak box.

You act like we live in an Orwell novel with our Big Brother screens always on, by punishment of law.

It seems very safe to suggest that TheEveningNews has had historically an enormous influence on information available to the general public. The general population's understanding of recent history, and current events, is colored to a high degree by TheEveningNews(the monolithic MSM).

Who has been in control of this country since JFK's assassination? And MLK, and RFK. Is anyone suggesting there is a free and independent mainstream press in this country? They've been lying to you/us for decades. President Trump is for sure right in trying to combat this propaganda "fake" news.
It seems very safe to suggest that TheEveningNews has had historically an enormous influence on information available to the general public. The general population's understanding of recent history, and current events, is colored to a high degree by TheEveningNews(the monolithic MSM).

Who has been in control of this country since JFK's assassination? And MLK, and RFK. Is anyone suggesting there is a free and independent mainstream press in this country? They've been lying to you/us for decades. President Trump is for sure right in trying to combat this propaganda "fake" news.

From today..

Trump says San Antonio shows border walls works, despite city being 150 miles from border and having no wall
The Independent The Independent 8 hours ago
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Donald Trump has cited San Antonio as proof that border walls make the US safer, despite the Texas city not having a border wall and being 150 miles from Mexico.

“Everyone knows that walls work,” claimed the president as he addressed reporters outside the White House. “You look at different places, they put up a wall, no problem.

“You look at San Antonio, you look at so many different places; they go from one of the most unsafe cities in the country to one of the safest cities, immediately, immediately. It works. We have to put them up, and we will put them up. We've got to."

Mr Trump’s comments on Saturday were intended to justify his demand for $5.7bn to fund a US-Mexico border wall.
Get real. Trump only cares about the same thing your mythical, magical MSM does:


I believe President Trump does care what the population thinks, and wants to do his best for our country. Honestly, it's been great so far. Getting out of the TPP and NAFTA were 2 big ones for me, plus we have the new Mexico/U.S./Canada trade agreements. The economy has been good, but I guess we should thank Obummer for that? North Korea isn't firing more rockets. All that's left is a very vocal minority of profane screamers insisting that President Trump is a Russian agent. << That lie is even less believable than the collapse of WTC 7 due to office fires.
Jeezus Keeeerist. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I doubt Dr. King was a petulant narcissistic egomaniac holding the country hostage til he gets his way.:rolleyes:


The day before the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, Vice President Mike Pence compared President Donald Trump to the civil rights icon in advocating for a border wall deal to end the ongoing partial government shutdown.

During an appearance on CBS News’ ‘Face the Nation’ Sunday, Pence voiced his support for Trump and finding a compromise solution with Democrats before reflecting on the forthcoming day to honor Dr. King.

“One of my favorite quotes from Dr. King was, ‘Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy.’ You think of how he changed America,” the vice president said. “He inspired us to change through the legislative process to become a more perfect union. That’s exactly what President Trump is calling on the Congress to do. Come to the table in a spirit of good faith.”
Immigrants to this country need to be welcomed properly. Allowing families to scamper across a freeway is not a proper welcome.
I quoted you two idiots so you'd know who i was talking to.

Did you hear that?

From the president on down, there are a ridiculous amount of stupid people on the right. Add some gerrymandering of districts, possible russian interference and apathy from the left along with a bad choice of candidate and the recipe for disaster is complete.. and look what it's costing us. Shut the gubmint down for a fuckin wall.

Having a different political view is one thing, having such a fuckin dumb view is totally different. You people are seriously fucked in the head.

Oh my, a large font.

Tell me, did it hurt when you shoved that in there?

I don't get you. Seriously I don't. You're as bad as Adrina, Nowisthetime, Pookie and a few others in that any conversation with you suddenly takes a left turn down some unmarked alley only to wind up at the same stinky dumpster every time.

The conversation in this thread was about how the mid-terms weren't such a huge success despite being touted as such. Adrina got pwned so bad she hasn't been back to say anything snarky like she usually does.

Then you come along and suddenly you start talking about Trump and screaming at everyone for being stupid because we don't know what the fuck you're talking about. It had no connection to anything anyone was talking about. And then you go off the rails and start screaming ad hom at everyone else over trivial things no one cares about.

Seriously, you need help.
Oh my, a large font.

Tell me, did it hurt when you shoved that in there?

I don't get you. Seriously I don't. You're as bad as Adrina, Nowisthetime, Pookie and a few others in that any conversation with you suddenly takes a left turn down some unmarked alley only to wind up at the same stinky dumpster every time.

The conversation in this thread was about how the mid-terms weren't such a huge success despite being touted as such. Adrina got pwned so bad she hasn't been back to say anything snarky like she usually does.

Then you come along and suddenly you start talking about Trump and screaming at everyone for being stupid because we don't know what the fuck you're talking about. It had no connection to anything anyone was talking about. And then you go off the rails and start screaming ad hom at everyone else over trivial things no one cares about.

Seriously, you need help.

Or ya know, I have a life and don't obsess about what some moron on the internet thinks. But then your perception issues are well documented.

Which, considering the number of times you feel the need to mention my name it's hardly me getting "pwned" - some seriously l33t :rolleyes: skills ya got there.
Or ya know, I have a life and don't obsess about what some moron on the internet thinks. But then your perception issues are well documented.

Which, considering the number of times you feel the need to mention my name it's hardly me getting "pwned" - some seriously l33t :rolleyes: skills ya got there.


I drop out of conversations all the time because work and life and stuff. You know what I don't do? Leave them hanging when I return until after someone mentions me and all my PM buddies message me about it.

You got PWNED because your "facts" weren't anything more than fake crap. And then you ran off to hide rather than face the truth leaving Cowpie to take up the deflection slack.

Not a good look for you. Neither is the fake snobbery you're trying to use here. No one really gives a shit what you think of us. In fact, if we're such big losers like you seem to believe, WTF are you STILL HERE?

As for all those times I've "mentioned you" recently it's been in context of this thread. Which is hardly voluminous in that regard. So, again, your fake condescension just doesn't wear well on you. You need a new schtick.

I drop out of conversations all the time because work and life and stuff. You know what I don't do? Leave them hanging when I return until after someone mentions me and all my PM buddies message me about it.

You got PWNED because your "facts" weren't anything more than fake crap. And then you ran off to hide rather than face the truth leaving Cowpie to take up the deflection slack.

Not a good look for you. Neither is the fake snobbery you're trying to use here. No one really gives a shit what you think of us. In fact, if we're such big losers like you seem to believe, WTF are you STILL HERE?

As for all those times I've "mentioned you" recently it's been in context of this thread. Which is hardly voluminous in that regard. So, again, your fake condescension just doesn't wear well on you. You need a new schtick.

Hey needledick, I have 7, now 8, posts in this thread - barely a third of your demonstrated OCD. You have a way of inventing reality to suit your desires. A rather conservative right wing trait. But you've shown your repeated dedication to your idiocy - there's no need to stop now.

If it makes you feel better to lie to yourself - and others - have a helluva good time.

You're still a moron and the only place or time you've proven me wrong is in your over active imagination.
Hey needledick, I have 7, now 8, posts in this thread - barely a third of your demonstrated OCD. You have a way of inventing reality to suit your desires. A rather conservative right wing trait. But you've shown your repeated dedication to your idiocy - there's no need to stop now.

If it makes you feel better to lie to yourself - and others - have a helluva good time.

You're still a moron and the only place or time you've proven me wrong is in your over active imagination.

Totally Triggered.

Absolutely Defensive.

The more you post on this, the worse you look. And that's completely justified.

I don't even know what the argument is aboot.
Oh my, a large font.

Tell me, did it hurt when you shoved that in there?

I don't get you. Seriously I don't. You're as bad as Adrina, Nowisthetime, Pookie and a few others in that any conversation with you suddenly takes a left turn down some unmarked alley only to wind up at the same stinky dumpster every time.

The conversation in this thread was about how the mid-terms weren't such a huge success despite being touted as such. Adrina got pwned so bad she hasn't been back to say anything snarky like she usually does.

Then you come along and suddenly you start talking about Trump and screaming at everyone for being stupid because we don't know what the fuck you're talking about. It had no connection to anything anyone was talking about. And then you go off the rails and start screaming ad hom at everyone else over trivial things no one cares about.

Seriously, you need help.

The conversation was what I brought to it. I don't need your approval or understanding. I pointed out that you two are dumbasses, it's not the first time I have, or the first time you two have been called that.. especially you.

I was afraid that I was being unfair, and you are just blind...hence the HUGE font. I finally was assured that you had indeed seen it, and instead of blind, you really are that fuckin stupid.

You have never handed anyone their ass.. You get treated like you do because you are so dense. It's mind boggling.

Your ad hom line was old long ago. Stop being such a moron, and people won't talk to you like you're dumb.
Yep... HILARIOUS..:rolleyes:


Tax breaks for wealthy paid for with deep cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security

You guys are really fuckin stupid.

Yeah, maybe, but consider this from YOUR link:

The report points out that under President George W. Bush’s tax cuts and the massive tax giveaway that President Trump signed into law in December, by 2025, Republicans will have sent a whopping $2 trillion to this small sliver of the richest Americans. In their proposed budget, Republicans in Congress are now wanting to pay for those special interest tax breaks by taking that same $2 trillion out of Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and the Affordable Care Act.

It's not surprising that two Democrats would try to sell this absurd narrative. What is mind fuckingly stupid is that you would cite it in spite of the fact that 12 Democratic Senators (including Dianne Feinstein) voted in favor of the "Bush Tax Cuts," TWO other Democrats voted "present" :)rolleyes:) while another FIVE Democratic Senators (Boxer, Harkins, Kerry, Leahy and Patty Murray) couldn't be bothered to vote at all. And what is it that Rory says about people who don't vote? Oh, yeah....."Fuck your safe space!" [source: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=107&session=1&vote=00170]

Furthermore, let us not forget that the "Bush Tax Cuts" were extended by the Obama administration smack in the middle of the 111th Congress in which Democrats held solid majorities in both the House and Senate.

And, finally, both of these clowns....(oh, wait....I forgot you're on board....) all THREE of these clowns predicate their $2 trillion estimate on a time table that runs until 2025!!!

In other words, you've got the world's most beatable President sitting in the White House, a new 36-seat Democratic majority in the House, and you've already given up on your ability to reverse this alleged financial armageddon over the next seven years!!

Now I was going to say that your kind of stupid (characterized by all that) is the kind of stupid that can't be fixed. But that would be incorrect. It can be fixed. Simply elect someone else and reverse the so-called "problem." Repeal whatever tax cuts are chafing your ass. You know, just like Republicans were going to repeal Obamacare.

Which is EXACTLY what makes the article and your embracing it uncommonly stupid.

We have elections for this sort of thing. And as long as I and the other UNpatriots of the Democratic Gang of Five from the Bush Tax Cuts do our UNpatriotic duty by failing to vote, we leave the way clear for all you SJWs to clean house and set things in order.

And you have a problem with that?
Totally Triggered.

Absolutely Defensive.

The more you post on this, the worse you look. And that's completely justified.

HisArpy 27
jp55665566 27
BotanyBoy 25
cowslinger64 22
RoryN 16
Que 13
DeluxAuto 11
schism666 11
Rotadom 10
adrina 9

HisArpy 27
jp55665566 27
BotanyBoy 25
cowslinger64 22
RoryN 16
Que 13
DeluxAuto 11
schism666 11
Rotadom 10
adrina 9

Who, are you; the new rory? My god, stooping that low is really a new low in trying to get attention.