Trump calls for McConnell's ouster, again


Literotica Guru
Jun 4, 2021
Purportedly, because he blames McConnell for the passage of the infrastructure bill and the impending passage of (some form of) BBB.

But it probably has more to do with this:

Even though McConnell twice voted against convicting Trump during his two impeachment trials, he has nonetheless drawn the former president's fury by directly blaming him for the January 6th riots at the United States Capitol building.

Pubs, how long is it gonna take you to ditch this dead-weight asshole?! Until you do, your party is gonna be an unending circular-firing-squad shitshow!
Purportedly, because he blames McConnell for the passage of the infrastructure bill and the impending passage of (some form of) BBB.

But it probably has more to do with this:

Pubs, how long is it gonna take you to ditch this dead-weight asshole?! Until you do, your party is gonna be an unending circular-firing-squad shitshow!

They can't say a bad word about orange Jesus or they won't go to heaven.
Pubs, how long is it gonna take you to ditch this dead-weight asshole?!

When it stops being the kiss of death in a GOP primary to cross him. Look no further than the prevailing attitude among the deplorables right here in Lit to see the hold he's still got on their base.
Purportedly, because he blames McConnell for the passage of the infrastructure bill and the impending passage of (some form of) BBB.

But it probably has more to do with this:

Pubs, how long is it gonna take you to ditch this dead-weight asshole?! Until you do, your party is gonna be an unending circular-firing-squad shitshow!

I think the Republican problem is very simple:

when you're a piece of shit, it become very hard to distinguish oneself from any other piece of shit. Turds to the left of me, turds to I am, a piece of shit stuck in the middle with you.
The tide is finally turning within the Republican Party. McConnell is not going to buckle under to a three-time loser who keeps forgetting that he got his clock cleaned in the last election.

I was kind of hoping that the base of the Deplorable Republican Party would continue to embrace the Satanic Clown, but just look at all the Lit rats jumping off the SS Trump!
Trump demonstrated his ignorance again, referring to McConnell as Leader and “Leader.”

If they ever achieve the pipe dream of making Trump the Speaker of the House, he won’t last twenty minutes on the job.
Trump demonstrated his ignorance again, referring to McConnell as Leader and “Leader.”

If they ever achieve the pipe dream of making Trump the Speaker of the House, he won’t last twenty minutes on the job.

He wouldn't understand the job. He would think he's just a kindasorta president once again.
Good laff from that one. :D

Me too, but not as good as the laugh at "Trump runs his business". Just how deeply do you have to bury your head in the sand to still believe that?!
“I think the fact-finding is interesting. We’re all going to be watching it,” McConnell said. “It was a horrendous event, and I think what they’re seeking to find out is something the public needs to know.”
McConnell, in the Thursday interview, also addressed the criticism he’s faced from Trump in the past few months. The former president has launched an attack against the Kentucky Republican, calling him a “broken old crow” and pressing for him to be replaced as Republican leader. McConnell largely dismissed those calls.

“We’re dealing with the present and the future. We have a new administration: How are they doing? What is our reaction to it?” McConnell said. “I spend my time dealing with the present and the future, and not the past.”
What did Trump expect, anyway? If there's anything that will make Congresscritters of all parties close ranks, it is an assault on Congress itself.
What did Trump expect, anyway? If there's anything that will make Congresscritters of all parties close ranks, it is an assault on Congress itself.

McConnell is compromised by the Chinese. His shipping company depends on the good offices of the CCP.
Please, stop with the ignorance.

Oh, the irony.

I wish I at least knew just how much of the Kool-Aid one would have to drink in order to believe Trump had ever been successful in business.