Have more sex to live longer

Wonder if the actual intension of our creator to make the female body so it can physically cope with far more sex thus sexual partners than men on average in an attempt to equal the length of life and age of death for both men and woman.. It does appear that woman live longer but if we listen to biblical scholars from churches woman are not suppose to engage in sex for recreational purpose .. Could be that Satan is rewarding sexually active women with longer lives .. Just a religious view from an atheist here ..
This doesn't surprise me in the least.

There's a reason why so many of us want sex LONG after our interest (or ability) to have children has passed. No one knows for certain why this is - perhaps it's because immunity-boosting chemicals/ hormones are released into our blood stream, or perhaps just knowing we're still "in the game" encourages us to take better care of ourselves.. ..Whatever it is, I say do it several times a week until you drop dead; preferably wIth your significant other, but otherwise if need be.

As a related aside, I started a thread about having a living sex will for your partner; a written/ signed document that gives a spouse permission to pursue sex outside the marriage should a serious injury or illness befall one of you that makes consensual sex impossible.

I adore my wife and want for her to live as long and happily as possible. ..If I can't engage with her sexually, then she should find someone who can. ..I'd still want her to keep me at the center of her life, to love and care for me, to never stop being my wife. But for god's sakes, keep fucking even if I can't.
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