Cursed ~Closed~

Krystal was trapped in her mind, helpless as her very own body betrays her by inviting this man to do as he desired. The betrayal of her body accepted every kiss, every sensual touch even spreading her legs for this man. It made her mind sick to think of how submissive she truly is towards this place, no matter how much she fought it, in the end it just made her realize the true nature of her submission is. The longer he teased her body, driving her body's surrender deep into her mind, drilling into her that she belongs to the castle now, the more it weakened the fight in her mind.

There were no drugs this time forcing her to accept the way things are now, forcing the reality of what the wolf and both men want from her. This whole time she wasn't mentally aware of what he was doing until she felt his mouth between her legs, the sudden shock of his mouth teasing an aching little nub woke her up, forcing her to come back to him. Krystal tried to leave this place mentally, not wanting to accept any of this as her body keeps betraying her, and yet the lust and desire he created overwhelmed her.

When he came back up to her lips, kissing her with the taste of her body's betrayal, she tried to turn her head away from him, not wanting to accept the taste and partly disgusted at the thought of where his mouth had just been. The scent on his lips was overwhelming as well, filling her senses with the smell of her sex, drilling into her that her body is enjoying all this, that this is what she wants and needs. Krystal managed to close her eyes in pleasure and in attempt to block it all, seeking refuge in the depths of her mind.

There was no refuge though, no blocking anything out and she didn't want to accept that this was a losing battle. Her body squirmed beneath him, begging and inviting him to enter its core. He can see the fresh tears creep indicating that the war was still within, and she kept her eyes closed, head turned to the side. It was when her body moved without her permission that made her finally open her eyes, he filled that aching core that took him in so invitingly.

Krystal couldn't look at Batard at this point, he had won, her body had won forcing her mind to surrender as her body moved beneath him. Wrapping her legs around his waist and rolling her hips to drive him deeper within her. For her, it was like she was watching herself be the slut he wants her to be, looking in the mirror at her wanton body as it accepts his desires. After seeing the image in the mirror, she closed her eyes but couldn't get the image out of her mind, forcing it to submit that much more. Krystal was beginning to realize that she truly does enjoy how he made her feel, surrendering to the idea that this is what she needs in her life, even if she can't admit it.

Krystal refuse to open her eyes though, turning her head away from the mirror and Batard surrendering to her body's desires and to his.
Gillian De Loup Had suffered through the transformation, yet the memories of Miss Krystal Mayz and the way she had in the end shamelessly given herself to him brought a smile to his face. He had made his way to the gallery that over looked the entrance hall to the Castle. He had remained in the shadows as Batard opened the door to the naked little wood nymph. He savored her struggle and her final submission to Batard as Krystal wrapped her long legs around his waist and drew him into her tight little body. It had been a marvel to watch as the man slowly wore her down and concord her, had made her not only submit to his will but to become an active participant in her own rape. Her Body arched to Batard’s as she gave herself fully to him lost in the pleasure he brought her, lost in the intimacy of the kiss they shared the kiss that seared her very soul.

Krystal lay in Batard’s arms in the warm afterglow of her orgasms. He unlike her wolf cradled her exhausted young body to the hard strength of his;

“You are beautiful Miss Mayz.”

There was a dark sincerity in his voice and yet he had spoken the words as if it where the most natural and most obvious thing in the world. When he finally did slip from her arms he helped Krystal slip on her blouse. It was at that moment that Gillian De Loup choose to reveal his presence.

“Batard,………..Miss Mayz?”

Gillian let just a hint of shock creep into his voice. Yet his heart soared for now began the next phase of his hunt. He just stood there in the gallery as his eyes took in the calmly young beauty dressed only in a white blouse hanging open doing little to hide her sweet charms from his view.
Just like with the wolf, he held her in position stripping endless orgasms from her weak body till once again, her mind was forced to submit and simply take what was happening. Krystal fell into the clouded daze, watching herself in the mirror as she began to enjoy having him use her. And just like the pictures he had taken, the mirror showed her the proof of her desire to submit burned deeply in those hazel eyes that stared back at her.

Krystal couldn't fight anymore when he kissed her one last time, she moaned and whimpered as she returned his kiss, holding onto him tightly. It was as if they were truly lovers when he held her close, allowing her to relax for a few moments in his arms. She didn't respond to his compliment, letting it fall onto deaf ears when the shame of what she just did came rushing in.

And when he put the blouse on her, it confused her as to why, it wasn't like it hid anything and she had a deep wrenching gut feeling that she'll just be naked again anyway. It was getting to the point where she wondered if she'll ever wear clothes again other than this school uniform and even that was becoming pointless to wear.

That voice, the voice that belongs to the golden eyes broke all her thoughts. The slight hint of shock filled her with more shame as her cheeks burned with embarrassment, Krystal instantly lowered her head and fell to her knees.

"I.... I...."

Krystal didn't know what to say, knowing that no matter what she said the fault will land on her. Batard will twist her words around, she has no idea how much her Master truly saw, to his eyes she willingly gave herself to Batard. It became clear that there really was only one thing to say.

"I..... I apologize for my actions... I.... I didn't mean to anger you.... MMa.... Master..."

She kept her head lowered, hiding behind her tangled tresses like always. There is some hesitation with her apology, not really wanting to take the blame for what Batard did, putting her in such a compromising position while he raped her. More hesitation came as she called him Master, not even comprehending why the powerful word escaped her trembling lips. That one simple word gave him more power over her and she knew it was too late to take it back.
"I.... I...."

Krystal stammered as she automatically fell to her knees in submission to Gillian De Loup. He was both surprised and pleased at the action.

"I..... I apologize for my actions... I.... I didn't mean to anger you.... MMa.... Master..."

Krystal eyes were demurely lowered as that single fateful words had slipped unbidden from her moist ripe lips,Master. It had come naturally without hesitation as if Krystal already accepted the reality that Gillian De Loup was in fact her Master.

“Hold your head up Miss Mayz and do not hide your face from me girl! I expect you to look at me when I speak to you young lady.”

De Loup chastised her as if Krystal she were a very naughty young school girl.

“I see that Nudity seems to present you no problem.”

Gillian held up his hand as if to still any protest from the gorgeous young beauty as she knelt before him and he towered above her.

“You shall pose for me Miss Mayz for a series of nude photos.”

De Loup then turned his attention to his servant.

“Batard Show Miss Mayz to my studio and prepare her for the photo shoot.”

Yes Master.

Came his simple reply. Gillian’s golden gaze had pinned Krystal to where she knelt. Now Batard came to her and placed his hand on the young girl’s shoulder.

Come Miss Mayz.”

Batard led Krystal to the Master’s studio. This was not the studio of the night before this studio had the look of a medieval dungeon with the lighting of a high end photographic studio.

Remove your Blouse Miss Mayz and lay down on the rack.”
Krystal reluctantly looked up, letting her hair fall from her face and met his gaze. It was all she wanted to do, hide and stay hidden, then his comment about being nude shocked her, she hated being naked like this. It was worse knowing she had no choice at all because there were no clothes other than the uniform, and with that, she might as well be naked anyway.

His hand silenced her protest though, it took everything she had to not look away from those golden eyes. Krystal began shaking her head to the request of another photo shoot, another nude one. Having no idea what he plans to do with the pictures, why he wants them, remembering the last shoot he did when she first arrived here.

Next thing she knew Batard was gently guiding her away from her Master, still in shock by the request and his words. It was impossible for her head to wrap around the idea that she would be posing again, to be helpless against his desires.

"Who sees these pictures?.... I don't want people seeing me like this.... I...I'm dirty, my hair is a mess.... I... I don't like this..."

When they entered the room her words fell silent while she looked around in shock. Seeing chains with cuffs on the walls, cages, a wall full of items she's never seen before, the rack that Batard wanted her on put her in panic as her eyes darted all around the room.

"What will.... what will he do to me?.... I... I...."I didn't want to anger him.....""

Her eyes darted to the whips, then to the sharp objects, back to the cuffs and chains. Krystal began to back away. She held onto the shirt tightly, letting the fear of what she saw in the room take control. The gut wrenching twist knew she'd end up on that rack in the end of it all, but that thought was just a vague one as her feet slowly crept back towards the door.

"He's going hurt me isn't he?..... I'm going to get punished for what you made me do.... I told you he would be upset with me.... Now he's going to take that anger out on me...."

Krystal kept backing away and missed the door by a few inches, her back hit against the wall with her head shaking, denying the request of her Master. Panic filled her eyes as they darted from item to the next.
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"Who sees these pictures?.... I don't want people seeing me like this.... I...I'm dirty, my hair is a mess.... I... I don't like this..

Batard remained as silent as the tomb as he guided the protesting young beauty to her fate and yet he did pay very close attention to every word that Krystal uttered. Those little protests and sweet pleadings suddenly stopped as Krystal beheld the room and what lay before he. It seemed this castle indeed had a dungeon.

"What will.... what he will do to me?.... I... I...."I didn't want to anger him.........”

The young innocent sobbed as her eyes darted from the whips and chains to the Rack, the pere deiu, the horse and the “X” of St. Andrew.

"He's going hurt me isn't he?..... I'm going to get punished for what you made me do.... I told you he would be upset with me.... Now he's going to take that anger out on me...."

Batard saw the fear in Krystal’s eyes, the ways she slowly shook her head from side to side in denial, slowly backing away from the fate that awaited her. Until her back was pressed to the dungeon wall with no place left to flee to.

“Miss Mayz the Master would never truly hurt you.”

Batard told her in that same dark voice that seemed to be felt as much as it was heard, as it wrapped around her senses.

“ If you do not do as he asks It will be me that he takes his anger out on not you Miss Mayz. …….”

Batard Looked almost panicked as he spoke. It was then that the Master entered carrying his 35mm single reflex camera.

“Why is Miss Mayz not positioned on the rack Batard?”

The note of displeasure in the Master’s voice was unmistakable. He then turned those piercing golden eyes on Batard and then they shifted accusingly to Krystal.

Sir Perhaps Miss Mayz should bath first, after all she is a bit messy at the moment.

De Loup took in Krystal’s state the twigs, and leaves in tangled mess that her honey golden hair was. He slowly took in the grime on her hands and knees from the hours that her wolf had used her. Gillian eyes then came to rest on Krystal’s soft little pussy and her velvet thigh that glistened with the evidence that Batard had indeed had his way with her.

“Perhaps your are correct Batard…………..we shall star the shoot wit you bathing Miss Mayz.”

Come Miss Mayz.”

Again a simple command that demanded obedience. Yet it did offer a moment’s reprieve from the dungeon. Batard led Krystal to an open shower. He stripped to the waist and lathered a coarse natural sponge. It was the first time Krystal saw the man without his shirt. His chest was covered with thick matted hair and bore many livid scares, it told of a hard and violent life.

“Miss Mayz place your hands at the nape of your neck and spread your legs slightly…..Batard you may begin Miss Mayz’s bath.”
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Krystal naturally didn't believe Batard, not after seeing what the room held on its walls. His voice did seem to cloud her judgement though, sending a wave of slight comfort until she heard the voice of her Master breaking in. She very intently listened to their little conversation, almost as if she wasn't standing right there, feeling both their eyes roaming over her body.

Again, she shook her head in denial, not wishing to do this anymore, rejecting the idea of having his hands all over her body again. There was an urge to ask why they are doing this, why she couldn't bathe herself, just so many why's that's she's been asking. The urge was pushed to the side, knowing they will go unanswered like they have been. Neither one of them have yet answered the why questions.

With reluctance, she followed behind them with her head lowered, forgetting about the request he made earlier about hiding herself. She also held onto the shirt acting like the thin material will save her from this humility. With a sideways glance she did notice Batard and all his scars, thinking that perhaps he was telling the truth earlier. That thought faded though, not wanting to care about the things he went through, right now it was about the things she's is going through, wondering if she'll end up with those same scars.

"I.... I can't... I.... these requests make me feel sick.... and... and I'm scared of what you will do to me... I don't want you to hurt me.... I am truly sorry if I angered you in any way Master..."

Krystal managed to back away again slowly, clearly fear struck and she never did look up, to afraid to fall into the trap of those golden eyes again, a trap that she can't escape from. Her whole body shivered from that fear with each step she took, this time there was no wall that stopped her, it was her Master that her back found and paralyzed her from going anywhere else. Too afraid to turn around, afraid to move another step, her hands clung to the useless shirt while her heart and breathing raced.

"Please... don't hurt me.... Master..."
Krystal begged and pleaded with the men to have pity on her yet in the end with her head demurely lowered the young beauty followed them like a chastised young school girl headed to the principal’s office to receive her punishment. She clutched her little white blouse to her supple young body as if was her armor against the outrageous fates that were closing in around her. Krystal made one last heartfelt plea.

"I.... I can't... I.... these requests make me feel sick.... and... And I'm scared of what you will do to me... I don't want you to hurt me.... I am truly sorry if I angered you in any way Master..."

For the first time that one word that had loomed in her young mind slipped from her moist ripe lips without so much as a conscious thought on her part Master!, a reality her young mind had already accepted as fact.

"Please... don't hurt me.... Master..."

Krystal’s gorgeous young body was now pressed to Gillian, De Loup's. He casually handed his 35 mm camera to Batard. His hands slid around Krystal’s supple young body, he took her wrists in his hands and sternly brought to them to her sides.

“Why would I hurt you Miss Mayz if you are a Good Girl and do as you are told.”

As he spoke Gillian slipped her blouse, her armor from her shoulders leaving Krystal naked once more before the two me.

“If you do not wish Mr. Batard to bath you then you must bath for the camera Miss Mayz.”

The Camera was once more in Gillian’s hands. CLICK the shutter of the camera whispered.

“I want a sensual display young lady.”
Batard handed Krystal a coarse natural sponge and a bar of soap. De Loup's golden eyes captured the girl’s soft tear shimmering hazel eyes as he whispered the dark erotic commands for her photo shoot.


The shutter whispered as it caught every intimate detail of her sinfully erotic bath.
Krystal just stood there frozen for what seemed like forever, unwilling to move as she stared down at the items in her hands, listening to the camera take pictures of her naked form. Thoughts ran wild as she stood there, wanting to run, to scream, hide... fight. But nothing emerged from the stillness of her body.

"I'm never going home ..... am I?"

It was a simple question, one that hit home hard the longer she stood there as these two men watched over her. Those golden eyes of De Loup kept her trapped here, waiting and expecting a show she did not know how to perform.

"I know you wish to hurt me...... that room is made to hurt people. What other reason is there for wanting me in that room? Just like the pictures, what other reason do you have for them other than to sell me?"

Krystal took a glance towards Batard and all his scars, silently praying that she never ends up such scars. When she looked back to De Loup and those golden eyes, she knew what was expected of her and if she stood there too much longer she get scolded, or Batard will take over. They all knew she was stalling though, unwilling to comply to his request, not that she knew how to anyway.

It was then she put down the items in her hands and found a comb, starting the bath like she always has by doing her hair first. It also allowed her to stall for more time, slowly combing through the tangled mess and removing the debris that covered it. Each stroke of the comb grazed over her nipples and causing them to get harder.... if that was even possible. Krystal had her hair parted, each side covered her breasts, barely allowing the nipples to peek through, an unintentional tease for the camera.

She truly didn't know how to make a simple bath sensual, not like she wanted to anyway. Instead of arguing it, she climbed into the shower and slowly began to wash her hair with what was available. The whole time keeping her back to the camera, unaware that she was again, teasing the camera. Despite being tensed, her pose was alluring while the water ran down her backside, her hair clung to her skin and barely hid the roundness of her hips and ass, slipping into the crack of her cheeks.

The hot water relaxed her and drowned out the sounds of the camera, she closed her eyes to block the men out, hating to admit that this was in fact arousing. Again, she stood still in the shower, stalling again before taking the sponge and soap, slowly began to wash her arms moving over her chest, though unwilling to face the camera.

"I..... I don't know how to do what you ask.... I don't know how to be sensual Master..."

Krystal couldn't continue once she was done with the top half, knowing that she needs to bend down for her legs, and to also spread her legs to wash the rest of her. It was tempting to just claim she was finished and get out, then a deep gut feeling told her she wasn't finished. Facing the corner of the shower, she remained frozen in place with her back facing the camera, trying to let the hot water relax her again with failed attempts.
"I'm never going home ..... am I?"

The only answer to the sobbing young beauty’s question was the soft CLICK of the camera.

"I know you wish to hurt me...... that room is made to hurt people. What other reason is there for wanting me in that room? Just like the pictures, what other reason do you have for them other than to sell me?"

Gillian remained silent and let Krystal’s own imagination fly painting ever darker pictures of her fate, her only hope was to please the MASDTER. Batard the silent but palatable threat that he would do what was command if she did not. Then almost trance like the stunning young beauty let the coarse sponge slip from her fingers. Her movements were sweet, innocent, and possessed of a fluid sensual grace. Each stroke of the comb grazed over her nipples teasing them to excited little puckered peeks. Her hair parted, cascading down over her firm young breasts, barely allowing the nipples to peek through teasing the viewer’s and the camera’s unblinking eye. CLICK

Krystal stepped into the shower her back to the camera, so innocently unaware that she was teasing the camera. Her pose was alluring, the water ran down her backside, her hair clung to her skin and barely hid the roundness of her hips and ass, slipping into the crack of her cheeks.

"I..... I don't know how to do what you ask.... I don't know how to be sensual Master..."

The stunning young beauty’s words brought a smile to De Loup’s for in her very innocence Krystal was possessed of a darkly sensual sexually . Without a word Gillian laid aside his 35mm camera a dark glance passed between him and Batard. Both men came to the young innocent, they lathered their hands. Strong soapy hands caressed Krystal’s slender neck and slid down over her firm young breasts Other hands slid over the girl’s flat quivering abdomen, slid over the seductive firm curve of her ass. Krystal could feel Batard’s naked body pressed to her back. Her Master’s hands taking the most indecent liberties with her supple young body. His hands left an erotic fiery trail in their wake. Slowly the two men eased the young girl down till she lay prostrated at their feet. Their eyes feasted on her shimmering naked glory, and then they came to her once more. De Loup lathered Krystal sparse downy fleece, unyielding cold steel caressed her soft supple skin. The water of the shower pelted down on Krystal’s prostrated naked body. The sound of the water, mingled with the soft seductive rasp of the razor as it slid over her sweet little pussy. Each pass of the razor leaving nothing but bare skin in it’s, until at last Krystal was as naked as the day she was born, not a single hair to his her naked perfection from her Master’s view.
At the first touch Krystal recoiled, not wishing to be touched in such ways anymore. There is no fighting both men at the same time, leaving her no choice but to surrender to their touches. It was about this time she closed her eyes, turning her head away from the golden eyes that watched her so intently, denying the pleasure they provided. It took her several moments to stop fighting with her own body, allowing her thoughts to drift off to another place. She hated the fact that her body submitted so easily to this unwanted attention, hating the fact that they made everything feel so good, forcing her to want and need more.

Krystal shook her head slowly as they lowered her to the floor, expecting him to claim her but realized he was doing something else. It took everything she had to open her eyes, seeing the razor in his hand made her heart skip. There was a need to get away from him and the sharp object, although knowing there is no escape at this point, she just closed her eyes again, afraid of getting cut she laid as still possible.

By the end of his actions, her face is crimson with embarrassment and her body is wanton from the attention. The whole time with his hands between her legs, teasing against the little nub, moving and holding the wet folds in place for the razor. It all drove her senses wild, it was a fight to hold still after a while, finding the need to reach for those fingers and seek more.


There is more that she wanted to say, although she didn't know what that was anymore. Deep down she wanted more, needing to feel more, that release that her body is craving for, something only they can provide. Both of them has caused all sorts of sensations to build up that it made it impossible to deny it any longer. Krystal couldn't understand how these men turned things around to make it seem like this is what she wanted, making her feel as if she is a wanton slut, twisting the reality from the true nature of her surroundings.

At the same time, that lingering voice knew this was wrong, that these men were just raping her again, keeping her captive. This is the voice that didn't want to give up, to keep fighting and always searching for that escape plan. Knowing that she got here somehow, there has to be a way of getting out in the same way. For now, however, this voice is losing the fight once more surrendering to the situation. She kept her eyes closed and head turned, not allowing him the satisfaction of seeing the burning desire hidden within her betraying eyes, attempting to hold onto the fight and denial of how wanton they made her.

So much in one little word that slip unbidden from the hapless young beauty’s moist ruby red lips. A word that could have been a plea for mercy, a plea to young Krystal’s molesters to relent. Yet that soft breathy whispered plea only brought a smile to Gillian De Loup’s lips. Oh yes indeed it was a most heartfelt plea in that single utterance of "Please.....", but not a plea for her molester to stop but rather a plea for them to continue, a plea for More. Even as Krystal soft doe eyes fluttered close to deny her need, the crimson blush told De Loup all he wanted to know and so much more.

The young girl turned her head from him as if to further hide the truth of her sinful arousal from the Master. Yet as his fingers lightly danced over Krystal’s newly shaven Mons, slowly parted the moist pink folds of her chaste young body, to toy with her throbbing little clit, Batard lowered his head to her engorged throbbing nipple. He inhaled that sweet torrid bud, his teeth racked across its swollen tip as her Master’s fingers slid in and out of her slick, tight little cunt in a parody of how her wolf had fucked her in the wooded glad. De Loup was pleased with the way Krystal’s supple young body was responding. He knew that her pious young mind was screaming NO but at the moment it was not her agile young mind that he was after, that would come later. He smiled as her head lulled from side to side as the girl’s arousal built.

Their hands took the most indecent liberties with Krystal’s gorgeous supple young body as they explored every inch of her naked perfection. Their hands seemed to be everywhere at once sensually seducing her treacherous young body. Krystal was on her feet, drawn up by those wicked knowing hands. Rough terry clothe towels excited her aroused flesh as the men chaffed her dry. Her Master swept the young girl up into his arms as if she was light as a feather. Her naked body pressed to his. Batard Proceed them opening doors as Krystal was carried from the shower her supple young body humming with a need for release and yet so cruelly deny that release. The cold kiss of marble caressed the curve of the girl’s back, as the firm rounded perfection of her shapely ass, as De Loup laid her on the marble alter. The moon looked down on the young girls naked perfection, bather her with its pale virginal light. Hot sweetly scented oil was drizzled over her breasts, pooled in her dimpled naval, flowed down over Krystal’s freshly shorn pussy, and down the long sculptured column of her legs. Hot oil, cold stone, it was if Krystal was caught between heaven and hell, the moon a silent witness, and then their hands returned, caressing, teasing and tempting her weak flesh. The scent of jasmine and sandalwood filled her nostrils as they worked the aphrodisiac oils into her soft satin skin.
The attention seemed never ending as it came at her from both ends, it felt like a hundred strong hands roaming over her whole body relentlessly driving every nerve wild. They made it impossible for her to retreat mentally, something always caused her to come back, forcing her to be aware of every sensation. Krystal gasped and moaned when fingers entered into her depths, causing her hips to raise for more, urging them to go deeper. Batard's scent and the heat of his flesh so close to her own when he leaned forward, his chest within kissing range and yet, she fought the urge to do so.

It surprised her when they stood her up, ceasing the attention that brought her to the edge, whimpering slightly at the loss of the fingers that were inside her. The towels were rough and slightly painful as they dried her off, fighting the urge to push away from the burning pain. She was unable to fully understand what they were doing, why they used rough towels instead soft ones, not wanting to accept that all it did was tenderize her skin for more sensations. Once in his arms as he carried her to the next room, there was another urge that she fought as her head rested on his shoulder, his neck right at her lips. It became a fight in itself to not succumb to such temptation of kissing him.

The alter was cold against her burning flesh causing her to gasp from the sudden shock, only to cry out slightly from the hot oil. They were confusing her senses and any comprehensive thought that came to her mind, ceasing any doubts that she had moments ago. Once more their hands came at her from all directions, once again she tried to mentally fight it by shaking her head. Even that became a losing battle as the oil burned into the tender nerves, waking up new sensations she never felt before.

Krystal started to allow herself to surrender fully, unable to keep up with them and the mental fighting, it simply became too much to handle. Her body writhed beneath their hands, feeling as the heat of the oil worked its magic, every scent of the room surrounded her which only made her thoughts fuzzier. To her it felt like an eternity of relentless teasing, their calloused hands massaging the oil deeper drove her wild.

Within moments she couldn't fight the urge any longer, reaching up to the first one that was within her reach and pulled him into a deep kiss. Her eyes were closed this whole time to allow herself to just feel, afraid of opening them to the reality of what she is doing, afraid if she opens them the fight will start again. Meanwhile, she is unaware of who exactly she is kissing so passionately.
Gillian watched as Krystal slowly lost her battle, step by step her treacherous young body betrayed her. As Krystal lost her battle that little nagging voice that had told her to resist, to be a good little girl finally fell silent. With a soft sigh Krystal surrendered, she couldn't fight the urge any longer, reaching up to the first one that was within her reach and pulled him into a deep kiss. A deep passionate kiss, the last of the young girl’s resistance now a distant memory, her moth opened to her unseen lover, savoring his taste. His tongue raping her sweet young mouth demanding from her all she had to give and so much more.

Krystal’s eyes were tightly shut as if she could not bear to see who she gave herself to. Hide from herself as much as from him as that kiss lingered, as it grew deeper and time stood still and all past from her sweet young mind but here and now and that one kiss. Hands caressed her velvet inner thighs, a slow easy pressure eased them apart Krystal sweet succulent pussy bared. Hot moist breath washed over the girl’s shaven pussy, a tongue slid the length of her pale pink folds each pass of that tongue cleaving deeper and deeper into Krystal chaste young body until its tip flicked at her throbbing clit. The young beauty found herself doubly impaled a tongue fucking her sweet innocent mouth, and another fucking her tight little juicy cunt. The men drove the young girl crazy with desire, the need to cum and yet they would stop just short of granting her the release that Krystal so desired. Time and again they drove her to the edge of the abyss that promised her such sinful pleasure only to let it slip from her grasp.

Time had no meaning now for the tormented young beauty. Tongues probing, fucking, raping her mouth and pussy. Hands roving over her supple young body, mauling her breasts, pinching and tugging and her pebble hard nipples. Hands lifting her, positioning her, on her hands and knees upon the alter. Suddenly those devilish tongues left her, left her aching and wanting more. Fingers entwined tightly into Krystal’s hair, and the tip of a cock brushed her moist sweet lips.

Taste me Miss Mayz!
Came the soft commanding voice of Batard as he pressed his rock hard cock to her slightly parted ruby lips.

“Come to me Miss Mayz.”

Her Master commanded his strong hands encircling her trim little waist as her drew her back on to the tip of his cock that velvet tip parting the soft pink folds of her tight little pussy. Krystal found herself with a cock pressed to her sweet moist lips, and to her tight little pussy.
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As time slipped passed by her, lost in a world of pure desire, Krystal became exhausted and frustrated by the denial of any release. She would growl and whimper each time she grew close only to have them stop, preventing her from going over that edge. By the time they had gotten her in the new position, she was shaking hard from over stimulation, the hard marble alter refreshed the pain in her knees, reminding her of the time well spent with the wolf.

She knew she would not last much longer with both men ripping the energy from her, keeping her teetering between the reality of their demands and slipping into darkness. Krystal could taste Batard at her lips, smell the intoxicating scent from his sex. It took several moments for both commands to fully register, breaking through the cloud that filled her every thought.

Just as she was about to obey Batard, a command came from behind and finally she opened her eyes looking straight up at Batard unsure of what to do. There were two commands, one from each of her Masters and she found it difficult to resist either one. Fresh Tears burned down her red and sweaty cheeks after realizing Batard's intentions, knowing she wouldn't be able to take all of him into her mouth, torn between being afraid of what he'll do once in her mouth and the curiosity of the action.

It didn't take her long to understand what Master came first as she started to push back, slowly forcing her first Master deeply into her greedy little hole. Batard watched as her eyes rolled shut once more and how her mouth gaped open from sheer pleasure. In that moment Krystal wasn't thinking about the cock at her mouth, only the focused on how incredible it felt to have her cunt filled again. The sensation of it entering her almost brought her to orgasm, feeling the thickness and how deep she pushed onto him. The alter dug into her knees as she slowly impaled herself onto De Loup's cock, trying to get more of him inside.

The tight grip in her hair and the taste of precum at her lips, followed by Batard's scent brought her attention back to him. Her body was shaking more intensely and if it wasn't for the tight grip in her hair, she would have sunk down to her elbows and chest. Eventually her tongue slipped from between her lips and began to taste and tease the silky head that is in front of her, the action alone became just as intoxicating as the scent. Without anymore hesitation, Krystal invited him into her mouth taking in as much as she could without gagging.

There is no fighting it any longer, having both holes filled created a sensation like nothing she's ever felt before and the orgasm hit her hard. Having been built up for so long and denied after so many times, Krystal finally broke and gave in. Batard had to hold her up by her hair as she started to slip away from his cock, the muffled sounds of raw pleasure vibrated around the hardness.
Krystal was caught between these two powerful beings. Batard’s strong fingers tightly entwined in her hair commanding her compelling her to yield to his command, it had been he not her Master that she had kissed so passionately, had so willingly surrendered the sweetness of her mouth to. It had been his tongue that hers had so shamelessly danced with in complete surrender to his will. And yet their was another voice just as commanding, just as insistent, the voice of her Master . His firm hands were on Krystal’s trim little waist, so like the wolf fore paws that had held her captive to his primal desires. This young innocent was truly caught and held captive between them. Which command to obey which man to satisfy?

Slowly Krystal pressed back to meet her Master’s cock. Meekly the little honey blonde beauty obeyed the Master’s command as she impaled herself on his cock. It was almost as if the young girl could feel his golden eyes on her, devouring her naked perfection, as his cock slowly filled her tight little cunt, stretching it and filling her like never before. In her dark sinful ecstasy she could almost feel the wolf’s knot once more locking her to him in a primal ferial dance of possession.

When Krystal’s soft moist lips “O”ed Batard drew her on to his cock. Its velvet head slipped by her moist chaste lips passed the white ridged of her teeth and into the heavenly sweet moist warmth of the girl’s mouth. With each trust her drove deeper and deer into her mouth until that velvet head nudged the back of her mouth seeking entrance into the girl’s tight little throat.

Krystal was poised on the marble alter a sacrificial offering to these tow men’s lust for her, a flawless pale naked offering, to lust. They seesawed the young beauty between them When her Master drove his cock deep into Krystal’s greedy little cunt, Batard would draw back his cock all but leaving her warm succulent mouth, the velvet tip resting of the Girl’s “O”ed lips. Then Batard would thrust deep into Krystal’s mouth his hands positioning her head so he could enter her tight heavenly throat. He would hold her there his wiry groin pressed to her little button nose his cock filling her mouth and throat, While her Master’s cock just rested against the girl’s throbbing clit.

These men kept the gorgeous young innocent in a dark swirling world of unimagined pleasure a pleasure so rich so dark that her young soul ached. Then Batard came deep with in the girl’s mouth and throat his dark voice coming through the haze of her mindless ecstasy.

Swallow my gift Miss Mayz ….All of it.

Then Krystal could feel her master coming deep with in her tight little cunt his nails digging into her sides so like the wolfs had done.

“Cum to me my sweet Bitch….cum for me Miss Mayz”
Krystal couldn't handle Batard going so deep down her throat, each time it made her choke and she felt like he was suffocating her. The movement of her pulling away only forced her to thrust onto her Master, driving him deeper and harder into. The pleasure she found with her Master made what Batard did some what easier, relaxing her enough to take most of him down her throat on her own. There were a few times she shook her head, barely clawing at his legs, trying to break free from his grasp and when he exploded, she choked harder than before unable to swallow it all. Most of it was forced down her sore throat, however a lot of it escaped from around his cock, spitting from her lips as it overwhelmed her.

It took her a moment to get through the choking of his overwhelming cum before actually hearing the request come from her Master. Bringing her attention back to him and what he was doing, trying to focus on the pleasure he brought her, to exhausted to struggle with Batard any longer.

The motion of her Master did remind her of the wolf, there were moments when it actually felt as if it was the wolf taking her instead of a man. It made her think of the wolf, seeing him behind her closed eyes just before falling into the cloud of darkness as soon as she felt her Master's cum filling her. Krystal was unaware if she came with him or not, allowing her body to succumb to its own needs. The two men overwhelmed all of her senses, pushing her to limits she's never met with before. Batard restricted her breathing each time he drove into her throat, holding her in place, which only made it easier to fall into the blissful darkness.
Krystal came hard for her Master her gorgeous young body bucking and withering in dark sinful ecstasy as she gave herself fully to her Master. Her sweet warm mouth suckling Batard’s thick cock lodged in her tight little throat . Oh how desperately she tried to swallow his cum, the muscles of her tight little throat massaging and pleasing him as he raped her mouth and throat. Slowly Krystal slipped into a dark world, which dampened the reality of what was happening to her, of how she was being used by these to powerful men.
“Miss Mayz,………. Miss Mayz………Miss Mayz please me!”

The young honey blonde’s Master’s voice came through the dark haze that was her world now. A world that lay half way between consciousness and that dark sweet oblivion that promised her such sweet rest.

“Miss Mayz…”
Gillian’s voice carried that unmistakable note of command to it. The tip of his ridged cock brushed the girl’s sweet moist lips. In that dark world where she floated in a dream like state, between Devine oblivion and consciousness De Loup's dark golden eyes sought this young beauty’s soft smoldering eyes. For his part Batard slipped between Krystal’s thighs and pressed his cock to her hungry little pussy. De Loup’s looked down on this stunning young beauty her gorgeous young body shimmering in a fine sheen of sweat from the excursions her cascading orgasms had wrung from her.

“Miss Mayz…..”

Gillian dark rich voice wrapped around Krystal, so dark rich, and compiling as he waited for his little protégé to obey him . Once again Krystal found herself caught between them.
Even with the peaceful cloud of darkness, there is no escaping the calling of her Master. Torn between the darkness and reality, wishing and reaching to stay within that cloud. Her body ached and it was torn between pleasure and pain, the alter being unforgiving to her knees and the burning in her throat made it difficult to continue. Mentally on the other hand, she had a need to follow the voice of her Master, those golden eyes urging her to keep going.

Once more she could feel the head of both cocks at each end, the scent and taste of sex clouding over any reasonable thought. When Krystal managed to open her eyes, she found that the men had switched places, ready for more. And realizing that they were not finished with her, the thought was dreadful and at the same time, it excited her. Krystal could feel her pussy twitch and ache for more. Despite the gagging and choking that Batard had caused, deep down she had to admit that she enjoyed every moment.

Krystal without much thought or hesitation, slowly and painfully, rolled over onto her back unable to remain on her hands and knees, knowing what is expected of her as she spread her legs for Batard. The cum from her Master seeped out from the twitching little hole as she moved into position, with her cum covered face she looked up towards her Master. Instinct guided her motions now when she began to lick the underneath of his cock, tasting and smelling the intoxicating mixture of fluids.

It wasn't long before she had him in her mouth, sucking on the hardness eager to please her Master. And after her experience with Batard, along with the new position, Krystal found it easier to take him down the throat. She would still gag and struggled with the restricted airflow, however, it wasn't nearly as traumatizing as before.

Krystal, lost in a world of raw desire and lust, is unaware of what her own hands are doing, with one hand down between her legs rubbing against the aching clit, the other hand reached for her Master's hand and placed it on her throat.
Krystal surrendered her gorgeous young body and her hungry little cunt to Batard as she lazily rolled over onto her back and spread her long sculptured legs so that he could more easily fuck her. Yet it was to her Master that she truly gave herself. The young honey blonde beauty soft eyes sought those dark golden eyes that seemed to hold her enthralled. Those sweet moist lips so sensually “O”ed the tip of her little pink tongue slid across the sensual bow of her plump lower lip before shyly reaching out to seductively lick the underside of De Loup’s cock.

Little by little Krystal became bolder in her efforts to please her master. Her ripe moist lips obscenely “O”ed around her Master’s cock. Gillian smiled as Krystal took more and more of his cock into her mouth and tight little throat until his balls slapped against her chin. The stunning little beauty’s nostrils flared as she sucked his cock and the muscles of her throat sensually massage him. It was then that this stunning beauty slipped one hand down across her trembling abdomen, a finger reaching out to roll her throbbing little clit under that finger’s pad. Krystal guided her Master’s hand to her slender throat, he smiled down into her soft shimmering eyes. De Loup’s fingers slowly closed around Krystal’s slender throat robbing her of life giving breath. He watched as her soft eyes grew wide as she struggled to breath, and yet this stunning young creature strove ever harder to take him deeper and deeper into her mouth and throat eagerly trying her very best to please her Master. As she floated between life and death heaven and hell Batard filled her fertile young womb with his seed. Her Master continued to fuck her delicious little mouth and throat his balls slapping her chin with each powerful thrust. Suddenly Gillian pulled from the young girl’s mouth, his hand released its grasp on her slender throat.

“Cum for me Miss Mayz.”
As life giving breath rushed back into the girl’s lungs, and she gasped to take in that blessed breath Gillian De Loup cock erupted in a powerful gush of cum. It splattered against Krystal angelic face, bathed her heaving breasts and splashed into the girl’s honey blonde hair. She lay on the marble alter Batard’s cum dripping from her pussy, her gorgeous young body bathed in a fine shimmering sheen of sweat. Cum clung to the girl’s moist ripe lips, a dollop clung to one pale pink nipple. This gorgeous young creature finally surrendered to that dark oblivion.

The morning light streamed through the tall window of Gillian De Loup’s bedroom windows. Krystal nude body was sprawled across the Master’s Bed. The cool silk sheets caressed her flawless skin. Then in the dark recesses of her mind the low haunting call of her wolf slowly came to her. Calling her from the dark oblivion and back to the world of the light.
It was a very exhausting night for Krystal and she slept harder than she's ever slept before. The dreams were filled by the events that have happened since her arrival with mixed emotions attached. Part of her despised what these men were doing to her, hating and fighting against how her own body betrays her each and every time. Deeper down, hiding behind the disgust of it all, Krystal enjoyed it all. It brought a new kind of sensation she thought she would never find, feeding into the true nature of her submission. Every experience has brought on a need to please her Masters.

The dreams also started to put the pieces of her puzzle together, wondering where her Master goes during the day and why he reminds her so much of the wolf. The way he had claimed her last night was far to similar to how the wolf had done it, everything was the same. So much so that when he came inside her, she almost expected to feel the knot locking them together again. Time was lost to her as she slept, having no idea how long she had been in her Masters bed, but she woke to the sound of her wolfs call. Krystal didn't know how or why, however, she just simply knew he was calling for her, hearing her Masters voice in the howl that urged her to wake up.

It did startle her for a moment waking up in a different room and bed, although it did not last long as his scent filled the air, knowing this had to be her Masters room. Krystal also took her time getting ready, taking a long hot bath and cleaning herself up for her Master. Even braided her hair in a pretty french braid, recalling his request of no longer hiding her face from him.

Krystal roamed around, snooping and exploring through his things, not digging to deep into his secrets, but enough to fully realize he truly is the wolf. Pictures of him as the man along with pictures of the wolf were proof enough for her. Naturally she didn't know how it was possible, however it did bring a smile to her lips. Under his bed she found a chest full of women's clothes. They were mostly lingerie, corsets, and various items made for sexual appeal, all of which she assumed were for his so called photo shoots.

It did make her feel uncomfortable to wear such items, though she found a corset with a skirt attached to it that she liked. It was red and black and the skirt was shorter than the school outfit, barely hiding her ass, the corset top lifted her breasts showing off a nice cleavage. Krystal also found a black velvet cloak that she put on just before leaving the room.

Batard was no where to be found as she snuck into the kitchen and grabbed a few things to eat before heading out the back door. Krystal ate more than she expected too, not realizing just how truly hungry she was until she started eating. When she noticed the time it was almost 1pm and she hoped that her Master wouldn't be upset for keeping him waiting for so long, hoping that her attire will make up for the wait.

Within moments she found herself waiting at the grove where he claimed her for the first time.
Slowly the horrific reality of her position dawned on Krystal as she gazed upon the silver frame that held photographic of the Master and her Wolf. The pictures were old very, old and yet he had not changed, as if caught outside of time. But it was their eyes those dark penetrating eyes that seemed to lay her young soul bared it their gave. It was if that Her Wolf and the Master were one and the same creature.

Krystal’s exploration of the Master’s room continued, and she discovered the chest, its scandalous contents of wickedly seductive garments more suited to a bordello than for a young lady. Yet Krystal had little choice it was either these or to go naked. The low dark commanding call of her Wolf seemed to make up her mind as she quickly dressed. Robed in the red and black corset and attached skirt. That naughty little skirt was shorter than the school outfit. It drew the viewer’s eyes to the sensual curve Krystal’s tight little her ass, the corset top lifted her breasts showing off a nice cleavage. The final touch was the black velvet cape was draped across the young girl’s shoulders.

Like a dark sensual version of “ Little Red Riding Hood” the gorgeous young beauty slipped from the castle, her feet following the path that led to the grove, the grove where her Wolf had claimed her virginity, where he had made her his little human bitch. Yet as she arrived the grove was empty. Then Krystal saw the dark dim eyes of the pack watching from the edge of the forest that surrounded that secluded grove the faces of these lesser creatures anxious, as if anticipating something. The a low howl called to Krystal and there he was her Wolf. He slowly circled his little human bitch. The young girl could feel his hot moist breath caress her bare legs. Slowly he came to stand before the trembling girl and thrust his muzzle beneath her sexy little skirt and his tongue slid along the girl’s soft rose pink folds. He tormented her with the promise of dark sinful pleasure. Just as poor young beauty was about to fall to her knees he backed off and withdrew from her leaving Krystal standing alone in the center of the grove. A low grow told this sweet young beauty that her Wolf desired her. It told her to strip for him and fall to her hands and knees once more so he could take her once more, for she was his bitch.
There was plenty of time for Krystal to think about the picture she saw and how both men keep calling her bitch as if it was the most natural thing for them. She couldn't understand Batard and his story, or know if he was one of them or not, the most she could do is assume he was like her Master. It also made her curious to know how many more were like that.... How many more he will share her with. Krystal wanted to run again as she waited for the wolf, the path was right there in her sight, teasing her and calling her to go home. Just as she was about to test the path, see if it was really there, it vanished as the wolves started to show up. They scared her more than her wolf did, wondering when she'll be tossed to them, and now curious to know how many of them are actually men.

"I'm...... I'm not.... I can't be your b....bitch.... I'm not like you...."

At first she tried to resist what the wolf started doing, however, no matter where she moved to, he was right there with his snout between her legs. Krystal didn't want to admit that she wanted him, needed to have him inside of her again, unaware of how her scent filled the air, ignoring the ache he caused each time his tongue tasted her wetness. She knew he could understand what she was saying and eventually her words became mere whispers before ceasing altogether. Even in his wolf form, he knew how to break her down and make her crave for more, driving her to the edge only to deny the fall.

When he stopped suddenly, Krystal found herself breathless and full of need while staring into those golden eyes. Her legs were spread wide and shaking, aching to collapse beneath her at any moment. It took her several moments to gain some kind composure, shaking the daze from her head. His voice can be heard within the growling, the commanding voice that haunted her dreams and the golden eyes that entranced her, coaxing her to submit.

"I'm..... not a bitch.... I... I....."

The longer she stood there, reluctant to obey despite the greater need for release he caused, Krystal realized then that she is his bitch. Realizing just how much she truly wanted.... no, needed, to submit to him. Krystal wasn't a fighter and to keep fighting only exhausted her and made her weaker, making it easier for her Master to win each time.

Slowly the natural submission in her took over, finding the need and desire to obey as her hands began to remove the clothing, each item dropping to the ground at her feet. Within seconds, she lowered to the ground on her knees, and soon her chest hit the grass while sinking down onto her elbows with her ass high in the air. The whole time she locked eyes with her wolf, showing him her complete submission, that she has willingly become his bitch.

"I.... I...I am....."

She couldn't find a way to finish what she wanted to say, but he saw what he wanted in her eyes, knowing he broke through more of her walls. Krystal lowered her head in anticipation to feel the wolf inside of her, already feeling his bite on the back of her neck.

Right in front Krystal, there is another person lurking around, unable to see each other as the land played its little trick on her. There is a redhead female in the grove with them, finding the pictures of Krystal and the wolf, as well as the phone that Krystal had broken. The girl was shocked to see such pictures of her best friend, each picture made it seem as if Krystal had enjoyed being with such a creature. It both disgusted her and excited her at the same time, seeing her friend in such a position was a huge turn on. Salyne looked around and saw the castle in the distance, being the only building in sight she assumed that is where Krystal would be. Soon headed off in the direction of the castle, hoping to find her friend.
"I'm...... I'm not.... I can't be your b....bitch.... I'm not like you...."

Krystal protested, her angelic voice trembling with the emotions that were warring within her innocent young soul. No matter where the young innocent turned she was met by those treble golden eyes that laid her soul bared before their gaze leaving the girl no place to hide.

"I'm..... not a bitch.... I... I....."

Caught in that golden gaze this time Krystal’s words sound more like she was trying to convince herself than they were utter in defiance to her wolf. Despite her words and under her Master’s gaze Krystal’s delicate fingers let the dark velvet cloak slip from her shoulder, her fingers then went to the laces of her corset.

"I.... I...I am....."

Under her wolf’s silent demanding gaze the lost young beauty finally submitted to him as she stripped for him. With her clothing pooled around to her dainty ankles Krystal fell to her knees, her proud young breasts pressed to the warm moss covered forest floor her pale ivory ass high in the air offered to the master. Slowly her wolf came to Krystal his long thick tongue sliding along her soft coral pink folds as he fucked her succulent little pussy. His tongue probed deep within Krystal’s hungry little cunt, then slid along her folds up between the girl’s clinched firm cheeks to probe at the dark star of the girl’s virgin ass. With a low growler her wolf mounted Krystal His cock driving not at her needy little cunt but pressed to Krystal virgin ass.

The stunning little redhead entered the grove she had been searching for her wayward friend for several days now A glint of something caught her eyes, it was the phone that Krystal had broken. The girl then fond the pictures of Krystal and the wolf, as well as. The redhead’s mouth gapped open in shocked disbelief to see such pictures of her best friend, each picture made it seem as if Krystal had enjoyed being brutally fucked by such a creature. It both disgusted Salyne and excited her at the same time, seeing her friend in such a position was a huge turn on. Salyne looked around and saw the castle in the distance, being the only building in sight she assumed that is where Krystal would be. Soon headed off in the direction of the castle, hoping to find her friend.
The hollow knocking at the castle door brought Batard to the portal that over looked the massive door.

“What do you want Miss?”

Batard call downed to the stunning young redhead. She was such a tasty looking morsel; his cock was stiff just looking at her.

“Do you know where a Miss Krystal Mayz is Sir?”

“By the lake in the pine grove I have seen a young lady Miss but I am not sure it is the girl you are looking for.”

Batard smiled to himself he knew his place and the Master must enjoy the charms of each young beauty first. Perhaps the Master would give this one to him to train. Batard thought as he watched the clueless beauty turn to go and meet her fate.
For Krystal it was always easier to just submit rather than fight, knowing that submission is what keeps a person alive. Fighting, well fighting brought on punishment and pain, that is something Krystal had no intention on dealing with. So far, Batard and her Master have shown her no true harm, only pleasure. Right now that is just what the wolf was providing, driving her every thought into a haze of lust as his tongue dove deep into her.

There was no denying how good it felt, how close she came to an orgasm just before he turned to her ass. It was a different kind of sensation, one that crept through the haze, then he began to mount her, she felt the hardness pushing into the tight hole. At first Krystal didn't think much of it, remembering the first time he did the same thing. However, this time is different, he isn't seeking for her cunt, the constant pushing made her realize he wanted in her ass.

Krystal resisted it, the tight little hole resistant to the probing, unwilling to allow something so big enter. She even tried a few times to get out from beneath him, or at the very least get him to enter her cunt instead. They were all failed attempts as he held her in place, growling at the struggles.

Just as he finally broke through the resistance, causing her to cry out from the sudden stretch and collapse further to the ground, the redheaded female entered the scene. The girl stood there with her mouth gaped open in shock and disbelief. Salyne didn't know what to do in that moment, but she heard Krystal cry out in what sounded like pain at first and this made her search for anything she could find.

After finding a thick, heavy branch she started to charge at the wolf mounting Krystal.
