A stranger in your bed (for eugere 1988)

Katie lock her bedroom door as she collapse on the bed crying, she curl up into a ball and sob. She was so painfully sore and felt so used, like a whore

**That morning his butler came to change the blankets and inform him of the change of work schedule.His meeting across the sea to his meeting. Which would take a few weeks, he left strict instruction for her tilll her return**
Kurt landed in London and met with his business partner. After three days of hard negotiation, he told his driver to chauffeur him to the hospital. After his initial meeting with the urologist, he got snipped, so he wouldn't have to worry about impregnating his bride. He rested a while longer, took in some sights, and on the plane ride home called the mansion.
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Katie was coming out from the garden when the butler hand her the phone: Who is this? *she sounded unhappy, annoyed. She hate her relaxing moment be interrupted by him as she was now his woman*
"It's Kurt. I'm coming home this evening and I have some surprises for you. I've instructed the butler to lay out clothes for this evening's dinner, but only for this evening's dinner. I really think you;ll like what I got you on this trip. See you later."
Katie: you were suppose come in a week...Wh...*blinks as he hung up on her. Curses and trow the phone to the butler: dont you dare look smug, your boss is an asshole! She finally wore the beautiful dress he picked out for her. She hated how the dress was perfect fit and accentuated all her best features. She hated how much he knew of her taste, habits, etc...like a perfect husband. Most girl would find it charming, maybe even her. if their relationship didn't start the way it had when they met for the first time
Kurt pulled up the the house and had his driver help him bring in the bags and bags of stuff he had bought for Katie. All the bags were from high-end clothing retailers, and there were even three suit bags in the pile. He opened the door and said, "Katie, I'm home!" When he saw her in the dress, he said, "You look stunning this evening," and kissed her cheek.
Katie looked away to avoid being kissed on her lips, but got a glimpse of all the clothing: Who did you buy such clothing? *pushes back her hair as she walks away* I rather not go out with you tonight, i prefer see a friend of mine...*She was obviously avoiding spending time with her husband as if quality time scared her*
"Look, I know you didn't have much in the way of good, quality clothing when you were back at home so I went and got this stuff for you as kind of a peace offering," he said, sitting her down on a couch. "Please, at least look through it before deciding what to do this evening."
Katie reluctantly sat down beside him: i am not saying its not beautiful...i am saying i can NOT be your wife...I rather be married by name to you, you can give these to your mistress and leave me out of your life....* She obviously had no idea he was monogamous husband*
"I will never take a mistress," he said. "I went in on this all the way. Now let's go eat while it's hot," he said. "And we can make plans to invite some of your friends up here."
Katie stood up as she glares at him: you think , i a some whore you can buy with clothes?! *curses as she walks passed him* as "if" i would advertised being forced to be your woman...i rather die...*storms off to her bedroom cursing she was a slave*
Kurt sighed. That had been the exact opposite of the way he wanted things to go. He sat at the table alone and ate his dinner, leaving a plate outside Katie's door and knocking, leaving before she could get to the door. He went to the gym and began to lift as he did when he wanted to relax.
Katie tried to ignore it and simply step out to return the food in the kitchen . She clung to her silk robe as she was still wet from her shower. She quietly made her way to the gym door and glance in the room. She tried to not be seen only to be unaware that he could see her reflection with the mirror far end. Her leg slightly risen as her knee was press to the door frame. Her right breast push out of her robe with her long wet hair sticking over her flesh molding to her shape , exposing her pale skin as she looks so innocent and like a pale rare doll that made him hard. *
Kurt saw her in the mirror and turned around. "If you;re ready to talk, come in. Otherwise, I'm sure there's something you can find to do here without me if I'm that disgusting to you."
Katie walk in glaring at him: Don't you dare act like a victim after what you did to me...cause i will use one of the dumbbells on you...i swear to god..*not realizing with closed the distance between them as she clench her fist wanting to injure him*
"Well, fine, be that way," he said. "I'm trying to get things back to an even keel. It is not my intention to treat you as a whore or dishonor you by taking a mistress. I got the clothes so you could have something decent. I got snipped so you wouldn't have to worry about pregnancy, How can we work this out?"
Katie glared at him: you think clothing will give me back everything i lost...i...i ...i.... cant believe you...your the worse *shaking as she clench her fists tight, hit him in the chest: i hate you! * her hits becoming weaker as she knew she would of fallen in love with him if he had not talent her so brutally the first time *
As she flailed, Kurt took her by the wrists and pulled her into his body, hugging her and kissing her on the forehead. "I will never be that rough with you ever again unless you ask for it," he said.
Katie looks up her heart racing as he held her so easily: i hate yo...*her words cut off as she melts into his kiss. He can feel her body press against him in response, her hard nipple press against his body. She look in her eyes as she blushed and turn away. She tries to pull away quickly before he could see a part of her,wanted his cock in her holes. She try flee as it was obvious he would need take charge as she would feel like a whore initiating sex after their first encounter.
Kurt felt her nipples stiffening up against him through her thin robe. "See, you do want it," he said, rubbing the nipples between his fingers and beginning to walk her to the bench press. He laid her down and removed her robe, leaving her naked, her wet hair draped over her shoulder. "Are you ready for it this time, honey?" he asked. climbing between her spread legs.
Katie pales at his statement: it only means...i am cold....*gasps as she feels his touch over her sensitive nipple making her gasps. She tries to pull herself away only to have him lay her on bench press. She panic, her heart racing as he remove her robe: enough...*tries to sound authoritarian even as she still fear his enormous cock* Stop it, please...* she hated how her body wanted to be claim even though it be painful. In her mind she she refuse to accept yet her body seem to want another thing. She tries to quickly close her legs and pull free: i am not your whore...
Kurt pinned her knees open with his. "I know you aren't a whore. That's why I'm taking care of your pleasure tonight." He rested the tip of his cock at her entrance. "The way your body is reacting, I think you're going to slide onto me instead of me taking you. So go ahead, indulge yourself."
Katie looks at him shocked as he reposition her: i dont need pleasure...i mean...i'm not in the mood..*gasps feeling his cock press against her entrance. He can feel she was getting slightly wet yet tries to close her legs, blushing*
"You're completely soaked," he said, refuting her protest. You can either take what you need or i can tease you for hours and then go to bed. The choice is yours and you need to make it now."
Katie glared at him as she shoved him back hard enough to make him back off: My decision is that next time you touch me, i kill you...you can't force me to bed you....