who's your current celebrity/famous person crush?

After seeing Dylan Sprouses cock I so want to have nasty gay sex with him :) As for women, Kat Dennings makes my cock swell:D
Hannah Reid from London Grammar

bit of a girl crush going on :cool:

Good choice! For someone so young her voice is AMAZING! And even better live than on the album (which is hard to imagine). Hopefully a bright future ahead for the band as they all seem really talented and charmingly modest.
Good choice! For someone so young her voice is AMAZING! And even better live than on the album (which is hard to imagine). Hopefully a bright future ahead for the band as they all seem really talented and charmingly modest.
More than a little jealous you've heard them live: they never seem to step outside London ( too expensive for me :()
Bill Skarsgard

Stellen Skarsgard makes some pretty men. First Alexander and now this morsel. Long legs, gigantic hands. Heavens to Betsy.
From American Ninja Warrior


His name is Brent Ruffin. They showed him shirtless splitting wood in his bio film. I nearly fell down. All those muscles and pretty pretty blue eyes to boot. Gee whillikers.

Jason Statham

I love the way he looks. I love the way he talks. I love the way he moves. I love that he doesn't take himself too seriously.

And sweet Molly Mallone he looks fine in a suit.

Jason Statham

I love the way he looks. I love the way he talks. I love the way he moves. I love that he doesn't take himself too seriously.

And sweet Molly Mallone he looks fine in a suit.

Reminds me I wanted to watch my new "Homefront" DVD this weekend... But how that movie makes Franco look like a decent actor, & Bosworth look so bad compared to how she looked in "21" (perhaps her score on the oft-used scale from 1 to 10), makes less sense than its screenplay being written by Sly "doesn't know the meaning of 'Expendable'" Stallone.
He's not exactly a classic pretty boy, but I find him sooo sexy

Damian Lewis

(oh - sorry that's kinda full screen )

Count me in as well. Those lips. . . *swoon*

I have my moments where I'm either pro- or anti-her (been both at different times), but a few of the times I've felt against, that was/those were the reason.

When I see a bad movie, for instance, I often find my mind split: On one hand, I wonder how a movie could be bad with decently-talented actors (as she often is, IMO) in it. On the other hand, though, I have to see them as more-than-partly to blame for its low quality, as you'd expect them to know how bad it was after reading the script, & think it beneath them/the idea of them agreeing to be in it.

Therefore, I have trouble being attracted to any of her at all when her mouth is spewing dialogue that would be rejected by a primary-school teacher.

EDIT: Since I have been asked to expound on these things (& seen it on my onscreen listings a lot lately), I'd have to say one of these such movies might be "The Island".

I have the DVD, but believe I got it in some sort of "Bargain Bin" or similar deal/area. Ewan, the late MCD, Sean Bean [who I find to be 1 of the only 2 watchable parts on TV's "Legends" (similar to this, the other being Ali Larter)], & any reason to watch ScarJo (especially the scenes when she is running/breathing hard, etc.), but I remember laughing when I first saw it at how largely it lacked believability.
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Perhaps she's been mentioned before in this thread, but I'll probably always have a vivid imagination regarding Kate Beckinsale. :rose:


I don't think he lasts--I'm behind on the show, stupid r/l interfering with my fun, but I think he's a cutie.

Sexy voice, nice bod, tattoos, handsome face. . . yes please.