What is crossing your mind right now?

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A beautiful day again. Finished my yard work, now to sit in the shade with my laptop and work on photos.
A beautiful day again. Finished my yard work, now to sit in the shade with my laptop and work on photos.

I been off work for the past 4 days, checked my work email this morning, I have to go to the desert this week to do some training. I checked the weather its gonna be a freakin 104 degrees tomorrow, its still April right
Hurry! I'm still in bed and I've got to get up soon to make JoyDyan some biscuits and gravy, and an omelet for heartlessbytch!
I don't do biscuits and gravy, but I made a bacon, mushroom, roasted garlic, olive and cheese omlet this morning that was scrumtilicious. I can make one for you and heartlessbytch:rose::kiss:
*dings bell* order up!

good morning, lovelies. i've got coffee on and orange juice coming. you all go wash up for breakfast:

*cues food porn music*

mmm. oh yeah...

oh yes, right there...nice piping hot home fries. fluffy inside, crispy outside. *sets ketchup and salt on the tables*

and for those with big....appetites:

money shot. creamy shrimp and grits....who's your ladybug? yeah...say it again.

was it good for you?;)
WOW if that's what respy cooks for breakfast, I wanna know what she is going to cook for dinner
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