Trump Tweet Thread


Donald Trump’s sister Maryanne was a judge during the 2016 election. Hmmm...

But Trump's sister retired from her judgeship to preserve her retirement annuity ahead of the continuing investigation of how the surviving Trumps criminally screwed their dead brother's family out of a fair cut of the family fortune by lying about the worth of the estate.
Link to Trump Tweets

These quotes may just be too good to ignore!

Very organized process taking place as I decide on Cabinet and many other positions. I am the only one who knows who the finalists are!

Goodness gracious me, America is going to become a giant game show! Cabinet ministers are now finalists. Will any cabinet ministers be women? At the moment they will be locked behind closed doors, to discuss what they can offer to the cabinet and the Presidency.

I wonder if there will be a glass ceiling for women during this Presidency? Nah probably a wooden desk top...Ooops watch your heads ladies!
Clicked on the link to his account and it's suspended .Oh happy day .