The Last Thing You Thought...

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You and most the guys around here. Still. From me to you, she's damn good. ;)

I just hope that she accepts the compliment from someone who respects her & her preferences.

Plus, I have worked out from the reactions of the ladies about that she is damn good... on her off days :)
I feel uber gross.

Headache, fever, unable to breathe
sneezing, coughing and chest pains...PLUS
aches, pains and freezing/hot...

fuck me til I cry I wanna feel better.

HATE being sick..

*whines, whines*

Followed by~

I gotta write SP back but I think I am gonna move us past the weekend.

I hate the minutiae. Makes me feel like we are just gunning engines but going no where.



Who the fuck does this sort of stupid shit
Oh right...
I wanna barf
Did I eat today?
Yeah, I did...
focus bitch.
I am...

stupid shit.

-Creeps up to the lovely wolf and gives her a warm snuggly hug. Then takes some menthol rub and places some on her forehead, just a touch beneath the nose. Then a warming oil with a little lavender mixed in-

Feel better pretty one. Maybe a nice soothing rub down will help ease the aches. If not I've found a new love for an oil burner, lavender and a hot both. :kiss:
*hugs a FD for being sweet*

Thank you.

In the RW, I am ensconced in bed, wrapped in quilts and drinking chamomile tea.
(I just finished my dose of thereflu...icky tasting shit...but it works)
*hugs a FD for being sweet*

Thank you.

In the RW, I am ensconced in bed, wrapped in quilts and drinking chamomile tea.
(I just finished my dose of thereflu...icky tasting shit...but it works)

THATS why your phone no answer me.

-snuggles uber icky sick twin-

THATS why your phone no answer me.

-snuggles uber icky sick twin-


You been calling texting kitty twin?
Am sorry~am icky sickly...

and not happy bout it...
so phone is off...and has been for days.

Will turn on if you need me.
You been calling texting kitty twin?
Am sorry~am icky sickly...

and not happy bout it...
so phone is off...and has been for days.

Will turn on if you need me.

Yes. two days now. Just wanted to share somaat.

Can wait til you're not sicky. -nodsnods-
*nuzzles her sickly Wolfkun and curles up on the quilts in her wolven form next to Luna*


Note to self: you can sprain your elbow. Thank the stars I'm not working today.
My mind works in strange ways. I woke in the night to use the potty, and the thought in my head was: 'I am one of the most advanced beings you will meet on this planet.' Sadly, that is a true statement too.
That I have been ill and off work for a whole week and am showing few signs of getting better. It is times like this I wish I had someone to take care of me. I keep plodding along and am very happy for the weekend, I am going to fast and immerse myself in lots of hot yoga maybe I will sweat and starve the germs away .:rose:
Last thought: The best part about living alone is...cake for breakfast the week or so following your birthday.
What the hell! I am out here once every multiple years (3 this time) and this girl is running late. Why do my friends know about my OCD and ignore my schedules accordingly? -shakes his head, chuckling anyways-
I knowwww what I said last niiiight...
But I was sleeeeepy....
I'll try again, honest really!
gods, getting a good night's sleep was wonderful. Slipped into bed by 10:30 and I was out for the night. I haven't done that in a long time. But yesterday was a good day, last night was even better even if it did start out kinda rocky.
gods, getting a good night's sleep was wonderful. Slipped into bed by 10:30 and I was out for the night. I haven't done that in a long time. But yesterday was a good day, last night was even better even if it did start out kinda rocky.


Morning Cait :rose:

What a wonderful way to start Friday. :)
Yay, Friday morning!

Hi Brit! :rose:

Plans for the weekend?

Hi Sia!


Plans...? Hmmm, a meal for a friend's 30th tomorrow and that's about it...has been a busy week - photographically speaking - and was up til 1am this morning editing photos from a school shoot I did on Wednesday!


So this weekend I plan on doing very little of substance...hopefully some writing if the muse allows!

And your lovely self?
Hi Sia!


Plans...? Hmmm, a meal for a friend's 30th tomorrow and that's about it...has been a busy week - photographically speaking - and was up til 1am this morning editing photos from a school shoot I did on Wednesday!


So this weekend I plan on doing very little of substance...hopefully some writing if the muse allows!

And your lovely self?

Sometimes weekends with little plans are the best. A celebration with friends does sound fun.

And writing... that sounds like fun.

I haven't had much time for it these days, but soon.

My weekend? I had a whole lot planned, but I caught the plague, so I've been cancelling all the fun. I am feeling much better today, so tentatively I might be able to attend my cousin's baby shower tomorrow, might. I am very nervous about germs when it comes to you pregnant ladies or those with small children. I don't even like to pass on my germs to adults or strangers. When I'm sick I do my best to lock myself away as not to infect others.
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