The Last Thing You Thought...

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Sometimes weekends with little plans are the best. A celebration with friends does sound fun.

And writing... that sounds like fun.

I haven't had much time for it these days, but soon.

My weekend? I had a whole lot planned, but I caught the plague, so I've been cancelling all the fun. I am feeling much better today, so tentatively I might be able to attend my cousin's baby shower tomorrow, might. I am very nervous about germs when it comes to you pregnant ladies or those with small children. I don't even like to pass on my germs to adults or strangers. When I'm sick I do my best to lock myself away as not to infect others.

Sorry to hear you're not well...

hugs again

...but hopefully you'll feel up to enjoying some of your weekend plans!
Oh Lord I think I have given my flu to everyone :eek::(

*hugs to all my fellow sickies and one from me to me *:rose:
Sorry to hear you're not well...

hugs again

...but hopefully you'll feel up to enjoying some of your weekend plans!

*hugs keeping those pesky germs to herself*

Thanks :)

I'm on the mend and maybe I'll get out for a little while this weekend.
What the hell! I am out here once every multiple years (3 this time) and this girl is running late. Why do my friends know about my OCD and ignore my schedules accordingly? -shakes his head, chuckling anyways-

-Oi- They can ignore it just like they ignore your propensity to be a turd when you are not getting your way.
Fuck! I was just randomly eaten alive by a mosquito while sitting here in bed minding my own business.
home from work with a 102 temp...but I can't sleep, can't eat, can't breathe...

fuck...don't believe i can write either...

so why am I on Lit?
home from work with a 102 temp...but I can't sleep, can't eat, can't breathe...

fuck...don't believe i can write either...

so why am I on Lit?

I could bring you a kitteh who could lay on your tummy and make a pleasing sound?
home from work with a 102 temp...but I can't sleep, can't eat, can't breathe...

fuck...don't believe i can write either...

so why am I on Lit?
Because you need a hug from me, a cup of tea, a big bowl of chicken noodle, and my favorite blanket.

*offers a tray with all of the above*
LT - it should really be illegal to be that cute, that adorable and that sexy all at once. ARE in a weakened condition
evil laugh

*one arched brow, brown eyes gleaming*

I am weakened...

nevertheless I still made it to the gym today and managed to max my one time bench of 220...

(can now hit 235)

Am sure, I can take you...


*one arched brow, brown eyes gleaming*

I am weakened...

nevertheless I still made it to the gym today and managed to max my one time bench of 220...

(can now hit 235)

Am sure, I can take you...



Yes, but I am fleet
and spry
and not-so-sneezy!
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