The Big Words Game


Consumate BS Artist
Aug 15, 2021
Part of the job as a writer is to come up with new, more interesting ways to say things.

And so, we tend to try to spice things up by adding bigger, more complicated/descriptive/flowery words.

And many of us tend to overdo it sometimes. Especially during sex scenes.😆.

I thought it would be fun to make a game of it.

You can participate in a few different ways:

1: post a simple phrase and challenge others to over complicate it using bigger words.

2: post your own overly complicated phrase and challenge us to interpret it.

It can be a common phrase, famous quote, anything really.

I'll start with an example, one of my personal favorites I came up with that I've used as a meme from time to time:

"Bellowing in mirth until my posterior abdicates its position from my nether regions."

The idea is to have fun and be creative with it.
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"He's hemidemisemicephalic."
"He's what?"
"I have no fucking idea what you mean by that."
"He has one eighth of a brain. Thick as pig shit, basically."
"You're a Gigamoron."
"That's not how it works."
I would like to add the IUPACC name for Titin, but this margin is too narrow.

Quoting Wikipedia on titin: However, lexicographers regard generic names of chemical compounds as verbal formulae rather than English words.

So, no, it won't be a valid word in Scrabble.
“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”
Florid writing serves but to denude the loftiest and most elegant inscriptions of all pulchritude, weighing them down with a Satanic millstone and rendering them merely prosaic and pedestrian.

(from my ABCs of good writing for students)
"He's hemidemisemicephalic."
"He's what?"
"I have no fucking idea what you mean by that."
"He has one eighth of a brain. Thick as pig shit, basically."
"You're a Gigamoron."
"That's not how it works."
Damn... I made a hemidemisemi- joke on another thread a couple of hours ago and a couple of hours after you posted this, which I saw just now. Crazy low odds.
The board is only 15 x 15, so you'll either need a bigger one or you'll have to toggle on 'word wrap.'
Bigger set of tiles for more possibilities, not necessarily sesquipedalianism. We could keep the 225 squares, but allow diagonal plays as well as your word wrap (horizontal, vertical, diagonal, or all of the above if we want bigger words).
Stack the tiles.

I used to love playing Scrabble. But one time I was playing with a friend who took advantage of a triple letter on the edge, despite knowing that it would give me a chance at either of the triple word scores in the corner or middle edge. I wound up taking them both with a bingo, which resulted in x9 scoring. That was basically the last time that person ever talked to me. :(
(To be fair, I pulled shit like that a lot, if not to that degree, so it was more of a 'last straw' situation than it might seem.)