New UK Thread

Thick blanket of snow out there this morning. I fecking hate driving in the snow so I will wake my chauffeur ( my son) to take me to the store.

Happy weekend campers !!
Thick blanket of snow out there this morning. I fecking hate driving in the snow so I will wake my chauffeur ( my son) to take me to the store.

Happy weekend campers !!
You put the mockers on it yesterday, only yourself to blame. I haven’t looked out of the window yet, it might be equally as bad here 🤪
The former chancellor has been subject to extensive questions in parliament and the media in recent days after it emerged he agreed to pay millions to HMRC in December after a settlement with the tax agency.
The Guardian has now been told that the former chancellor paid a penalty imposed by HMRC – part of an estimated £5m tax bill.
Outrageous that he was chancellor and didn't stick his earnings off shore, like Sunak's wife. She only paid 30k
The former chancellor has been subject to extensive questions in parliament and the media in recent days after it emerged he agreed to pay millions to HMRC in December after a settlement with the tax agency.
The Guardian has now been told that the former chancellor paid a penalty imposed by HMRC – part of an estimated £5m tax bill.
Outrageous that he was chancellor and didn't stick his earnings off shore, like Sunak's wife. She only paid 30k
Sunak's wife has repatriated her earnings and is now paying UK taxes, Your point is?
Sunak's wife has repatriated her earnings and is now paying UK taxes, Your point is?
I’d have thought the point was clear.
Zahawi is a corrupt liar unfit for public office who ought to be in jail for tax evasion.
Sunak is weak and corrupt and unfit for public office
the sooner we get a general election and clear the whole stinking mess of tories out the better for us all.
I’d have thought the point was clear.
Zahawi is a corrupt liar unfit for public office who ought to be in jail for tax evasion.
Sunak is weak and corrupt and unfit for public office
the sooner we get a general election and clear the whole stinking mess of tories out the better for us all.
You won't get one for at least two years. Then you will have to produce photo ID. I've got mine. Got yours?
And another example of Tory wrong doing and attempting to distort the electoral process.
Sorry. That has been cross-party policy for years to try to stop voting fraud, which barely exists. Any voting fraud has usually been on postal votes.
Sorry. That has been cross-party policy for years to try to stop voting fraud, which barely exists. Any voting fraud has usually been on postal votes.
It has not ever been Labour or Lib Dem policy, the only party to propose and now force it through are the Tories, worse they are forcing through a version designed to suppress Labour and Lib Dem votes.
You can get an indication of the scale of the issue here
Spoiler, it's virtually non existant
Sorry. That has been cross-party policy for years to try to stop voting fraud, which barely exists. Any voting fraud has usually been on postal votes.
Strange. That is precisley the complaint in the US voting system. Mail-in ballots are subject to massive fraud. Imagine that, it happens in mulitple countries.
Can you qualify 'massive' ?
Well, I would say massive is when there are 115,000 registered voters in a district and there are 70 some thousand votes cast at polling stations and then +- 125,000 mail-ins. Don’t remember the state or district for sure but Texas springs to mind. Perhaps others view this as normal.
Well, I would say massive is when there are 115,000 registered voters in a district and there are 70 some thousand votes cast at polling stations and then +- 125,000 mail-ins. Don’t remember the state or district for sure but Texas springs to mind. Perhaps others view this as normal.
But how many o those are fraudulent? Or is it just that the state/district makes it hard to vote in person?
Well, I’m not in the US so just popped Texas from remote memory. But maybe I just don’t fully understand all the rules there, and they also seem to change each cycle, so who knows for sure. Someone likely does. There were articles on AP website I think a month ago roughly with pics showing people dumping bundles of mail-in ballots into street mailboxes. And in the story were comments that several thousand dead people voted. Again, someone knows.
Well, I’m not in the US so just popped Texas from remote memory. But maybe I just don’t fully understand all the rules there, and they also seem to change each cycle, so who knows for sure. Someone likely does. There were articles on AP website I think a month ago roughly with pics showing people dumping bundles of mail-in ballots into street mailboxes. And in the story were comments that several thousand dead people voted. Again, someone knows.
they found that 4 'dead people' had voted, and they were all done by republicans (if i remember) who posted their recently deceased loved one's ballot.

and then there's this:—-but-not-for-voter-fraud/ar-AA17dOwk