Isolated Blurts - The HT Cafe Way

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If you SEE that your can of whatever is leaving rust stains on the shower floor, WHY do you keep putting it back there so the rust stains multiply???


Fortunately, I found "Bar Keepers Friend" and have managed to remove virtually all of the rust stains. Still working on a few stubborn spots, though. Grrrr....
You know I have a gift certificate for the Holiday Inn.. I could let you two use it if you want.
Today I ran for 25 minutes straight. I couldn't have done that six weeks ago! :)
heh...last time i ran for 25 minutes was my first cross-country meet. the coach dubbed me DL: "dead last".

Eilan said:
Today I ran for 25 minutes straight. I couldn't have done that six weeks ago! :)
that's AWESOME! congrats!

what eilan's not telling anyone is that she accomplished this because i was naked and chasing her.
Another day that I was not recognized. It is quite a new experience being someone "new." Some good, some bad, always interesting though! :)
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