I don't think this website knows what intersex is


Just Call Me Daisy
Feb 27, 2022
I've bottled this up for a while so stick with me.

When you go to your profile settings there's a section to put your sex. There's a variety of options and even a distinction for trans men and trans women.

As someone technically classified as intersex (it's complicated, and what handful of conditions constitute intersex is a big topic for debate that for the scope of this post, can be overlooked) It's painfully obvious that the sex options were not written by someone who knows what intersex is.

A person is intersex if they naturally have sex characteristics (primary or secondary) from both sexes. This isn't a hermaphrodite situation where one person has all the parts. Intersex for the most part describes men with gynecomastia (male breast tissue growth), women with internal testes, anyone who's chromosomes don't line up with the anatomy they have, ect. There's a wide range of conditions but one thing is very clear. Intersex isn't a gender. It's a modifier.

Every person is either intersex or perisex in the same way every person is either cisgender or transgender.

You can be a Perisex transgender woman

Or you can be an intersex cisgender woman

Thats how the words are used and formatted.

It's very annoying to see intersex as a sex option with no actual gender to apply it to.
I do feel that the porn industry itself is largely to blame for most people not truly understanding most terms, intersex included
Sorry I didn't see this and lend support sooner. I suspect the revision of the forum title to LGBTQIA+ and the inclusion of Intersex as a gender option were due to you drawing attention to it.
Well, my understanding of intersex includes Turners Syndrome (XO) and Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY) where the former is basically "female" but the gametes are non-functional and the latter is basically "male" but also unable to reproduce. I am not aware of any sex chromosomal combination other than XX, XY, XO or XXY.
Hi Daisy, I'm sorry that Intersex is neglected in the Literotica profile settings, I wish I had the power to change that for you.
I don't know anyone who is intersex and to my knowledge, I barely met one intersex person (as part of a large group of people having dinner together, and we didn't talk directly with each other).
Would you be willing to let us know more about your sexuality and your sexual identity?