How Many people Have you Fucked that You Met on Lit?


Long-tongued devil
Dec 26, 2007
I'm curious..what is the percentage....let's face it, most peole are on here to get lucky in one way or another, right? Or wrong?

Is this more than a chat this less than an adult finder forum?

How many? Fuck buddies, suck buddies, hooking up buddies, no names, just generalizations...honesty and candor is encouraged, no enhancements....

let's have fun
I have fucked 100% of the people that I've met in person from Lit.
I've had sex with one person I've met from Lit.
And that's all the dirty laundry I'm airing tonight.
In my years on lit I ahve met a lot of people from lit.

Slept with...Probably 5 or so.
Did you see that, Baby?

Forget him. I want to get you in a hottub.

I have been mistaken for male on every single board I've ever been a part of -- with the sole exception of one I ran for gaming friends only.

I don't get it. Do I not giggle enough?

Oh. Hot tub. That would be perfect. Perfect.