Can you just sort of lose the desire for coffee?


Dec 31, 2009
I used to live on it. At least a pot a day. Recently it just doesn't really taste good to me. I still drink some, but less than a quarter as much. Doesn't matter flavor, brand, grind or blend, brewed, instant, cold brew or otherwise, caffeinated or not, it just doesn't really taste good any more.
When I was in the military and for years after I probably drank about 2 pots a day. After first kidney stones and told to cut back I now drink about 2 cups a day. Have replaced quantity with quality. I drink it black so can easily taste the difference.

To answer the question, it's possible but it may also be the quality or roast you're drinking or different medications.
As I get older, I find my tastes change often. I used to love pizza, now I can take it or leave it. Same with bacon. For ne, this is true about a lot of foods. At the same time, I had little use for green tea, fish, and cheese. Now I've actually learned the names she flavor profiles of a variety of all three.