This is the story of my time on Lit (what's yours?)


Artistic Viking
Sep 18, 2007
My time on Lit and the lessons I've learned from the amazing women I've had the honor of calling friend.

I've been on this site according to the box below my name since Sep 2007. Like a lot of people here I lurked for awhile before signing up, in my case about 2 1/2 years before that. This is a story of my time here and the amazing women I've met and had the honor of calling friends in that time.

I originally came to this site in 2004 on recommendation of a friend I met playing my first mmo. She sent me here to read a story she had posted and also thought I'd enjoy discovering others here. I'm thankful to her everyday for introducing me to this place and her continued friendship to this day. (Though she could be a little more humble about kicking my ass online)

Not long afte I eventually found the site had these forums, and I initially just enjoyed poping in reading the interesting conversations going on. It was equivalent to a digital form of people watching while setting in a cafe with my morning coffee. Then one day I came across a post by a woman I didn't know was about to become my first Lit friend.
I sadly don't even remember what the post that made me have to create an account and message her was even about anymore, but it shaped a lot of my feelings about this place. What I do remember is one silly Pm led to years of back and forth messages and a friendship that I still hold find memories of today.

That leads to some of the first things I learned here at Lit. 1. Take a chance if you don't you never know what's going to come your way. 2. Don't have any expectations I didn't send my first message thinking It was going to lead to a new one in my inbox everyday for the next 4 years. 3. Enjoy whatever happens cause yes it wasn't my longest friendship here but it was an amazing one that I'll always remember. So enjoy the trip not the destination.

Now despite my comments about taking a chance, you probably noticed up to this point I've had 0 posts myself. As I said above the forums for me until I sent that first Pm were a passive escape for me. For the most part they still are. Now my interaction with my first friend on here did encourage me to message others here from time to time. Depending on my state of mind and other factors going on in my life that wasn't always a good thing. So 4. Be mindful of your own emotional state when talking to others cause you will sooner or later make a fool of yourself. For those that do get a message from a fool though unless there a complete ass maybe give them a second chance we all have off days or things going on in our live that lead to bad choices.

Continuing my journey down memory lane I eventually met my next Lit friend in the amateur pic thread, where she was posting beautiful b&w self portraits. At this time I was working as a freelance artists mostly doing logo designs and general commission work. Seeing her photos though spoke to my personal preferences though for simple sketches with lots of contrast of light and shadow. So of course I messaged her politely letting her know how much I enjoyed the composition and framing of her photos, and then asking her permission to use them as reference for my own art. This fortunately led to some of my favorite work I ever did and the results led to a lot more commission work in a style I prefer.

This now leads me to two other things I feel the need to get across. First a general message to how people handle there Pm's, and second a part of why I didn't post for so long. On sending Pm's always be respectful this should be obvious but for some people it's not. Don't get upset if things don't go how you imagine with a bit of respect it can lead to something more rewarding in the long run, and if it doesn't don't blame the person you messaged thinking there a jerk. The message system on this site is not perfect they may not have even gotten your message that misunderstanding has bit me in the ass a number of times. So if you don't get a reply back 1. They may be busy and not have gotten around to it 2. Your message may not of made it to them 3. They may have replied and it just failed to deliver to you. Concerning the second thing of how this last friendship continued my lack of posts. As I said at the time I was doing freelance art and some of my clients were more family oriented brands. So despite loving the art I did thanks to some of the lovely ladies on this forum. I couldn't take the risk of posting here and someone connecting my professional work to my private commissions. Now yes I could have used a different name and signature but then my art wouldn't be true to me. I'm going to leave that portion of my lack of posts there for now cause my complicated feelings about my art is long and completely separate rant, and this post is getting long enough already that I'm considering breaking it into multiple parts.

Moving on again the next friend who changed my life here was another young artist. Once again the friendship came out of another random post, and of course it wouldn't of happened if I didn't take that chance of sending a polite message. I didn't go into this eventual friendship seeking anything others than a fleeting conversation either. Now this particular friendship advanced much quicker than I expected which was both a good and a bad thing. Our conversation flowed well do to similar artistic taste and goals. Unlike my past conversations though that were mostly friendly with maybe a random flirt or compliment, this one developed much further much quicker. This led to her becoming the first person from Lit I actually met in person. But what made this relationship so important to bring up is again it didn't go how you would think. There was plenty of sexual tension and fun together online and we had a very nice weekend together, but... nothing happened we met and despite the tension in person it ended up a nice friendship. One that lasted another ten years and as much as I was attracted to her the chemistry wasn't 100% there for both of us. So again never have expectations and just see where the journey takes you. I wouldn't traded the years of friendship after for that meeting to have gone any different.

Now I said that friendship progressing so quickly was both a good and a bad things. The good was it showed me that the pace things develop at needs to be felt out, not every relationship has to go slow nor should all of them progress at break neck speed. Unfortunately for me I didn't get that lesson immediately and I had a string of brief acquaintances and relationships that suffered do to it. Once again we all have moments in life where we are the fool, or ass of the story. And now we are at the point that was me. While I'm not going to go into great detail about any of these moments, there is a simple lesson to be had. Sometimes you need to just step back either for yourself or the other person and say I'm not comfortable with how this is progressing. No matter if you feel it's going to fast or to slow for you step back and tell the other person. Be honest with them and encourage them to be honest with you, and when the person on the receiving end be honest back but understanding as well don't force the situation into drama that isn't need it. In short don't be an ass, and if you are apologize if your lucky you'll get a second chance. If you don't though just move on learn grow and become a better you.

So this is much longer and more cathartic than I expected it to end up but if your still reading hopefully you'll bare with me just a bit more.

After many times of being the ass in the situation I eventually learned some of my lessons. I'm not saying I've learned them all, again we all have bad days and periods in our lives. So I ask just always keep in mind that those you converse with have other aspects of there lives you may not be privy to. Be understanding and again while no one is owed a second chance it's the grace and kindness of those that have been willing to give them that stand out most.

Now just before I ended up taking a long break from Lit I met two more important women in my time here that effected me greatly again. Both leading to another aspect of why it's taken me so long to post. One was nothing but the kindest most honest woman you could have the pleasure of knowing. A woman who no matter what was never afraid to speak her mind, and tell you honestly what she thought if you agreed with her or not. The other flat out lied to me on everything about them from day one. Now don't judge them to harshly yet as I've repeatedly said we all have other things in our live that may dictate a behavior that is not our norm. Both these women very good people but very opposite of each other too. One again was honest to a fault which I admired but unfortunately not everyone on here does. She suffered a lot of both public and private drama due to this and I sometimes regret not speaking out on her behalf. As I said though she was a strong opinionated woman though, and would have kicked my ass for even thinking she needed me to try and play white knight for her. Even the strongest person however can only take so much and eventually the drama was to much and she left Lit. What's worst of all it was unwarranted drama over non issues but some people can't let things go and just want to make others miserable.

The other woman in this tale she as I said was very different she was unsure of herself, shy, and not outspoken at all. None of these traits alone are necessarily bad but together, under the right circumstances can lead to unhealthy situations. In her case her lack of confidence and the anonymity of the internet led her to feel the need to lie about herself. Now being guarded online is a good habit to have, but there are good and bad ways to go about it. In her case she decided to instead of saying I'm not comfortable sharing and being honest which I respect, she lied regularly about herself. One day her lies came back to haunt her, she decided to send someone she was chatting with a supposed image of herself. I know it's easy to see where this is going, but yes she was unaware of reverse image search. Needless to say her life on Lit collapsed after being called out and shamed. Now I don't condone doing that to someone publicly no matter how much it may be deserved or a persons lies may have hurt you. Forgiveness is a virtue and even if you can't bring yourself to forgive, please don't be vindictive. As I've said we all have outside lives others may not be privy to. Now as I'm sure we all know being lied to sucks and I considered this woman a friend, and gave her trust even when others expressed doubts before the revelation. That being said it hurt immensely when it did came out cause I told her many times I don't care if your avatar is really you or not your a kind person and that's all that matters to me. She chose not to take the out I always left her though and doubled down on her lie till it bit her. Now this eventually led to her deleting her account and as far as most knew leaving Lit. However she made a new account and learned her lessons and presented the real her from then on. Our friendship though was never the same again however, while I was proud she was living and honest life now and chose to tell me her new ID. There was always an awkwardness after.

My point with this is be honest and kind to each other. If you don't get along with someone walk away don't try and make there life hell to make yourself feel better. If you talk with someone here and you don't feel completely sharing yourself with them be honest about it. Say I'm not comfortable enough to talk about that part of my life yet maybe someday don't feel the need to lie. If your the person told that be understanding of it, and say " I understand and I look forward to the day our friendship is at that point". Again don't be an ass, politely encourage honesty and understanding.

At this point I took a very long break for Lit I was tired of seeing important people to me go through drama on here. I had enough drama in my day to day life at the time with sick family and real life relationships crumbling apart due to circumstances outside my control. So to get a bit more personal here I lost two of the most important people in my life back to back during this period. One a truly physical loss the other well it's more complicated and could be a greek tragedy on its own. This led me to not picking up a pencil to draw for over 5 years. Anytime I tried my heart wasn't in it anymore. The most I managed in that time was a very rough doodle for a clothing design that went nowhere. Fortunately I had developed other practical artist skills that still left me a partial outlet for my creativity and turnd for a time to 3d modeling and printing and that paid the bills for a time. But I always missed my drawing and the joy I was able to bring others even with my worst work. As I said before my work means a lot to mean and has to be true to myself and my own feelings. Yes I went into another part of my complicated feelings about my art cause it's unfortunately inseparable from who I am as a person.

That brings us up to just a couple years ago to just before the world went to hell. I would peek in to Lit from time to time still as despite some negative feelings there are still a lot of good memories here. I even with as many of the important people I've met here that I've gone over it barely scratches the surface. So I'm going to jump two the last two women who made an impact on my life here. One began chatting with just before the current state of the world, as I was trying to explore new aspect of myself. Ones in hindsight I wasn't ready for. This part is a bit of an apology to her, as well as a thank you. At the time I met her I had just suffered another loss in my family and big changes in responsibilities in my life. As a freelance artist I'd always been able to coast from one thing to the next nothing tying me down accept what I choose to. Things changed though and found myself changing job paths temporarily again and was looking for an escape from my day to day. As in the past I ran across a post by an amazing woman again, her words and ideas left me with feelings and thoughts about myself I realized I had never taken the opportunity to fully explore. As before I sent off a message expressing interest in having a conversation, still just hoping to see where the journey takes me and maybe learn a bit more about myself along the way. I enjoyed every minute I spent with her how she provoked my mind to consider idea I hadn't before and explore aspects of myself I had never been afforded the opportunity. For a short while all my day to day problems drifted away, but this is where the apology comes in. I was not ready for everything I had learned about myself and to open up the way she was hoping. Now I spoke earlier about when things aren't going at the pace right for both people to take a step back and talk honestly. Well that's the reason this is an apology as once again I somehow forgot my own lessons and was the ass. I should have realized sooner that this wasn't moving at the pace she was looking for. If I had been honest with her as well as myself things may have gone very different. I'm actually happy that she realized her own needs and said stop this isn't working, and want to say I'm sorry I wasn't able to be honest with my own self at the time. I still think she is an amazing woman who deserves nothing but happiness.

Once again be honest with people especially yourself. That amazing woman retaught me that and while I'm probably still not 100% in touch with everything about myself yet. She sent me down a path that I'm hopeful will get me there.

Finally that brings us to now. The last woman I wish to talk about I haven't known long, and she is just as vibrant and amazing as all the others I've mentioned. After the world went to hell so did the rest of my life, in the last year I've had my motorcycle wrecked twice. The first time while really bad for the vehicle didn't injury anyone and didn't involve me. Long story short retreads off a tractor trailer hitting radiators at 70mph is not good. That though led to unfortunately the second accident which left me laying in the middle of an intersection on cold wet pavement. The take away from that never trust your maintenance shop and get a second opinion if there is any doubt about there work. Second good traffic awareness, safety gear, and knowing how to tuck and roll can save you a trip to the hospital. Can't always save you from a totaled vehicle though. Anyway this all left me at a pretty low point fortunately I had been following a thread on hope and post in by the final amazing woman of this evening. And this one is purely a thank you to her for be the kind, generous, wonderful soul she is. It's thanks to her words I was able to get through a lot of pain, and self doubt. Her words also inspired me to pick up pencil and paper fully again after 5 years, and while my skills have waned in that time it's still the happiest I've been creatively in a long time. So even though I've only known her a short time her friendship and kindness means more than my words can ever express and I thank you for giving this very flawed individual the chance to be your friend. Also thank you for encouraging me to post this *hugs*

So there you go that's what Lit has been for me the last 16 or so odd years. Lots of up & downs, lessons learned, friendship earned and lost. In the end just be honest, kind, and respectful to each other. See where your journeys take you and take chances more than I did for good or bad and learn from them.

With that I hope someone finds this post useful and others maybe get inspired to share there own experiences and lessons learned. Thank you for listening to my story and getting it off my chest.
You did it!

Thank you for sharing such a raw, honest, and humble reflection of your time here. It really is filled with perspectives that are helpful when navigating this place. :rose:
The chorus to Turn the Page by Bob Seger

🙂 🛣 🙂🎸🙂⭐🙂📖
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((((( lurker ))))))

My people :rose: , my tribe

The silent majority :cool:

Thank you 🙏

For sharing

Or the slickest , most evil of pantie dropping post ever devised :kiss: my ass playa

J/k your THE Man brah
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Well, I've pretty well posted it all hither, thither, and yon. But, why the Hell not?

A long while back, in the off-line world, I had aspirations of being a writer. I took college classes on it, attended seminars, bought books, and subscribed to magazines. But, for about a decade, I didn't really do much actual creation other than the odd poem here and there. There wasn't really time with everything else I was doing. Not until I wised up and decided I'd worked detention work long enough and took retirement.

I spent about six months sitting on my ass in front of a computer and cranked out a self-help parenting book, five novels, twenty-two short stories, and one hundred forty-four poems that were then gathered into their own chapbook. Oh, and did all the illustrations freehand as well.

However, I only placed six poems in all. And four of them never made it to publishing since the periodical folded before it was my turn.

My delicate flower of a bride pointed out to me that we'd burned through the entirety of my retirement and she couldn't cover everything out of her paycheck. So, I gathered up everything I'd written and the staggering collection of rejection slips (over two hundred for one novel alone), tossed them in the bathtub, shaved off a three-foot ponytail and put it on top, doused it all with lighter fluid, and tossed in a match. (She was decidedly unamused since it was 0200 ack emma and I set off the smoke alarms.) Went out and got a job the very next day and embarked on a second career that, once again, didn't leave much time for writing with everything else I was doing.

What does all this have to do with Lit? Not a damn thing, so far.

A little over a decade ago, I collapsed at work not once but twice. And after a couple of inquisition's worth of testing and treatment, they came back with a diagnosis of Parkinson's. And put me on a regimen of med they admitted wouldn't ever get me back to work, but "improve your quality of life" (which I know just enough medicalese to know means "you're fucked, but we're gonna try to keep you around so we can bill you as long as possible").

It was then I discovered Lit, sitting around, bored out of my everloving mind, as I waited for Nurse Ratched... I mean, my delicate, beloved flower... to come by and dose me again. The stories side of Lit.

It may, or may not, be worth noting that I was diagnosed as a sex addict several decades ago when such was still in the DSM-III. And that there were some studies that showed the grand worth of medications I was on tended to foster addictive behaviors.

So, ah... yeah. I read a lot of the smut on the stories side.

And this one day, I ran across one that was just downright awful. As best I can figure (in retrospect), the person must have been not an English speaker who attempted to use an early translation software. I have absolutely no idea how it managed to sneak past Laurel's whip.

And I figured I'd burned better manuscripts in the infamous (at least locally) bathtub fire of 01.

So, I wrote a little something. Couldn't figure out how to submit it. And somehow ended up on the Forums side up in the Author's Hangout, half begging for help in figuring out how to submit, and half ranting about the lack of intuitiveness in doing so. An incredibly sweet lady pointed me in the right direction.

And Laurel sent that first submission back in my face like I'd written about her mother!

***shrug** I'm a stubborn old coot, and it wasn't like I could do a damn thing else between Doctor's visits anyway, so I kept at it. And finally managed to slip something past web-mistress Laurel.

And was positively trounced in the voting and comments.

Whether fortunately or unfortunately, it was too late. I'd already been bitten by the bug again and kept slapping up more and more pieces on the stories side in an attempt to be competitive in the last ever Survivor competitions, which were much more about prolificacy across ALL the available sections than actual meritous writing (so long as they could slip past Mistress Laurel's whip).

On the Forum's side, I was pretty well contained to the Author's Hangout and the How-To forums, with the occassional foray to play Miriam the Librarian in the "Looking for a Story" sub-forum (which really should be easier to find).

Then, mounting medical bills caught up with us and we lost the house.

When we washed up in this little rat trap and finally got settled, I tried to make a resurgence on Lit, but couldn't remember this username and password (since obviously remembered).

So, I created Ewobbit and managed to sling up one story that, to my surprise, swiped a third prize in one of the contests and hung out in the AH and HT forums a bit while writing at what would be next.

But, the fickle finger of fate fucked us again, and this time we lost internet and then electricity for a couple of months while we tried to get the financial situation under control. Finally, quitting pointless Doctor's visits and a thousand dollars worth of meds per month that were never going to do enough.

When I was able to get back on again, I couldn't remember how to access either Acktion or Ewobbit. So, I created PuckIt and set back to work.

I managed to pen the one and only story my lovely wife not only had input in but even read for the summer contest back in '17 and swipped another third place from, in my opinion, much more deserving submissions. And, of course, hung out in the AH and HT, which my beloved bride had dubbed "your soaps."

Then, she died.

I don't really know just why, I wasn't thinking very clearly, but the next evening, I posted in two places here what was supposed to be my final posts in the AH and HT forums. I think I'd felt some small guilt over a couple of e-friends I'd lost track of, or who'd lost track of me, the first two times I'd disappeared. And since this time I "knew" I was going to be disappearing, it just felt like I should say so.

A few days later, I happened by, and to my surprise there was an outpouring of support. From people I wouldn't have had any idea knew me from anybody else. And several of them challenged me to try to keep writing a while and just see how it went.

I wasn't really interested. But, again, it wasn't like I had anything else to do.

Except, my father's wife died just twenty-two days after mine. So, I didn't get the Halloween story done, since I was helping him with his grieving, although I couldn't remotely be said to be done with my own.

Actually, I distinctly remember I'd been limping home from the store and had felt the unfamiliar feeling of a smile on my face for the first time since waking to find her gone. I remember feeling odd for a moment. I didn't really have any idea just why I was smiling. And at first, it felt wrong, with her gone. But, I thought of her and how she loved making me smile and laugh. And then I laughed. No real reason. It just bubbled up out of nowhere. And I was thinking maybe I was healing.

I was still chuckling when I opened the door to a ringing phone... and my father telling me his wife was gone. And the laughter died.

Lit had always been more of a place for me to publish my cheesy smut, to give me something to do since I couldn't do anything else. And in the times when I did venture into the forums side, as I say, I stuck to the AH and HT forums, since I was trying to write and I'm the sort of insufferable know-it-all old coot Hollywood makes fun of. Although I'd had years of experience with BDSM, I only very rarely stuck my oar in that forum. I had no interest at all in the "Playground" (since I erroneously assumed it was the "e-hookup" section). I ventured into the General Board just once, immediately ran seven virus scans and took four showers.

But, that was okay. Because, as I say, I was writing to fill the empty, lonely hours with no one in the world that I was speaking too other than my elderly father who would call once per day for an hour.

I managed to get a story up in time for the Christmas contest, although mine was more Thanksgiving parody than anything. It didn't do very well, but that wasn't the point at that point, so much as just doing something to keep me from turning my face to the wall.

I managed to get a couple more up for the Valentine's contest...

And that was when the forums side bit me in the ass.

A lady turned up in my inbox. That first message wasn't anything worth the swelling crescendo of "Endless Love" in the background. Just a simple message that she'd read one of my two V-Day stories (I never was clear on which one) and liked it.

For whatever reason, I wasn't as clear with her that I had no interest in anything with anyone as I had been with anyone else who darkened my in-box during that time. Or, perhaps it was just that she had so much shit going on her end (which isn't my story to tell) that she ignored my red flag wave offs. Over the next three days we exchanged an unheard of (for me) twenty-one PMs. And then shit got real.

For whatever reason... I think I was trying to send her a picture of me and couldn't figure out how to do it via PM... I gave her my email.

A day later, shit got completely out of control when I gave her not only my real name, but my home address and phone number.

And, for some insane reason, she gave me hers in return.

Two weeks later... perhaps I should put a ***trigger warning*** here? I mentioned I was several decades practiced in BDSM. Actually, I am a Master with Daddy leanings. Or perhaps a Daddy Dom with Master leanings. But, that was an aspect of me I considered dead and buried with my late wife.

So, one night after we'd been talking for a couple of weeks, mostly exchanging emails, but several phone calls where she fell asleep with the phone line open, and I actually did more than doze for the first time since waking to find my wife gone from this plane, this gal shocked me by asking me to be her Daddy.

Now, I didn't know at the time that she was a blackout alcoholic.

I told her that was not a relationship that I entered into lightly and I needed twenty-four hours to think about it. When the twenty-four hours was up, I said yes. Not realizing she had no idea what she'd asked while I didn't know she was drunk that I was saying yes to.

For five months, she was the only person on this planet I spoke to other than my father. Up until his death on Father's Day. Then, she was the only one.

Yes, for those keeping score at home, I lost three people in the course of nine months. And that doesn't count the twenty-three-year-old cat that died to kick the whole thing off.

Any road, for five months she and my dad were the only people I was talking to, and then for a month she was. And that thing inside of me, my inner Daddy Dom, was being brought back to life as I acted as a Daddy for her. (Despite my inner-Master being frustrated with some of her odder pulling away behaviors.)

Then came the day she came clean to me that she'd been slave to a Master the entire time that she hadn't revealed to me or I'd have walked away. And this post probably wouldn't even exist since I'd have long since been gone.

I'll just mention here, that I'd come out of the AH and HT forum to the BDSM forum following her and only the "Daddy's Little Girl" thread which used to be in the Playground. However, I hadn't been paying close enough attention, I suppose, since I didn't see at the time how she was playing with others. But, of course, that became clear once she admitted she'd belonged to someone else the entire time.

I didn't exactly walk away then, although I should have. But, I did start... playing (for lack of a better term) with others. Each of which knew about her.

Then, one night during a phone call, she blew up at me and told me that I was not her Daddy. It was then that I realized she did not remember asking me to be, hadn't had any idea what I was answering yes to.

Right around that time, an asshole dom (lower-cased on purpose) that I'd thought I was friends with, played a shitty chess game. I won't go into details as, quite frankly, the less said about old news the better. But, the result was that the relationships I'd built, the friendships I thought I'd made, were trashed along with my reputation when he pulled a hatchet job that made me look like a poacher rather than a mentor he'd asked to look after a sub he was supposedly abandoning.

For a couple of months, there was quite literally no one on this planet I was speaking to as I left Lit and the people who I'd exchanged emails and Skype and phone numbers abandoned me.

Ironically... or perhaps not... it was the (supposedly) erstwhile sub of that game playing Dom that found me licking my wounds in my den, not communicating with anyone, and talked me into joining another web site. Harrassed me into it, actually. I pretty much joined because so long as I posted something every day, she would leave me the fuck alone.

As I mentioned, that thing inside me I thought flying free with my late wife's ashes had been stirred to life once more. And it wasn't long before I was embroiled in... well, quite frankly, a textbook Dom frenzy, with, I'm ashamed to say, I've lost count how many submissives around the world that I were supposedly mine to train.

At one point, I had three going in Skype, one on the phone, and another that popped up in the site chat. I was, frankly, doing little more than rolling out of bed in front of the computer, and Domming my fuckin' heart out until I was too exhausted to do anything except roll back into bed. If one submissive balked, I didn't care, because there were two more behind her that would do as I commanded.

For two months.

And then...

Oh, and then...

That same asswipe, game playing Dom had been there the entire time, had still owned the little sub that had conned me over there. And more than one that I supposedly had owned came clean to me that they'd been steered to me by him, looking for more ways to fuck with me.

So much for my resurgent Domliness and sex appeal.

I woke up on the floor with my computer chair pulled over on top of me and no clear idea how I'd gotten there since the last I'd remembered I had been being screamed at by not one, not two, but three supposed "submissive people pleasers." It took three days for the swelling in my heart valve to go down. And another three for the conjunctivitis that swelled my eye shut to clear enough so it didn't hurt to look at the screens.

I logged on with the firm intent to cut every last one that hadn't drifted away in my absence loose. Then, make a triumphant return to Lit to fuck him here just as he'd fucked me in both places. Before logging off for the last time, cutting internet service, dismantling the computer and sticking it in a closet.

Only... things didn't quite work out that way.

Among the ones who had belonged to me and then fallen by the wayside, one that had left me to try someone else came crawling back, begging for one more chance.

She's still here. My sweet little spice of my twilight.

I did come back to Lit. But, frankly, I'm just not interested in that asshat or just who he might be playing games with now. Nor do I have any hard feelings against anyone, whether they were friends or supposedly something more.

I post if I have something to post, but I shut my PM box down. Lesson learned. If anyone has something to say to me these days, they can say it in public forum, in front of witnesses, or fuck off. I just might even eventually happen back by to see it.

I've long since forgotten the email and password I gave out. Skype was unloaded. And I've discontinued service with the provider that used to have my phone as well as my internet through.

No one will ever again claim some shit went on between us in private that wasn't how it happened at all.

***shrug*** I realize it's not the Lit-experience most have or hope for, or even wanted to read about. But, it was what it was and is what it is. I mostly haunt the music threads these days, because it's more engaging than that never sufficiently damned prescribed matching card game to keep my mind from decaying further, occasionally I'll post in another thread that catches my eye.... I haven't managed to actually post anything on the stories side since that ill-thought April Fool's back in '18, but I do still occasionally tinker with a story idea and might eventually finish another out to post.

I don't flirt. If you think I am, I'm not. If you think you were, I didn't understand.

Anything else... my hands are full with the one who thinks I'm worth putting her pretty ass on my porch. The rest can read my stories for jilling fodder (if they can find any). I'm not their digital dom dildo anymore to get off with in secret before going back to what is actually important in their lives. Or their chess piece to move around a board in their own mind.
My time on Lit

After the world went to hell so did the rest of my life, in the last year I've had my motorcycle wrecked twice.

Does this mean I have to wait on that ride?

I should probably put some leather leggings on under my dress, too. ;)
My time on Lit and the lessons I've learned from the amazing women I've had the honor of calling friend.

I've been on this site according to the box below my name since Sep 2007. Like a lot of people here I lurked for awhile before signing up, in my case about 2 1/2 years before that. This is a story of my time here and the amazing women I've met and had the honor of calling friends in that time.

I originally came to this site in 2004 on recommendation of a friend I met playing my first mmo. She sent me here to read a story she had posted and also thought I'd enjoy discovering others here. I'm thankful to her everyday for introducing me to this place and her continued friendship to this day. (Though she could be a little more humble about kicking my ass online)

Not long afte I eventually found the site had these forums, and I initially just enjoyed poping in reading the interesting conversations going on. It was equivalent to a digital form of people watching while setting in a cafe with my morning coffee. Then one day I came across a post by a woman I didn't know was about to become my first Lit friend.
I sadly don't even remember what the post that made me have to create an account and message her was even about anymore, but it shaped a lot of my feelings about this place. What I do remember is one silly Pm led to years of back and forth messages and a friendship that I still hold find memories of today.

That leads to some of the first things I learned here at Lit. 1. Take a chance if you don't you never know what's going to come your way. 2. Don't have any expectations I didn't send my first message thinking It was going to lead to a new one in my inbox everyday for the next 4 years. 3. Enjoy whatever happens cause yes it wasn't my longest friendship here but it was an amazing one that I'll always remember. So enjoy the trip not the destination.

Now despite my comments about taking a chance, you probably noticed up to this point I've had 0 posts myself. As I said above the forums for me until I sent that first Pm were a passive escape for me. For the most part they still are. Now my interaction with my first friend on here did encourage me to message others here from time to time. Depending on my state of mind and other factors going on in my life that wasn't always a good thing. So 4. Be mindful of your own emotional state when talking to others cause you will sooner or later make a fool of yourself. For those that do get a message from a fool though unless there a complete ass maybe give them a second chance we all have off days or things going on in our live that lead to bad choices.

Continuing my journey down memory lane I eventually met my next Lit friend in the amateur pic thread, where she was posting beautiful b&w self portraits. At this time I was working as a freelance artists mostly doing logo designs and general commission work. Seeing her photos though spoke to my personal preferences though for simple sketches with lots of contrast of light and shadow. So of course I messaged her politely letting her know how much I enjoyed the composition and framing of her photos, and then asking her permission to use them as reference for my own art. This fortunately led to some of my favorite work I ever did and the results led to a lot more commission work in a style I prefer.

This now leads me to two other things I feel the need to get across. First a general message to how people handle there Pm's, and second a part of why I didn't post for so long. On sending Pm's always be respectful this should be obvious but for some people it's not. Don't get upset if things don't go how you imagine with a bit of respect it can lead to something more rewarding in the long run, and if it doesn't don't blame the person you messaged thinking there a jerk. The message system on this site is not perfect they may not have even gotten your message that misunderstanding has bit me in the ass a number of times. So if you don't get a reply back 1. They may be busy and not have gotten around to it 2. Your message may not of made it to them 3. They may have replied and it just failed to deliver to you. Concerning the second thing of how this last friendship continued my lack of posts. As I said at the time I was doing freelance art and some of my clients were more family oriented brands. So despite loving the art I did thanks to some of the lovely ladies on this forum. I couldn't take the risk of posting here and someone connecting my professional work to my private commissions. Now yes I could have used a different name and signature but then my art wouldn't be true to me. I'm going to leave that portion of my lack of posts there for now cause my complicated feelings about my art is long and completely separate rant, and this post is getting long enough already that I'm considering breaking it into multiple parts.

Moving on again the next friend who changed my life here was another young artist. Once again the friendship came out of another random post, and of course it wouldn't of happened if I didn't take that chance of sending a polite message. I didn't go into this eventual friendship seeking anything others than a fleeting conversation either. Now this particular friendship advanced much quicker than I expected which was both a good and a bad thing. Our conversation flowed well do to similar artistic taste and goals. Unlike my past conversations though that were mostly friendly with maybe a random flirt or compliment, this one developed much further much quicker. This led to her becoming the first person from Lit I actually met in person. But what made this relationship so important to bring up is again it didn't go how you would think. There was plenty of sexual tension and fun together online and we had a very nice weekend together, but... nothing happened we met and despite the tension in person it ended up a nice friendship. One that lasted another ten years and as much as I was attracted to her the chemistry wasn't 100% there for both of us. So again never have expectations and just see where the journey takes you. I wouldn't traded the years of friendship after for that meeting to have gone any different.

Now I said that friendship progressing so quickly was both a good and a bad things. The good was it showed me that the pace things develop at needs to be felt out, not every relationship has to go slow nor should all of them progress at break neck speed. Unfortunately for me I didn't get that lesson immediately and I had a string of brief acquaintances and relationships that suffered do to it. Once again we all have moments in life where we are the fool, or ass of the story. And now we are at the point that was me. While I'm not going to go into great detail about any of these moments, there is a simple lesson to be had. Sometimes you need to just step back either for yourself or the other person and say I'm not comfortable with how this is progressing. No matter if you feel it's going to fast or to slow for you step back and tell the other person. Be honest with them and encourage them to be honest with you, and when the person on the receiving end be honest back but understanding as well don't force the situation into drama that isn't need it. In short don't be an ass, and if you are apologize if your lucky you'll get a second chance. If you don't though just move on learn grow and become a better you.

So this is much longer and more cathartic than I expected it to end up but if your still reading hopefully you'll bare with me just a bit more.

After many times of being the ass in the situation I eventually learned some of my lessons. I'm not saying I've learned them all, again we all have bad days and periods in our lives. So I ask just always keep in mind that those you converse with have other aspects of there lives you may not be privy to. Be understanding and again while no one is owed a second chance it's the grace and kindness of those that have been willing to give them that stand out most.

Now just before I ended up taking a long break from Lit I met two more important women in my time here that effected me greatly again. Both leading to another aspect of why it's taken me so long to post. One was nothing but the kindest most honest woman you could have the pleasure of knowing. A woman who no matter what was never afraid to speak her mind, and tell you honestly what she thought if you agreed with her or not. The other flat out lied to me on everything about them from day one. Now don't judge them to harshly yet as I've repeatedly said we all have other things in our live that may dictate a behavior that is not our norm. Both these women very good people but very opposite of each other too. One again was honest to a fault which I admired but unfortunately not everyone on here does. She suffered a lot of both public and private drama due to this and I sometimes regret not speaking out on her behalf. As I said though she was a strong opinionated woman though, and would have kicked my ass for even thinking she needed me to try and play white knight for her. Even the strongest person however can only take so much and eventually the drama was to much and she left Lit. What's worst of all it was unwarranted drama over non issues but some people can't let things go and just want to make others miserable.

The other woman in this tale she as I said was very different she was unsure of herself, shy, and not outspoken at all. None of these traits alone are necessarily bad but together, under the right circumstances can lead to unhealthy situations. In her case her lack of confidence and the anonymity of the internet led her to feel the need to lie about herself. Now being guarded online is a good habit to have, but there are good and bad ways to go about it. In her case she decided to instead of saying I'm not comfortable sharing and being honest which I respect, she lied regularly about herself. One day her lies came back to haunt her, she decided to send someone she was chatting with a supposed image of herself. I know it's easy to see where this is going, but yes she was unaware of reverse image search. Needless to say her life on Lit collapsed after being called out and shamed. Now I don't condone doing that to someone publicly no matter how much it may be deserved or a persons lies may have hurt you. Forgiveness is a virtue and even if you can't bring yourself to forgive, please don't be vindictive. As I've said we all have outside lives others may not be privy to. Now as I'm sure we all know being lied to sucks and I considered this woman a friend, and gave her trust even when others expressed doubts before the revelation. That being said it hurt immensely when it did came out cause I told her many times I don't care if your avatar is really you or not your a kind person and that's all that matters to me. She chose not to take the out I always left her though and doubled down on her lie till it bit her. Now this eventually led to her deleting her account and as far as most knew leaving Lit. However she made a new account and learned her lessons and presented the real her from then on. Our friendship though was never the same again however, while I was proud she was living and honest life now and chose to tell me her new ID. There was always an awkwardness after.

My point with this is be honest and kind to each other. If you don't get along with someone walk away don't try and make there life hell to make yourself feel better. If you talk with someone here and you don't feel completely sharing yourself with them be honest about it. Say I'm not comfortable enough to talk about that part of my life yet maybe someday don't feel the need to lie. If your the person told that be understanding of it, and say " I understand and I look forward to the day our friendship is at that point". Again don't be an ass, politely encourage honesty and understanding.

At this point I took a very long break for Lit I was tired of seeing important people to me go through drama on here. I had enough drama in my day to day life at the time with sick family and real life relationships crumbling apart due to circumstances outside my control. So to get a bit more personal here I lost two of the most important people in my life back to back during this period. One a truly physical loss the other well it's more complicated and could be a greek tragedy on its own. This led me to not picking up a pencil to draw for over 5 years. Anytime I tried my heart wasn't in it anymore. The most I managed in that time was a very rough doodle for a clothing design that went nowhere. Fortunately I had developed other practical artist skills that still left me a partial outlet for my creativity and turnd for a time to 3d modeling and printing and that paid the bills for a time. But I always missed my drawing and the joy I was able to bring others even with my worst work. As I said before my work means a lot to mean and has to be true to myself and my own feelings. Yes I went into another part of my complicated feelings about my art cause it's unfortunately inseparable from who I am as a person.

That brings us up to just a couple years ago to just before the world went to hell. I would peek in to Lit from time to time still as despite some negative feelings there are still a lot of good memories here. I even with as many of the important people I've met here that I've gone over it barely scratches the surface. So I'm going to jump two the last two women who made an impact on my life here. One began chatting with just before the current state of the world, as I was trying to explore new aspect of myself. Ones in hindsight I wasn't ready for. This part is a bit of an apology to her, as well as a thank you. At the time I met her I had just suffered another loss in my family and big changes in responsibilities in my life. As a freelance artist I'd always been able to coast from one thing to the next nothing tying me down accept what I choose to. Things changed though and found myself changing job paths temporarily again and was looking for an escape from my day to day. As in the past I ran across a post by an amazing woman again, her words and ideas left me with feelings and thoughts about myself I realized I had never taken the opportunity to fully explore. As before I sent off a message expressing interest in having a conversation, still just hoping to see where the journey takes me and maybe learn a bit more about myself along the way. I enjoyed every minute I spent with her how she provoked my mind to consider idea I hadn't before and explore aspects of myself I had never been afforded the opportunity. For a short while all my day to day problems drifted away, but this is where the apology comes in. I was not ready for everything I had learned about myself and to open up the way she was hoping. Now I spoke earlier about when things aren't going at the pace right for both people to take a step back and talk honestly. Well that's the reason this is an apology as once again I somehow forgot my own lessons and was the ass. I should have realized sooner that this wasn't moving at the pace she was looking for. If I had been honest with her as well as myself things may have gone very different. I'm actually happy that she realized her own needs and said stop this isn't working, and want to say I'm sorry I wasn't able to be honest with my own self at the time. I still think she is an amazing woman who deserves nothing but happiness.

Once again be honest with people especially yourself. That amazing woman retaught me that and while I'm probably still not 100% in touch with everything about myself yet. She sent me down a path that I'm hopeful will get me there.

Finally that brings us to now. The last woman I wish to talk about I haven't known long, and she is just as vibrant and amazing as all the others I've mentioned. After the world went to hell so did the rest of my life, in the last year I've had my motorcycle wrecked twice. The first time while really bad for the vehicle didn't injury anyone and didn't involve me. Long story short retreads off a tractor trailer hitting radiators at 70mph is not good. That though led to unfortunately the second accident which left me laying in the middle of an intersection on cold wet pavement. The take away from that never trust your maintenance shop and get a second opinion if there is any doubt about there work. Second good traffic awareness, safety gear, and knowing how to tuck and roll can save you a trip to the hospital. Can't always save you from a totaled vehicle though. Anyway this all left me at a pretty low point fortunately I had been following a thread on hope and post in by the final amazing woman of this evening. And this one is purely a thank you to her for be the kind, generous, wonderful soul she is. It's thanks to her words I was able to get through a lot of pain, and self doubt. Her words also inspired me to pick up pencil and paper fully again after 5 years, and while my skills have waned in that time it's still the happiest I've been creatively in a long time. So even though I've only known her a short time her friendship and kindness means more than my words can ever express and I thank you for giving this very flawed individual the chance to be your friend. Also thank you for encouraging me to post this *hugs*

So there you go that's what Lit has been for me the last 16 or so odd years. Lots of up & downs, lessons learned, friendship earned and lost. In the end just be honest, kind, and respectful to each other. See where your journeys take you and take chances more than I did for good or bad and learn from them.

With that I hope someone finds this post useful and others maybe get inspired to share there own experiences and lessons learned. Thank you for listening to my story and getting it off my chest.

A fantastic, well written interesting first post if memory serves me right. Either way it’s worthy of a bump share into the current that is the River of new posts. And if it inspires a return appearance by the OP even better.
started with the stories, found the forums, whored it up, met someone, fell in love, got my heart broken, made some friends and now I’m just here killing time.
I feel like the change in technology over time has also had an effect. Literotica use to be one of the few places you could connect and share anonymously. It use to be the site.
Yes, thank you for sharing.

My experience on Lit has had some interesting chance encounters, meaningful but yet fleeting. It's still a special place though, where it seems most of those hanging around have some depth if you just take time to poke a little bit. There are still others who are really really into themselves and are just looking for attention, and that's fine too.
Was all about the stories at first. Have my favorites that I re-read. Found the forum, now just trying to make other LIT friends and have some fun.
I said a bunch of crazy shit. Posted weird pics. Same in the inbox. Here I am.

This fucking thread is easy. NEXT
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