Beautiful Dresses, Sexy Outfits and More

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Very sexy!
No, Liz. Perhaps they'd send you to my house...

"Gosh, no, really? Do I have to, sir? Ubi is just going to eat my kitty ... and then make me eat her kitty .... and then we'll probably scissor fuck a little ... and then God knows because she's so new to being bi! She always wants to try everything. Twice! Well, I guess if I have to. I suppose it will make me learn my lesson and never dress so slutty for work again. Can I borrow one of the airport limos?" :rolleyes:
I have her shoes! :D
I wonder if I would get sent home if I tried to wear this to work?

I know right? It's so sexy even for a small-breasted dork like me! :D
(She totally matched the perfect earrings for that outfit too.)

Oh you'd get sent MY home :)
Pink isn't really my color but this one almost makes me get rid of our maid that comes once a week just so that I can make hub's help me with the housework! :)

I really need to find a fun, granola mom bestie like her! :heart:
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