Aphrodite's House of Golden Apple Waffles... and other stuff..

Somebody please hit the off switch to this freakin day.

Sorry. I'm ok now.
*smacks your ass, you Spell check bag o' wind*

*quickly stands to the side to avoid the back draft*


I know, I know, I usually correct , but I was trying to multitask.. not my strong suit... :eek:

We with lowly IT cred can and have to multitask, and do it well
Ugh... Singing usually make me feel better..and I think if I had some decent recording equipment, I'd feel even better..lol That and I need the practice.. I've got access to a recording studio where I'm headed. I know what I'll be doing to decompress. :D

This is actually a kind of sad song from Les Mes..Susan Boyle did a fabulous cover, and mine is no where near as good. I blame that on lack of practice.. You will lose any skill you fail to keep up.
SO, here it is. Putting it here in my little corner cause only a handful of you hang out here anyway. I don't have to worry about it getting replayed in the Voice thread by every Tom, Dick and Harry.. :p
I Had A Dream
OMG you did an amazing job on a tough song. You have a beautiful voice :heart:
Thank you!!! I'm of in a place right now where I need to hear I can do a good job at something.. Kind of silly, I suppose..
No, you know, it's NOT silly. Everyone needs to hear that they can do something, and do it well. Even if that one thing is making a peanut butter sandwich, people need to hear they are useful. It's just part of being human.

I don't think I coddle my kids, nor did I over glorify the success of my students, but I did make sure they knew that they were making progress towards something. Even if what they did was not perfect..if they made a complete mess.. You HAVE GOT to use that mess and learn from it..

Ok, I'll shut up.. kind of soapbox-y on people who refuse to be encouraging and only point out th negative...

Thank you, sweetie. :)
Echo that :)

I've seen the show 3 times in London... really can be quite moving.
Thanks, Ray.. :kiss:
I've seen it a couple times, very powerful on stage. I never saw the movie, so I can't compare. I've seen Phantom and Wicked on Broadway... the only thing I found useful about NY, NY besides the shopping...lol

Phantom... love, love, love Phantom. I used to be able to sing the part of Christine, but since my surgery, well, I don't have the range anymore... Still one of my favorite numbers, though.

Now, I did see the movie version of Phantom, and it was actually well done. I was impressed with the musical abilities of the actors...and, well, Gerard Butler could fart out Yankee Doodle Dandee, and I think I'd be ok with it...:D:D
Not just shooting air up your skirt, really geat job. Anytime you want to post another one I am all ears.
I have only seen 2 stage productions in my life. Once I win the lottery I will see more :)