All Audio, All Day- Say What You Mean To Say v2

1. (submitted)What is the most significant moment you've ever shared with a stranger who you never saw again?

2. (submitted) What’s under your bed?

3. Tomorrow (10/8) is Columbus Day and Canadian Thanksgiving. (Happy Thanksgiving folks) So what are you thankful for the most at the moment?

PLP's 'Audition' Challenge -

You should all know I'm a drama teacher so this week's challenge is an audition! Here's how it will work:

*If you want to play, PM me and I will send you an audition piece (aka a ridiculous song with the lyrics chosen just for you).
*All you have to do is perform your best dramatic reading of the lyrics I give you.

5. (submitted)What’s the best way to comfort you when you’re having a really terrible day?

6. (submitted) What is your favorite thing about who you are?

Whild Wednesday

7: (submitted) What do you think is the most intimate sexual act you can perform with a partner and why?

8. (submitted)Tell us about something you wish you had said sorry for but never did.

9. Everyone has heard me allude to a "special someone" on here a few times. What song do you think a person you have feelings for would like to have dedicated to them?
Hey, has anyone heard from JugHeadJane? Do we know if she is okay?

She's taking a break from Lit, but she's fine. Not sure if she'll come back, but she said she may well. It would be good to have her back, her answers here were always interesting.
She's taking a break from Lit, but she's fine. Not sure if she'll come back, but she said she may well. It would be good to have her back, her answers here were always interesting.

Okay great, I totally understand taking a break. I hope she comes back too, but as long as she's okay that's all that matters.

Thanks Alpine.

4-9, will post my challenge later tonight so stay tuned!

Edited to add this gif that I was referring to for Whild Wednesday**0Oct**011**C**07**058**050**0AM.gif?dl=0

Very sexy and intimate gif. :heart:
Did you really use #10?
Why do you have to ruin everything?!

Guess this means no foodie Friday. Jerk.

I did.
Because it's fun to watch type As react.

You can handle it, I believe in you. And no, never on command.
Foodie Friday
#10 (the REAL #10...SMH): was there anything a parent made for you growing up that they are convinced you liked, but you don't, that they insist on making for you because they still think you like it, and you don't have the heart to tell them otherwise?

#10b (the REAL #10b): Do you appreciate / enjoy receiving food-based holiday gifts? example: if someone brings you a box of homemade candies, do you genuinely enjoy it or just try to pass them off to someone else?
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