🪄BadAmy's Affirmation Interactive Thread🪄 (BAAIT) *Now with Gifs!*

allrighty you fuckers. keep em coming-i'll catchup this weekend. I have some mindfulness meditations to work on otherswise Imma gonna make some of you cry. :)
allrighty you fuckers. keep em coming-i'll catchup this weekend. I have some mindfulness meditations to work on otherswise Imma gonna make some of you cry. :)
Hopefully the meditations will save those of us whom deserve it or not. :ROFLMAO:
Do I need to open up that thread again? cuz that's where we need to go.
You just made this thread better

@Indie for her bday month
@Photog1rl for sharing so much joy with the threads, she deserves some back
@sallysparrow23 for being your muse and a dedicated mistress to the Babygirl academy
@Lmizzler for keeping the helicopters flying
@Paligirl for her dedicated war against gross mouth breathers
Because myself thinks herself is top shelf.

The American definition! Not the British!! 🫢



And so much more besides. 💚


"I choose motherfucking joy as my guiding light. I embrace like a crack addict, the simple pleasures and find happiness in the present moment. I radiate positivity and overfuckingwhelming appeal and allow joy to flow through every aspect of my life. I release negativity like a wicked fart and embrace the beauty and abundance that surrounds me. With a joyful heart, I attract more joy into my life and inspire others to experience the same. I am the source of my own joy, and I choose to live a life filled with laughter, gratitude, and pure ass kicking delight."


"I am a bitch slapping copious vessel of wisdom, continuously expanding my knowledge and understanding. I embrace the lessons life presents to me and seek wisdom in every experience. I tap into my inner wisdom and intuition, cuz she's fucking stellar, making choices that align with my highest good. I honor the wisdom of others, well almost some actually , and value the insights they share. With wisdom as my guide, I navigate life with clarity, discernment, and profound fan-bitchdontfuckwithme-tastic understanding."



"I am a kickass creative being, filled with endless fuckin inspiration and unique ideas that flow like a tidal wave during a motherfucking hurricane. My creativity flows effortlessly, and I express myself with confidence and joy. Sweet Jesus how I embrace my creative power and allow it to manifest in all the fuckin areas of my goddamned life. Each day, my creativity expands like some y'all waistlines and evolves, like AI! bringing beauty and innovation into the world, ya bitches."


"I am soooo motherfucking connected to my true purpose in life. I have a unique no bullshit contribution to make, and I embrace it fully, like the biggest pint of fuckin Guinness. I trust that the universe supports me( or else, bastard) in fulfilling my purpose. Each day, I align my thoughts, actions, and choices with my purpose. I am guided by my passions and values, and I live a life filled with meaning, fulfillment, and impact. Did I mention how fucking awesome I am, too? I mean Fuck!"



"I am soo goddamned deserving of deep and lasting fulfillment in all the fucking areas of my life. I embrace, like white on rice, the present moment with gratitude and openness. I trust that my desires and dreams are within reach, and I take inspired action to manifest them. I am aligned with my authentic self and make choices that bring me joy and satisfaction. I live a life of purpose, passion, and abundance, and I am fulfilled in every aspect of my motherfucking being. So suck it ya fucks. "
Listen. Just so you know some of these words are going to be repeated cuz it may apply to more than one person. Also, there are only so many positive affirmations out there in the world. Right? Right?
@Bry1313 (again?)

"Self Love"

I love myself so fucking much and that's not a bad thing. Someone once said, it was me, actually. You should love yourself first before anyone else. And I take that shit to motherfuckin heart! I am not going to stand around and wait for the love and abundance to come to me, when clearly- I deserve the best that I can give, to me! So here's me loving on me like a fucking crazy person."

"I am hella confident, capable as a motherfucker, and destined for success. I embrace challenges as opportunities to grow, and I persist with determination. Like a damned squirrel trying to crack a nut! I attract success into my life, and I am open to the abundance that comes my way. Each day, I take steps toward my goals, and I am grateful for the progress I make. Success is my natural state, that and being super fucking awesome and I am ready to achieve greatness. Fuck yes!"

"Peace washes over me like a gentle wave. (that sounds like a song!) I am a tranquil oasis of serenity in the midst of life's currents. With each breath, I inhale calmness and exhale stress. Sometimes, I fart. I embrace the stillness within me and let it radiate to all aspects of my life. Challenges may arise, but I face them with a serene heart and a clear mind. My inner peace is my strength, guiding me through life's journey and fuck if it ain't crazy as shit?"

"I am filled to the fucking brim with optimism and positivity. Look at me! I shit rainbows, for fucks sake! I see opportunities in every challenge and lessons in every experience. My thoughts are focused on solutions, not your fucking problems. and I believe in my ability to overcome any obstacle. yes, even that one. With each new day, my optimism grows stronger, Like my tolerance for whiskey and I radiate enthusiasm for life. I am a magnet for good things, and I attract success and happiness into my life. My future is bright, and I greet it with a hopeful heart."


"I am laser-focused like a ninja on my goals and priorities. Distractions fade away like old lit loves as I channel my energy into the task at hand. My mind is sharp bitches, and my determination unwavering. come at me! I work efficiently and effectively, making steady progress toward my objectives. I trust in my ability to stay on course, and I welcome the clarity that comes with my focused mindset. I am a master of my attention, and other things... and I achieve my goals with unwavering focus."

"I am empowered like a goddamned chainsaw and in complete control of my life. So sit down fuckers. I trust in my abilities and believe in myself. I am the architect of my destiny, alright and I have the strength to overcome any obstacle. ANY! Did I studder? I embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and cash money, and I am unafraid to take bold steps toward my dreams. Even if I gotta knock y'all down a peg or two. My inner power shines brightly, and I use it to create the life I desire. I am confident, capable, and unstoppable."
"I am sooooo gracious and filled with gratitude. It's coming out of my ears! I appreciate the abundance in my life and the kindness of those around me. with one exception, and you know who you are. I extend my generosity and kindness to others, creating a ripple effect of positivity. Every day, I find opportunities to express my gratitude like a goddamned warrior and offer my support to those in need. I am a beacon of grace, spreading warmth and goodwill wherever I go."

"I am liberated like a boss from the chains of fear and doubt. Fuck those things anyway. I break free from self-imposed limitations and embrace my true potential. I trust in my abilities but not you guys, and have the courage to pursue my dreams. I'm no weak ass lil bitch! Each day, I move forward with a sense of freedom, knowing that I have the power to create the life I desire. I am liberated, empowered, and ready to soar. Hollah!"
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We were open late tonight:)
If I missed anyone, repost their names- cuz I ain't going searching.

check to see if they already have one....mmmkaythanks :heart:

thanks for playing.