Confessions: What Are Yours?

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ICT I had a very erotic and yummy dream last night about a Litster. ;)

IFCT I have been saying mini-prayers for the Librarian, because it sounds like the proverbial shit is about to hit the fan, and I'm worried about her.
ICT after a weekend with him, I should be satisfied and content until next weekend.

IACT the sexting and phone calls from him since he left have me craving more.

IFCT I am considering a road trip as soon as my morning appts. are finished.
ICT two years after it happened, I was still trying to contact him. I knew it was wrong but I didn't care. I wanted the old thrill.

ICT this was what tipped the balance. If I had just left well enough alone, I would not be facing the problems I am facing now.
Don't be too hard on yourself. We have all done things we aren't proud of. I hope you make it through alright and it won't be as bad as you're imagining.
ICT my sinuses are killing me today

IACT I have 3 days off and really should have gotten out of town. I am happy i have a rare day to just relax. But I am boooored!

IFCT I just looked at airfare online. I know where I'd want to go. It has been on my mind for the last 24 hours. :devil:

ICT coming back to chaos at work today was not fun

IACT instead of being home looking at airfare for a beach vacation. I should have just done it

IFCT getting pm's that say "I've been reading your posts" creep me out. Why? Try sayiong hi instead of admitting you are a creeper!
ICT instead of what I'm eating...I'd LIKE to be having the two twentysomething males in the next booth for my lunch instead ! :p
ICT I have learned it is better never to confess to anything. :confused: :confused:
ICT people who try to make themselves look ashamed and remorseful rarely are being truthful and I usually end up shaking my head in disgust and those who play into their narcissistic need for attention

IACT speaking from experience, if one is truly remorseful and ashamed of their actions they do not try to announce them to strangers, they tend to want to remedy the situation with all due haste in a more private manner, not for all to see..again a sign of narcissism, not humility

IFCT I should have followed through with my psych classes in college because it helps you see through the bullshit people toss around.

speaking the truth, lady.
ICT I did a double take while looking at the Control thread on the Playground tonight, because one of the girls looks! It's not, I swear!!!

*but I sure wouldn't mind being in her place....
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