What about piercings???


Rustic rapscallion
Jan 19, 2015
I'm one of those people who's always had an interest in piercings, particularly so on women, but has never gotten one. Nope, not even a tattoo. But I'll be doing something about this in the upcoming week. Something on the order of intimate piercings anyway. 😉😉
I know a lot of people have pierced ears and other piercings. What are your thoughts on piercings here? What types are preferred and how about the more intimate ones? Thanks, to any and all ahead of time for participating. 🙂
Everyone is going to be different. I’ve never gotten my nipples pierced. Have thought about it. I’ve heard getting nipples pierced can make them really sensitive or the total opposite.
I’ve had my tongue pierced a couple times. No big deal. Didn’t hurt like I thought it would.
I used to be very into piercings..
I once had my tongue pierced 3x vertically... And I would of kept them all, but life happened..
I don't have any piercings now.. my nipples were something I considered, but never did.
I did my wife's nipples about 15 years ago. One day, about 6 months later, her left one got very angry. We took it out. The right one is still in. Never redid the left.
I don’t think I’ll ever get my nipples pierced. I can’t really call them nipples. More like dimples than nipples.
Not trying to encourage you, just a FYI. Having dimple nipples as you describe them, is not a deterrent from getting them pierced. In a lot of case, it makes them "pop out" if you will.

For anyone considering any piercings, do your research. Google is your friend. It can help you if you want a piercing or maybe not. It is your body.
I have a fair pain threshold, but I don't think that I would ever want to do a piercing on myself or someone else for that matter.
I have a very high pain tolerance. When I did my PA piercing, I only had 13g needles. I think I had to use 4, 1 next to the others, to get the hole big enough for a 6g ring. So essentially, I pierced it 4 times, 1 right after the other.
I’ve had both nipples pierced recently and once healed they are fine, I like them, photos in other threads. Sensitivity increased.

Ive had tongue biopsies for medical reasons and no way I want a tongue or face piercing, or any genital area. Well, not yet anyway.
I have a very high pain tolerance. When I did my PA piercing, I only had 13g needles. I think I had to use 4, 1 next to the others, to get the hole big enough for a 6g ring. So essentially, I pierced it 4 times, 1 right after the other.
I've had stitches before where the numbing agent hadn't kicked in as well as shoulder and knee injections. I didn't like it but it wasn't terrible. I'll be having both piercings done at the same time and will post about what I thought about it afterward.
I've had stitches before where the numbing agent hadn't kicked in as well as shoulder and knee injections. I didn't like it but it wasn't terrible. I'll be having both piercings done at the same time and will post about what I thought about it afterward.
That happens more than people want to know. I had a cyst removed from my arm. The cyst was about the size of a golf ball. The anesthetic didn’t kick in. The doctor cut my arm. I told him I can feel that. He’s all. There’s no way you can. He cut me again. I told him how long each incision was. And if he cut me again we were going at it. The look on his face was priceless.
A guy I knew years ago had knee surgery. The drug to knock him out didn’t kick in. The drug that kept him from moving during surgery did kick in. He finally passed out from the pain. Unable to tell doctor he was able to feel the surgery. In recovery room the surgeon came in and told him that everything went well. The guy told the surgeon he was awake for much of the surgery. Doctor said no way. He then told the doctor what he said to the nurse. The doctor gave him free surgery. Hoping he didn’t get sued. I guess
Ears are my only piercing. I've nothing against them but I've never been with anyone sexually or otherwise that had more than just their ears done. I've considered getting my nipples done but they're very sensitive and I'm afraid of it making them not. I love my boobies <3
Okay, two penis piercings out of the way now, a frenum and a lorum. The frenum wasn’t a big deal but the lorum has just a little more spice to it. Both are titanium bars and on the longish side when I’m soft. Being a grower and discussing actual size and girth the piercer assured me it was a non-issue because he’d been a piercer long enough to make a very educated guess. Then I go back further along in the healing process to get shorter bars if needed. The loop and captive ball for the lorum piercing comes after everything is fully healed.

This was a remarkable and very insightful experience, I thought that it was great. Now I get to call a different tattoo shop in a larger city to arrange an appointment to get a foreskin piercing. I’m really surprised at how simple all of this was.
OK, three days post-piercings. I can still tell they're there with the occasional soreness with some movement while clothed. I really like them a lot and wish I'd had them done years ago. I'm for sure going to go with a pubic and guiche piercing later.
I love them, on a male or female. I posted my photos on the Fetish thread, under dick piercings. I do all of my wife's and my own. I'm not saying that everyone should do their own, just that I have
would you mind posting the pictures on this thread as well for more people to see them? Thanks for your time.
Personally i like piercings, i always have but i know everyone is different..apart from the usual ear piercings i first got both my nipples with rings,bad mistake as i kept catching them,i now have bars, got an eyebrow ring, a nose stud,did have a nose ring but was forced to remove it because of work. . A clit bar and labia piercings
Personally i like piercings, i always have but i know everyone is different..apart from the usual ear piercings i first got both my nipples with rings,bad mistake as i kept catching them,i now have bars, got an eyebrow ring, a nose stud,did have a nose ring but was forced to remove it because of work. . A clit bar and labia piercings
Sounds sexy as hell.
Would love to see them 😉😉
Going to be the odd one out here. I really hate them. I have yet to find a piercing attractive. Even ears doesn't really do it for me.
Going to be the odd one out here. I really hate them. I have yet to find a piercing attractive. Even ears doesn't really do it for me.
I used to feel this way, but over time I became curious and intrigued by some, but not all, of the male and female genital piercings that I'd seen and read about. Having never experienced a piercing procedure I wondered about the pain or discomfort involved and how it would feel. I also wondered how the piercings would feel over time.
To my surprise, the pain wasn't anywhere near being worse than pinching yourself in a zipper. I've also noticed increased sensitivity. I won't get into the piercings as heavy as PG, but I think his piercings look pretty damned cool. I'll settle for a couple more and be content.