The Author's Hangout Vending Machine

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MagicaPractica said:
TE999 said:
Mmmm... I love figs.

You get back a plate of crispy grilled cheese sandwiches made with New York State extra sharp white cheddar.

[We now return to our regular scheduled thread]

You get back a grilled Nathan's hot dog on a toasted bun.

I put in a dozen Krystal hamburgers.
glynndah said:
Salvor-Hardon said:
Stop shaking the machine. Here's your cheese and crackers to go with it.

I put in Boston Blackie's mustache wax.

and you get back a wax statue of Tom Selleck

I put in an IOU for really good cheese.
glynndah said:
Salvor-Hardon said:
Stop shaking the machine. Here's your cheese and crackers to go with it.

I put in Boston Blackie's mustache wax.

You get back Mike Hammer's 'gat'.

I put in Sherlock Holmes' deerstalker cap.
MagicaPractica said:
TE999 said:
You get back a meerschaum pipe.

I put in some left over floral wall paper.

You get back some remnants from the dining room curtains.

I put in a handful of paint color swatches.
glynndah said:
TE999 said:
And you get back a cow (carved from cheese.)

[Sorry about the late nite quick quit, but RL called]

You get back a milkmaid carved from butter.

I put in Jack and Jill's pail.
TE999 said:
glynndah said:
[Sorry about the late nite quick quit, but RL called]

You get back a milkmaid carved from butter.

I put in Jack and Jill's pail.
And you get a bucketful of Mary's summer water. (She's still quite contrary, you know.)

I put in Little Bo Peep's sheep.
glynndah said:
TE999 said:
And you get a bucketful of Mary's summer water. (She's still quite contrary, you know.)

I put in Little Bo Peep's sheep.

You get back a brick from Humpty's wall.

I put in Little Jack Horner's plum.
glynndah said:
TE999 said:
And you get back Georgy Porgy's pudding recipe.

I put in a girl with a curl in the middle of her forehead.

And you get back Peter's pumpkin shell.

I put in a clock running mouse.
glynndah said:
TE999 said:
And you get a mulberry bush for him to go 'round.

I put in a man I met while going to St. Ives.

You get back a muffin from Drury Lane.

I put in some whiskers from a gruff billy goat.
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