What TV person would you love to do?

Oh! Here's another one, funny girl Katheryn Ryan. 💋


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Catherine Bell

I used to watch JAG just for Catherine Bell.


I got pro wrestling on in the background. I'd love a shot at female wrestler Rosemary. She's got a Marilyn Manson crazy chick type gimmick. I understand it's a show but you know what they say about crazy girls!
Assuming time travel is allowed -- mid-1980s, pre-Friends, "Misfits of Science"-era Courteney Cox.

Pre-Unnecessary plastic surgery Catherine Bell
Pre-Unnecessary plastic surgery Courtney Cox

It drives me crazy when both men and women have plastic surgery. The result is they simply look as though they had plastic surgery. They don’t look better.

My rant for the day.
Claire on Modern Family in character along with her two daughters also in character from a later season. All at the same time.

Also the lead female character from the Black list. Her name was Liz on the show but can't remember her real name.
LOVE to have a girl/girl with Stephanie Abrams of the Weather Channel:heart::heart::heart: