The Official Author's Hangout 2013 Nude Day Contest Support Thread

Again, how does this explain two stories in the same category with similar page views and votes? If I accept your reasoning, it falls apart quickly. My story received 113+ views. "Nude Melissa" received 150+ views, nearly 33% more views than mine... and yet, my needle barely budged while GA's moved substantially. Am I to assume GA has more enemies than me? Damn, it sucks to be GA! What did he ever do to piss off so many people? Personally, I thought his story was damn good!

Or, perhaps there's another "let's make up an excuse to explain it" idea. My story received 87 favorites to GA's 24 favorites. So... let's guess that those people kept voting over and over again for my story because they loved it so very much and their votes were swept, right?

Wait, that doesn't work, because post-sweeps, my story is STILL at 4.79.

my scores always rise during sweeps. if you look at one of the PCs on Nude Melissa, anon states clearly that he 1-bombed it for a [perceived] disparaging comment about the Fens in England regardless of any merit the piece may, or may not, have.

i also [suspect] i've picked up a few haters along the way because i deliberately target the LW category and can be a bit of a twat on the threads.

is it a fix? i have no idea ... although the summer loving piece i did a couple of years back that got the W was a romance ;)
Unqualified congratulations to the winners.

I don't care how the winners are chosen. I'm just pleased I didn't have to do the choosing, or sort out the real votes from the dubious ones, because the quality of entries continues to improve with almost every themed contest.

And congratulations to all those who entered. Even if you didn't win, or weren't placed, most of you should be pleased with the positive reception for your work. Where else on the internet would you get so much attention for so long?
a pet? me? a pet?

stop being a cunt, you cunt.

Love you post Geronimo A: I've been called a few names and a favorite because I won a few W's. Some of us just have fun writing stories and getting the quick post during contests. Do I like winning? Of Course but I do have to admit that a hundred buck doesn't change my life. haha

H's and W's are nice. I would someday like to have a green E but doubt if it will happen.

As I mentioned many times I write for fun and enjoy the contests. They put my stories out there and the quick posts. If I ever get a high scoring story during a contest, I get excited and hope for a win. Sometimes I luck out, other times not so good.

My nude day story had a lot of reads and votes, over 900. My score was 3.82. I wasn't elegible for this contest but like being part of it. At least I get feedback and comments to my previous stories most every day I honestyly feel that the more votes you get, the less chance a story has of winning ing a contest.

Congrat! to the winners and to all that wrote stories.
With Respect
DG Hear
Love you post Geronimo A: I've been called a few names and a favorite because I won a few W's. Some of us just have fun writing stories and getting the quick post during contests. Do I like winning? Of Course but I do have to admit that a hundred buck doesn't change my life. haha

H's and W's are nice. I would someday like to have a green E but doubt if it will happen.

As I mentioned many times I write for fun and enjoy the contests. They put my stories out there and the quick posts. If I ever get a high scoring story during a contest, I get excited and hope for a win. Sometimes I luck out, other times not so good.

My nude day story had a lot of reads and votes, over 900. My score was 3.82. I wasn't elegible for this contest but like being part of it. At least I get feedback and comments to my previous stories most every day I honestyly feel that the more votes you get, the less chance a story has of winning ing a contest.

Congrat! to the winners and to all that wrote stories.
With Respect
DG Hear

yup, the E would be the ultimate, but i don't write stuff that laurel likes.

still, if i'm her pet she might throw me a bone, eh? :D

and, right there, a story idea!
Aw, it's so nice to be told "shut-up and take your lumps," have the very act of mentioning the Emperor is naked called out as being rude, suggestions ignored, genuine praises ignored or belittled as being disingenuous, ganged up on, actually agreed with while being dismissed... oh yeah, and then the name calling, being taken out of context, muscled into corners where I refuse to stand. It's fun isn't it?! :rolleyes:

I remember the Valentine's Contest a while back when LC blew a gasket over the results. LC choose to see mystery and intrigue behind the reasons for the results. I haven't. For all I know LC, Scouries and others are right. I don't know, but I've been careful to resist having a tinfoil hat planted on my head. If someone thinks I deserve one, so be it, but good luck finding support in my words.

So what have I learned?

  1. Never disrespect the site. The site is all knowing and benevolent. Any words to the contrary should be avoided, because right thinking apologists WILL defend the site at the expense of reasoning.
  2. Never disrespect the site, again. It's damn rude, you twit! It's not your site or your rules and you should bow down and kiss the very ground the site's owners/managers/moderators walk upon out of gratitude that this site even exists!
  3. Suggesting changes and improvements is worthless because
    • It's all been heard before.
    • It is the way it is, shut up and roll-on.
    • No one is listening.
    • See items 1 & 2.
  4. It's good when no one points out scores during the run of a contest, because that will lead to revenge voting and ballot stuffing.
  5. One should be careful about mentioning scores during a contest to prevent revenge voting or ballot stuffing.
  6. Any commentary about scores performed after the contest will be perceived as sour grapes, regardless of intent or praise given to winners.
  7. Although sweeps can (and are) performed at any time, for reasons unknown, they have little value during the course of the contest. These are apparently "mini-sweeps" done for unknowable reasons. Since these sweeps are apparently incomplete by unknowable design, they should be ignored.
  8. Sweeps address the problems of revenge voting and ballot stuffing. (Contradiction? Where?)
  9. Though sweeps are applied at seemingly random intervals and designed to reduce the impact of revenge voting and ballot stuffing, performing a thorough and complete sweep during the contest would somehow encourage more revenge voting and ballot stuffing. (What? Another contradiction?)

Suddenly, Scouries's fake contest magically makes more sense to me as an absolute brilliant, sarcastic commentary.

I guess, at this point, I'll go sit in the corner wearing my tin-foil constructed Dunce cap while being called names like "disrespectful" or "sour loser" or "ignorant for thinking your rants matter." I'll look forward to having my words bent out of context in an effort to discount my reasoning. Or, and this is even more fun, having my reasoning dismissed as "it's all been said before" as an amazing form of dismissal and validation at the same time. I can't wait to be branded as one more of the site's "bad boys." Woot! :rolleyes:
Aw, it's so nice to be told "shut-up and take your lumps," have the very act of mentioning the Emperor is naked called out as being rude, suggestions ignored, genuine praises ignored or belittled as being disingenuous, ganged up on, actually agreed with while being dismissed... oh yeah, and then the name calling, being taken out of context, muscled into corners where I refuse to stand. It's fun isn't it?! :rolleyes:

I remember the Valentine's Contest a while back when LC blew a gasket over the results. LC choose to see mystery and intrigue behind the reasons for the results. I haven't. For all I know LC, Scouries and others are right. I don't know, but I've been careful to resist having a tinfoil hat planted on my head. If someone thinks I deserve one, so be it, but good luck finding support in my words.

So what have I learned?

  1. Never disrespect the site. The site is all knowing and benevolent. Any words to the contrary should be avoided, because right thinking apologists WILL defend the site at the expense of reasoning.
  2. Never disrespect the site, again. It's damn rude, you twit! It's not your site or your rules and you should bow down and kiss the very ground the site's owners/managers/moderators walk upon out of gratitude that this site even exists!
  3. Suggesting changes and improvements is worthless because
    • It's all been heard before.
    • It is the way it is, shut up and roll-on.
    • No one is listening.
    • See items 1 & 2.
  4. It's good when no one points out scores during the run of a contest, because that will lead to revenge voting and ballot stuffing.
  5. One should be careful about mentioning scores during a contest to prevent revenge voting or ballot stuffing.
  6. Any commentary about scores performed after the contest will be perceived as sour grapes, regardless of intent or praise given to winners.
  7. Although sweeps can (and are) performed at any time, for reasons unknown, they have little value during the course of the contest. These are apparently "mini-sweeps" done for unknowable reasons. Since these sweeps are apparently incomplete by unknowable design, they should be ignored.
  8. Sweeps address the problems of revenge voting and ballot stuffing. (Contradiction? Where?)
  9. Though sweeps are applied at seemingly random intervals and designed to reduce the impact of revenge voting and ballot stuffing, performing a thorough and complete sweep during the contest would somehow encourage more revenge voting and ballot stuffing. (What? Another contradiction?)

Suddenly, Scouries's fake contest magically makes more sense to me as an absolute brilliant, sarcastic commentary.

I guess, at this point, I'll go sit in the corner wearing my tin-foil constructed Dunce cap while being called names like "disrespectful" or "sour loser" or "ignorant for thinking your rants matter." I'll look forward to having my words bent out of context in an effort to discount my reasoning. Or, and this is even more fun, having my reasoning dismissed as "it's all been said before" as an amazing form of dismissal and validation at the same time. I can't wait to be branded as one more of the site's "bad boys." Woot! :rolleyes:

You are nowhere near fitting the mold.
BuckyDuckman; No one is knocking you. We that have been around awhile have been through the same ringer. I once said (which I still believe) that the trolls are other authors trying to raise their scores by knocking others.
I rather like you and know you're just speaking your piece.

I know it's hard but try and look on the bright side. Your story did very well, got an H and is probably on the leader board as one of the top stories. You built your fan base up which is always good.

I don't complain much anymore knowing it mostly falls on deaf ears. As I mentioned earlier I developed a thick skin and write what I want. Of course I write for fun and don't have nor looking for a future in writing.

The best to you in finishing in the top half of dozen in the contest. I've been there a number of times and felt the same way as you. I wish you the best in your writing.
With Respect
DG Hear
You are nowhere near fitting the mold.

Darn, LOL.

I don't complain much anymore knowing it mostly falls on deaf ears. As I mentioned earlier I developed a thick skin and write what I want. Of course I write for fun and don't have nor looking for a future in writing.

Thanks DG. I am proud of my finish. It sucks being painted into a corner and branded a sore loser because I've chosen to charge a windmill or two. Did it feel more personal this time? Sure it did. How could it not? But I don't think I was singled out, never my point.

The contests seem to maintain their value for gaining attention in a crowded field and picking up extra readers. However flawed the system may be, it's nice of the site to have a contest for that reason alone. My story had its flaws. As Dark (and others) pointed out, the winners were definitely quality pieces of work deserving the recognition.

I can't say the system is flawed, when no one has been given the opportunity to review the system. Without oversight or review, it's ripe for suspicion. I can see why others would suggest cronyism. Even our eventual champion expressed dismay while waiting for results. Should that throw her win into dispute? I don't think so. She submitted a quality piece of work and earned her victory (again, sincere congratulations!). But it's also why I started my rant during that waiting period after the announced end of the contest and prior to the announcing of results. I became the example of the flaw.

The site followed their system, regardless of the chatter and announced its well deserving winners. We're to believe (and I do, btw) the results are based on votes. However, I remained convinced scores have zero value. Are there ways to fix that? I think so. Others seem to think so, too. But those who choose shooting the messenger? I sort of resent that.

Good luck in future contests, to you and all who choose to participate. Will I? Probably. I still have an entry in that Survivor Contest that's based on different criteria.
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bucky honored by a.i.r.!!!!!


2013 Nude Day Contest Winner

Bucky Duckman


Yes Mr Duckman may have been made a Fucked Man by the QUEEN and her flunkies but a.i.r. has not been fooled by the palace shenanigans. Our computers have verified Bucky's triumph and hence he has been awarded first prize in our contest. Congratulations sir! You are now part of the tower of airian power...




yes a.i.r. is home of the greats​
Yes, indeed. That was a good one.

Thanks :) If you liked Diggin' it, then you might also like Pickin' an' Grinnin'. It's along a very similar theme, but 1on1 rather than a threesome.

I loved the use of the table! The only problem was that the image of a young Frank kept creeping in on me. ;-)
[*]Suggesting changes and improvements is worthless because
  • It's all been heard before.
  • It is the way it is, shut up and roll-on.
  • No one is listening.
  • See items 1 & 2.

  • The first part of this (not the "no one is listening" part--unfortunately a lot of us have had to listen to it), because--well, because some of us have been making the same suggestions for nearly a decade and nothing has happened. We have no control, and apparently practically no leverage here. Eventually, you'll see the reality too and will stop acting like you are inventing the wheel on this or have been the first one ever who, when the dust settled, didn't sit on the top of anything because you were looking at imprecise data and better data wasn't available to you or anyone else. I go back to having done the "I told you so" from the get go on this thread. It's up to you, really, to have picked up on reality and not been guided by wishful thinking based on soft data.

    About three years ago I reacted to a contest just as you have here--although I will say that I was reacting on what I thought had unfairly been done to another story, not mine--mine have only risen above the middle a couple of times. I got the same reactions you are getting. After a few more contests, I GOT that I was getting this reaction because reality was reality and people were tired of going through this petulant shit with someone on nearly every contest.

    Again, if you have to take this as seriously as your tenacious "hurt" indicates, then perhaps American-Idol-style competition isn't for you. Because you are mainly hurting yourself (but frustrating a whole hell of a lot of the rest of us and coming across as self-possessed and petulant) with thinking you have some special grievance that no one else has gone through before in acts of self-delusion and wishful thinking.

    The total comes at the end after voting is turned off and all scrubbing done. There's nothing you see in the stats before that that gives you more than a very general idea of trends. Anything you bandy about on the stats in the interim is just a game. Try and get that. It's not like it hasn't been stated before.
There is no such thing as an air association. It is made up of scouries and scouries alone. He uses fake contests, fake association, fake awards, and fake lists to try and look like he is really someone that has some clout here. he is just another author. His only goal here is to bring the real Lit contests down. His only idea is, if he can't win a real contest, no one will. Hate and discontent are his stock in trade.
Well I am glad someone finally mentioned my name rather than going "someone else" Nice to see a little courtesy shown my way.

As for what I "know" I know nothing but what numbers tell me. Numbers and trends and a general feeling for each category. If people know what to look for, they will see exactly where site manipulation comes into play. Maybe I'll tell people where to look by the time I am done with this post, maybe I'll get bored, the next few minutes will tell.

To the accusations of my sour grapes? Sure I was quite upset back last years V-day contest with a right to be especially when the site did not do as good of a clean up job as it has learned to do and left me tied and still handed the win to someone already with 4.

But I wonder, is it sour grapes when several other people on my behalf posted are you kidding? Funny how the three stories that beat cannot be found with a gps these days and mine has tripled its votes/comments and risen in score. But I will address that near the end.

To dark, before I forget oh resident cheat of lit. The master of contest and number manipulation be careful. You are now posting as three people and sooner or later you are going to fuck up.

You will see this post under one of your alts because I know as Dark I am on your ignore. I guess my PM to you telling you exactly how you won in that sham of a contest last year really stung. Truth always does.

To Pilot, I think you should go back and find my post in the contest that I won saying I thought my story sucked. Anyone who is interested can go see my last post in the "beware of scouries thread" where I said my W was a "okay, here's your shut up W now get lost."

I'd look them up, but I don;t have the time to spare you do. I will for your benefit use my W as an example of what the site does in the contests. You're the ultimate in sour grapes Pilot. All the authors with lots of H's must be cheating, because you don;t have a lot(in proportion with your body of work.) all writers who write long stories have no talent, because of course you prefer short ones.

I hope you know you may as well don a tin foil hat because every time you post of your "accomplishments"(written any new laws lately?) you can feel the collective eye roll of the entire forum.

You have also kept saying "someone else" ,multiple times in this thread, egging me on? Trying to get me to bite yes, and demonstrating your obsession with me.

Tx? have to say you're the best of the three. You shoot straight, it is respected. I really can't fathom why you stick with the other two asshat liars here.

Oh, and one more thing for Pilot and it is a compliment. I have never once called you or thought of you as any kind of a cheat. I do not think that is in your make up, take that remark for whatever you think it is worth.

But let's talk contest shall we? And know I am posting this as a result of being insulted and egged on in a thread I had no part of until I saw the second of last nights alts appear. Enough is enough so this post is on you three.

First I am going to "help" the site by giving some explanation as to why there really can never be a fair contest and it has been mentioned before.

There is too big of a difference in category draw. Incest and a couple of others can draw upwards of 6/7/8 even a thousand plus votes. Meaning a sweep that knocks off a bunch of bombs does not raise score much.

Other categories are lucky to see a hundred so obviously ditching even 5 bombs would make a big difference. Pilot kept mentioning how far his story went. I am going to guess he had about 100 or so votes maybe a few more, but few enough that the loss of a dozen votes could raise him a huge .30.

Many options have been discussed, but fact is there is no solution. You cannot punish a category that gets a lot of attention nor can you exclude one hardly anyone reads. Nor can anything be accomplished when as Pilot said, no one cares. And kudos to you Pilot for admitting your own frustration before just going with the flow.

But what that does is it gives an easy way to win(if you have some skill as that does factor in still) if you want a W enter with a category that has low draw the sweep will give you a big boost.

Entering a minute before the deadline and excluding yourself from two weeks of trolling also helps doesn't it Mr Dark?RR and your new pal patiently.

So that is actually a bit of a defense for the site for people who have never figured that out.

But let's get down to the fun.

I will preface it with I hold nothing against any author here with the following remarks. It is the site, not you, who decides which story and category or fetish that they so loved they handed the W off. No author here who has won is doing anything wrong.

Except for Dark, you are a cheat. But I guess no one should wonder how you know how much about how this site runs and how fast you can whip numbers out. on that note how is Australia these days? I forgot to include SSS in your schizophrenic personality.

Okay sooo...... the big thing here is stories that are "in the money"-wait, one more point-maybe $75-$150 dollars is the be all end all to some people, but I am fortunate to be in a decent position financially and donated my $75 last year to parl, contest money means nothing to me. I have enough and that is all I am concerned with.

Anyway so we have these stories that for the record don;t just have the best scores, but generally a lot of comments and votes and "buzz". They are leading during the time the "readers" are picking so to speak they vote and those votes lead to the scores.

then it shuts down, the site gets involved and everything goes upside down. Trolls the 3 blind mice are quick to point out. Cheaters! Cheer leader votes! Other author's sour grapes! Scouries posting target practice.....No one knows what goes into a sweep. and that is the key.

Now I want people who care to do this. Look at the stories that were pushed down. Look at the ones that were pushed up. Go back and look in a week or so. The big upswings are down the lowered stories back up. Hmmm why is that?

I know, the W leads to trolling. And the lowered stories are back to "cheer leading" really?

Okay, then....if the winners were trolled why don;t the weekly sweeps bring them back up? After all they must be "illegitimate votes" so why are they not gone? cause it is not trolls.

And for the people who's lowered scores rise? They are still cheating? No "W" no money on the line, yet they are padding their score anyway? We're really supposed to think that about these people? many of whom are not seen as trouble makers.

No, simply put the readers who "chose" the best stories with their votes and gave lower votes to other stories they did not like as much, take back over when the sites purpose is served. The leading stories start getting the good votes again the others drift back down.

The readers show where the story belongs. These are no longer reader's choice contests. The Blue W is the new green E, which one did LIt Like?

No one has to believe me, just start following along. You can see what there is too be seen. Everyone looks at past and current, I linger and follow when the smoke settles and that is where the game becomes most obvious.

Example. DG hear(and I am sorry Doc, nothing at all against you personally, great guy and even better author.) But back to back V-day wins(and either V-day in 2011 as well or a monthly not sure) but all three in NE and all three over 4.8. But all other contests? No where near that score.

In fact a couple back Doc was lamenting his score saying pretty much "tough crowd." so what happens during any contest but V-day for Doc? Does his very large fan base forget him? They don;t vote? He's only good at V-day stories(not true, guys pretty good at everything) no, the head cheerleader only likes those certain stories, plus authors can only win once every few months.

Back to dark who has how many earth.nude day wins with the same lame friggin setting and storyline over and over again. Guess he knows what the lady likes. Or maybe that is his payment as site mole.

Back to my W which gave me first hand insight into this. I was carrying a 4.8-4.82 all the way through.

Pretty good right? Everyone here would be cool with that score? yes. you would as was I. I mean how many "bombs" and trolls could I have and still have that number?

The next day when I won my story had jumped to 4.87. an .05 increase on a 4.82 tale with over 700 votes. Again, how many people could have trolled me?

Anyway, okay got a W. I told myself I would enter contests until I got one so I have not been interested since and feel a little bad because that story I would not even put in my personal top ten let alone say it was better than some of the other entries.

Two days later back to 4.82 where is has basically stayed for the last few months. a couple fo stories behind me, went up a pretty good amount.

This contest after I made a post I have had 5 authors say "I really hate to say it, but I think you're close" I asked about their scores and same deal even people who were not all that close to winning saw big jumps after everything was said and done because the vote was back in the hands of the public.

And let's address trolling. I keep hearing there are ways to upload a lot of votes. Like many here I would have no clue how to. To repeat myself most do not never mind they would not bother.

Let me ask anyone who has not fallen asleep yet. How would someone "troll" for their favorite author? keep in mind one huge fact; the majority of authors/readers do not come to these boards, many don't realize they are here.

Now unless someone posts all the scores the only way to know them(especially if you don;t come here) is to go to the main page and click every one of the between 60-100+ stories in the contest.

they have to go to the story, then the author's page then find the story and look at the score to see where it is to their fav author. Or they have to one at a time go down the list and do all that clicking to vote down every story.

really? People do that? Please spare me. You want to talk about tin hat conspiracy theories? The whole trolling, trolling ,trolling touted mainly by the three amigos is a pretty big one. So sorry I am not a supporter of that level of sniping. half these readers barely vote you think they put that much effort in?

So on to the final sweep where admittedly no one knows the criteria and who decides if votes are legal/illegal?

yup, one answer. And if it was a great story to that person then I guess all those mean 1/2 punches are erased.

But hey, no one will ever really know, but there is some food for thought there. And too bad some people have tossed away the 3 amigo kool aid and have started sipping at some truth serum.

I also notice a lot of good authors drifting away from the contests, but the site does not care. I hear they did way back, but now lit is the biggest and best show in town, so no effort required and fuck all who don;t like it. Too bad.

Also too bad I will never divulge who I "speak" to here because if Listed the names of the latest wave of "Wow, you called it" authors even the big three here would be hard pressed to discount them as trouble makers and bad losers.

But despite what people may think of me I have a lot more honor(even if it is too myself) than people here who like to perpetuate lies and keep poking at people who were not even involved in the thread.

And that is my last note. If I do not enter a contest I do not post in the thread, why would I? I even backed off the first fawc thread when I realized I would not be able to do it.

And people here who are on the fence and have no clue about things can see I was nowhere in sight and not bringing up anything until my name was getting referred to to the point I was getting "Are you going to say something" pm's. So I certainly did not start this one.

And again think anything you want, but numbers speak for themselves and all patterns here point to shady dealings. And more people see it each time.

And it sucks for the big 3 I am not scouries. I do not run fake contests, nor do I make homophobic or racist posts or tell people they cannot write certain categories.

I post regularly and except form my feud with Pilot(cause unlike others I am incapable of ignoring his bullying an tall tales) I don't really bother anyone. I start writing related threads for the most part and respond to most threads with an attempt at decent advice or my take on things.

I've grown as a writer here and now have the pleasure of helping others grow. I am a contributor to these boards and the fact I do have a W takes away the "sour grapes" angle of my points.

For anyone open minded about this, I am not easily discounted. My story scores which Pilot seems to think are the result of cheating are the result of three years of writing and gaining a large fan base that follows me. They followed me to four contests and four over 4.8 scores and four "in the money" until the final night and after 3 losses and people starting to say "Maybe he'll get it this time" I won it. A W is a low cost shut up around here.

Silk stocking lover got one after bitching two contests in a row about losing hundreds of votes and getting a lot of people commenting in her favor. yet another good pattern to follow.

Okay, I'm done. I thank the 3 amigos for justifying my comments. And a word of advice boys? When the three of you repeatedly, and I mean repeatedly, jump anyone for suggesting anything wrong here? You just add fuel to the fire. If there was nothing wrong you'd roll your eyes and not bother.

thou doth protest far too loudly my friends.

Now let the spin doctoring and damage control begin.

Oh, @Bucky there are no "bad boys" here only people who call it as they see it.
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First off, I don't stick with anyone. I call it like I see it.

Again, I ask you, what has the site got to gain by fixing the contests?

You keep yelling that they do but what do they get out of it?

A simple question.

I don't care who wins. I've won in the past and i still enter from time to time but like has been said, no one but the site owners know what the scores are at the time voting is closed.

And yes, there are people who would go to the troubles you described. People are just that weird.

So the best we can do from this side of the monitor is say, good job to the winners and go about our business.
Some of the post in this thread reminds me of a post I saw Laurel make on the GB blurt thread. It was for that thread but it sure as hell applies here.
When Lit first started, I was really sensitive to criticism. Whenever anyone would make any random remark about how this sucks or why does Lit do things the way they are, I would PM the person and to try to right things. About half the time, the person would never reply to me. This puzzled me, until one day after a few days one user wrote back abruptly, "If I wanted to talk to you about that, I would've written you."

I realized that most of the time, users who have genuine issues with how the site is run, or who are genuinely curious about why things are done a certain way on Lit will write me and ask before going on the forum and discussing it. Those who choose to discuss the way things are done on Lit with each other are just blowing off steam.

So, if you are actually curious as to why something is done on Lit, you're making posts about it on the Blurt thread, and you're wondering why nothing's being done about it, that's why.

Has anyone ask Laurel about this?
I loved the use of the table! The only problem was that the image of a young Frank kept creeping in on me. ;-)

LMAO Fortunately, I didn't have that problem. I'd put myself in the main character's place. Glad you liked it!
Posted by lovecraft68

Example. DG hear(and I am sorry Doc, nothing at all against you personally, great guy and even better author.) But back to back V-day wins(and either V-day in 2011 as well or a monthly not sure) but all three in NE and all three over 4.8. But all other contests? No where near that score.

In fact a couple back Doc was lamenting his score saying pretty much "tough crowd." so what happens during any contest but V-day for Doc? Does his very large fan base forget him? They don;t vote? He's only good at V-day stories(not true, guys pretty good at everything) no, the head cheerleader only likes those certain stories, plus authors can only win once every few months.

Thanks for the complement, but I have won other contest with stories that weren't in the 'Non-Erotic category. I will be honest and didn't know that Non Erotic seemed to be my best category in contests.

Listed below:

Another Chance (4.70) Loving Wives 11/10/06

Chocolate Covered Cherries (4.82) Non-Erotic 01/20/12

I Should Know (4.76) Romance 08/24/06

The Senior Center (4.79) Non-Erotic 02/05/13

Valentine's Day Remembered (4.75) Non-Erotic 01/27/11

You Gave Me a Mountain Ch. 01 (4.71) Non-Erotic 03/04/08
No problem, DG. Lovecraft is never bothered by reality. He makes it up to match his agenda. :rolleyes:
Didn't realize our relationship had progressed to "pal" status.

Entering a minute before the deadline and excluding yourself from two weeks of trolling also helps doesn't it Mr Dark?RR and your new pal patiently.

Just to be clear-

1. I've been writing for a long time (on graph paper, in pencil, buried in my dresser) because it makes my normal, married-with-children sex life much more fun.

2. I enter contests because no one reads anything I write otherwise, and let's face it, it's more fun if someone reads it.

3. No one trolls me. I get 60 votes if I'm lucky. I lost three along the way this time, and I'm pretty sure my husband and I voted from the same IP address. I'm just not popular enough to be included in this pissing match.

4. I entered late because I've been busy. I gave up a side job this summer that has kept me from doing practically anything except working for the last three years. In the last month I have actually played with my kids (instead of working while they play near me), read 12 books, done a whole bunch of crossword puzzles, pulled two barely-started stories out of my dresser, and actually had time to have sex with my husband.

The bottom line is that I have the summer off, and I am enjoying the drama here that has no effect on my real life what-so-ever. (That's not exactly true. There are some effects. Mostly in the bedroom. Or on the kitchen table. You get the picture.)

Keep on pissing, boys. I'm enjoying the show.

I agree and disagree with many of lc comments and also was surprised to see Bucky not finish top 3..but I have long ago given up trying to guess the system...

I enter contests for the extra exposure and never expect to win...I like being at the top of the page and not lost in the abyss of the bottom...

As for bitching last year, which I don't consider it bitching nor do I recall a plethora of support for me...nor was I looking for any...just trying to understand the system at the time......I find that interesting...although I was shocked by the jump the story that finished 3rd got. That said, I was more baffled by the why number of votes disappeared as seven hundred plus disappearing seemed crazy...was someone really voting that much??? If so, so be it...also I wasn't bitching to win or want the votes back...actually the vote sweep almost always changed my score for the better...

I apologize my story beat yours lc...I didn't expect it ... And was as surprised as did jump a lot at the end and has since dropped back to middle 4.70s...I accept my style and content leaves me between 4.50-4.70 with the odd rotten egg or surprise.

Bucky in the end incest stories get too many votes to change much from mom submission changed plus 1 during the sweeps...and another p,us one yesterday...that said I will linger up one or down one now forever..,

In the end...incest stories don't win..but they get the reads and the votes...which ignoring sweeps still makes sense because incest is bound to offend some of the contest readers...
May as well give poor Les a post.

Convenient of the delusionals to ignore the piles of my entries and even one of my winning entries ( the only 1st place ) posting on day 1 of the contest, huh?

And that few ( if any, in many cases ) sweeps happen before the end of the submissions period.

Is that the current excuse in vogue for why entering late in the contest is some sort of underhanded trick? Suppose one ridiculous reason is as good as another.

Anyone willing to take the rantings of these folks to heart is soft in the head.

I take that back - it's too watered down. Anyone who believes the vitriolic spew of the delusionals is just plain stupid.

Oh, and you've officially declared yourself an alt of me now. Congratulations. Since you're me, you should get VIP access to my stories before anyone else :) You should really kick ourselves so I get some hanging-chad stories cleared out of the queue...

EDIT( much later ) just in case I need this reference in the future.

Day 1 stories: Going Green, Pick Up the Spare, LST3K Witch Season, Queen of the Isle, Daughter of the Wood, Mom's Second Chance, Ride No More, Secret of the Wood. ( 8 and at least 1 in the last year )

1st 7 Days: R.I.P, Thricegiving, Virtual Lapdance, What Friends Are For, And I'll Get a Pole, Nude Holly Day, Souvenir, Summer's Heat, Expectation, Finding Karen, Ghost of a Chance, Last Chance, Barren Harvest, Genie Valentine, Grandfather Yule, LST3K Tree Hugger, LST3K Ho Ho Hos, While Cupid's Away (18 and at least 1 in the last year )

2nd 7 days: LST3K Erthe Day, Center Piece, A Trick A Treat (3 and at least 1 in the last year )

Other: (26 - many of which 2nd or 3rd entries )

Just to be clear-

1. I've been writing for a long time (on graph paper, in pencil, buried in my dresser) because it makes my normal, married-with-children sex life much more fun.

2. I enter contests because no one reads anything I write otherwise, and let's face it, it's more fun if someone reads it.

3. No one trolls me. I get 60 votes if I'm lucky. I lost three along the way this time, and I'm pretty sure my husband and I voted from the same IP address. I'm just not popular enough to be included in this pissing match.

4. I entered late because I've been busy. I gave up a side job this summer that has kept me from doing practically anything except working for the last three years. In the last month I have actually played with my kids (instead of working while they play near me), read 12 books, done a whole bunch of crossword puzzles, pulled two barely-started stories out of my dresser, and actually had time to have sex with my husband.

The bottom line is that I have the summer off, and I am enjoying the drama here that has no effect on my real life what-so-ever. (That's not exactly true. There are some effects. Mostly in the bedroom. Or on the kitchen table. You get the picture.)

Keep on pissing, boys. I'm enjoying the show.

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Lovecraft - gotta admit, although I've won two contests - I'm a novice at the politics on here. I'm not a novice at the mathematics however. If you really don't believe there are that many trolls or slammers or whatever, make yourself a log next time. I did last time, and after a while you see the signs that you've been bombed.
On this contest, after it popped up, when i saw it, it had 5 votes and a 5.0 average. Hmmm. hold on and let me figure that math....
Also happened to be the day I left on vacation, and didn't see it again for several days. When I did, it had dropped to 4.7 something, later all the way down to 4.5 something.
Start off with 5 fives, and just keep adding fours, calculate the average and see how many it takes to drop the average to 4.7 when there are 30 some votes. Can't happen unless there are a ton - but add a single 1, and it does easily. Currently it's at 4.8, with 178 votes which is one away from where I saw it before the sweeps, and keeps bouncing around between 4.79 and 4.80. Not sure how many votes were taken in the sweeps, I really didn't expect to win so wasn't watching like at Christmas where from the very beginning I thought I might.

Last time, with Rocky Mountain Christmas, I kept a log of how many votes, and the average score - and it was easy to see when I got a one vote. Not that somebody can't disapprove or not think my stories are the best, but a one? There are horrible stories on this site, but not many that deserve a one (Well - yeah there are, but you know what I mean). anyway, after having in my log about how many one's I thought I'd gotten (it can't be perfect as two threes is the same as a one and a five) but when I pre-calculated what I thought would be best case when the 1's were swept - it was pretty damn close.
The thing that's hard is that once a "one" is thrown in, it drags the average down, but even with a dozen fives afterward, it hasn't made up the kill of that single one.
Basically you've hit it right on the head, how do you really make a fair contest when an incest story gets 200,000 reads and 1100 votes, a romance story gets 140,000 reads and 600 votes and another category get 22 reads, 11 votes and has a 5.0 average? Beats the hell out of me. Glad I won, but as I said yesterday - I think this particular time there were a tremendous amount of very good stories.

As for my Christmas win - I also gave it to charity. I asked that it be donated to Breast Cancer research. Every woman should have three boobs - the two she was born with and the one she marries. Which reminds me of this. This little ditty is sung to the same tune as for Armour Hot-Dogs.

Swollen Nipples
What kind of Man likes Swollen Nipples?
Big Men, Little Men, Men that work the docks.
Fat Men, Skinny Men, even men that prefer cocks
Like Nipples
Swollen Nipples
The Flesh we love to suck.

Hey SR - were you really a sled driver? Oh - be still my heart. Damn, my leg's twitching just at the thought. Saw one take off at Palmdale one day - Wow! Best I ever flew was a retract 182 - owned that about 4 years. But I still dream. Back in those days you had to have 20/20 to get started and I lost that in 9th grade. Sigh.

Also got a message yesterday that I've not seen before. "Comment deleted by management". Hmmm - not sure what it said but I can guess.

And yeah, I suppose if I can find the time, I'll probably write a story - more likely finish one of the myriad already started - for the next contest even though I can't win. What a difference in the reads when you post to a contest. If nothing else, it's up where people can find it longer than the 3 days it takes to run off the "new" list.

So good luck all, happy writing.
Also got a message yesterday that I've not seen before. "Comment deleted by management". Hmmm - not sure what it said but I can guess.

Most likely advertising spam. I reported one from the feedback portal a couple of hours ago.

Save yourself the trouble of talking sense to LC. He's so far out in left field that he's in the parking lot of the stadium.
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