Sex & Shenanigans

This is what makes me skeptical about pushing my photography business. I hate marketing myself and feeling pressure to book.
I love it so much that I don’t want to ruin it with financial expectations.
This is where I had problems. I was great with the work, and got by for years on client referrals, but I am horrible at marketing myself.

Part of it is I am very shy (stop laughing). Once I get comfortable with someone, or someplace, I'm fine, I'm me, more comfortable to share--and you can determine if that is a good thing or not, heh. But before I get comfortable? All my insecurities, my inadequacies, my fears win. I am awkward, or just quiet on the side. It is easier than facing rejection. I don't break ice, I don't even flirt untill I am comfortable, or someone flirts with me first. I don't think I was always like this, I am pretty sure I wasn't. But here I am.

I have two novels mostly done, and a third I am working on. And I can give you reasons of what needs to be done -- tighten this up, or make another pass at the dialogue there. But if I am honest with myself, something I avoid, I admit that if I finished them, I would then have to submit them, and face the rejection that would come. So I keep revising.

So for me, too often, the fears win.

I could do that.
Sounds good. I'm thinking a 20 percent you/ 80 percent me profit split?
You can’t have @Bry1313 for your social experiment/crass money grab. His soul is too pure for the cold, cold, world of streaming.
Shush you, Im trying to make a deal here
This is clear theft of intellectual property. Me & @morelikeasong will not stand to have our OnlyMoms website hijacked in such a way!
I don't see a trademark. OnlyDads is the companion site. You guys can cross post sometimes to drive in extra traffic.
Sounds good. I'm thinking a 20 percent you/ 80 percent me profit split?

Shush you, Im trying to make a deal here

I don't see a trademark. OnlyDads is the companion site. You guys can cross post sometimes to drive in extra traffic.
I am trying to set up OnlyPans, but no one is kicking my door in for that so far...
If I had an OnlyFans that's all it would be. Plus live streams of me sat at my home office desk writing PowerPoint slides and emails
The PowerPoint and emails better be secretly dirty stuff on your work computer or else... zzzzz
At least be playing D&D or doing a math trick or something
This would be more like OnlySomeRegularBlokeDoingNormalStuff unless someone has taken that domain name already
Your OF money is coming from that voice. Be sure to narrate everything you're doing.
If I could make a reliable living at it? Game/book store proprietor.

I’d also love to run a dog rescue provided I had a large endowment and didn’t have to spend a lot of time sucking up to crusty rich people for donations.
OMG yes … dog rescue. If I win a substantial lottery I’m opening up a dog rescue.
Special FX artist / prop designer / animatronics for horror and sci-fi movies.

I did take a dream and made it into a career between 2008-2013 but it sadly turned into a grind and killed all of the joy I ever derived from it. Which is why I only do photography for myself now, for fun only (it took me 10 years after ending the business to get over the anxiety that holding my camera gave me)
I had the same issue with photography … which is also why I quit.