🎧 Parlay with PG-an audio thread for the aural

This is maybe an odd response to enter the thread with but it is what it is. Dipping my toes in the water.
The strength of a person lies not in their achievements but in what they endures to reach that goal. Life is not meant to be fair and struggles, both physical and emotional, are easy excuses to give up. We set goals for ourselves every day then forget we reach them; raising children, being responsible at work, calling that friend, paying those bills, etc.

Glad you're here and glad you see that!
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that is absolutely something to be proud of, I'm glad you're here!
The strength of a person lies not in their achievements but in what they endures to reach that goal. Life is not meant to be fair and struggles, both physical and emotional, are easy excuses to give up. We set goals for ourselves every day then forget we reach them; raising children, being responsible at work, calling that friend, paying those bills, etc.

Glad you're here and glad you see that!
Thank you 🥰
Would you both mind editing your posts to remove the link to my voca? 🙏🏼
Well dear, I can’t pretend I ain’t biased but biased ain’t wrong and I certainly agree with you. And I think it was a perfect answer

Setting your own emotional boundaries is super important. A crucial corollary to what I’ve said before, is never give so much you can’t give more later.
Thanks darling. I feel like I've heard this recently ;)