The Designated Drunk Posting Thread

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But it's only Wednesday!!!

I had a glass of cab.

I used some to deglaze a pan.
I then asked my son to pour out some crap wine that I had just sitting g in the fridge that I was never going to drink. I had opened it, tasted it, waaaaay too sweet. Ugh.

He helpfully poured out the bottle of good cab, instead.

I had a glass of cab.

Ugh! I'm so sorry

It was Hornitos tonight :)
Sipping a Love Martini snugged in on the couch and contemplating chips and dip for dinner.

Looks like these because the splash of cranberry makes them pink:

nice, I'm assuming it was tasty ? or did you order a whole pitcher and it sucked ?
2 beers while golfing, Yuenlings
2 beers after golf, Dortmunders
1 nice large mint julep after dinner

Feeling nice and mellow 🙂
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