Would you like to get to know me better?


On the Downbeat
Sep 12, 2001
I"m universally deplorable at figuring out if anyone on the planet really wants to get to know me, especially if it's not said right out.

So here's the place you can tell me.

If you don't want to get to know me, no biggie. It won't make me cry.

If you do, I'd love to know about it. I'm a fairly open guy who honestly does have a place in his life for good people.
I think getting to know someone, inside and out, is fascinating. It's like a little book. But it's true. And the book's not finished yet. So, you know, there will be a lot more chapters, right?

*gets in line behind Freaky*

Is this one of those lines that moves at the speed of ice melting at the North Pole?
I want to get to know you better - you know - more than just that finger! :D
JazzManJim said:
If you do, I'd love to know about it. I'm a fairly open guy who honestly does have a place in his life for good people.

I guess that rules me out. :D

What about bad people huh? You bad person discriminator you!

Hey Jim you're right, everyone needs to know more about each other. Learn about Amini, a 7year old girl from Botswana who's legs are so weak she can't walk the 3miles to get fresh water. Little would it matter since private multinational corporations purchased the rights and decided to fleeced the natives. Her ribs protrude so obscenely, that dying of thirst is in a way a relief. It shortens the length of her immense pain because grass, dirt, rocks, and bugs don't provide enough nutrition for a young girl to survive. She is just one of the 60million people that die every year from starvation and preventable diseases. Meanwhile, global warfare system expenditures add up to over $15trillion a year, that is about $2500 for every person on the planet. Quit paying for war and start paying for peace.
Gee, nice way to depress a friendly thread.

Jim, I'd love to get to know you better.
70/30 said:
Hey Jim you're right, everyone needs to know more about each other. Learn about Amini, a 7year old girl from Botswana who's legs are so weak she can't walk the 3miles to get fresh water. Little would it matter since private multinational corporations purchased the rights and decided to fleeced the natives. Her ribs protrude so obscenely, that dying of thirst is in a way a relief. It shortens the length of her immense pain because grass, dirt, rocks, and bugs don't provide enough nutrition for a young girl to survive. She is just one of the 60million people that die every year from starvation and preventable diseases. Meanwhile, global warfare system expenditures add up to over $15trillion a year, that is about $2500 for every person on the planet. Quit paying for war and start paying for peace.
And learn about the millions of people who die not because of corporations, but because they were unfortunate enough to be under the rule of bloodthirsty tyrants who care nothing past their own personal wealth.

*sprays air freshener*

Anyway, JMJ, you seem like a way-cool mofo, so I'd like to ask you a question, if I could:

You have 24 hours to do whatever you like. You can talk to famous people, alive or dead, bang chicks from all centuries, or jam with the greatest musicians ever.

How do you spend them?

JMJ - He's cool...he's funny...he rocks!

Count me in, Jazzy.....


Ummm...I read that you're out of the stalking business....what are you doing with your old night vision goggles, etc? I can use some spares.... ;)
Private Vasquez said:
So we're all here waiting to know him better, and he leaves.

The rudeness!

Nahhhh....he just found comfort in knowing it...comfort made him sleepy..and he went to bed. :)

edited due to a typo
teddybear4play said:
You have 24 hours to do whatever you like. You can talk to famous people, alive or dead, bang chicks from all centuries, or jam with the greatest musicians ever.

How do you spend them?

This is a nice way to start things off.

Unfortunately my weekends have been ins anely busy, so I figured that this need not be a one-night thread. And I'll start the whole acquaintancing by taking on this pretty cool question. :)

I'm torn between two different things here. I figured that sleep will be completely out of the question so I can use my 24-hours completely.

I'd assemble a few choice jazz guys and let them know that I'll be there in 20 hours. Then I'd spend the next 20 hours with my son and daughter, just me and them, having all the fun we can manage by ourselves with our books and stuffed toys and toy cars. We'd sing and laugh and wrestle and play farm and monsters. :)

And then I'd go off to that four-hour dream jam session. Page the band. I'm on my way. :)

~~ Nigel, I'm not out of the stalking business. I'm keeping the gear close to my heart 'cause there's always going to be likely targets for my own particular brand of stalking. Besides, the store's doing great thanks to you guys! :)

~~ Bindii, well, when I said "good People" you have to consider that I was saying it here, where the best good people are truly bad at heart. ;)

~~littlekateyes, I'll give you the condensed version of the bona fides. ;) I'm 34, way too old for some, and way too young for my own good. I'm a police dispatcher and have been for nearly 14 years now. It's not a bad job, but it's been better. I can always say that, no matter what, I'll ahve a job because of it, though. I'm trying to get myself into being a full-time student so I can get my music degree and become a high-school choral director. I wasted too much time in my life before I recently realized that's what I should have been doing years ago and now I'm trying to make up for some lost time. I'm a Dad of two great kids who live a good ways away from me with their Mom, who really doesn't much talk to me (which is okay, I suppose, because I don't much like her either, though it'd be nice to hear from her once in a while about my babies instead of having to crowbar the info out of her) which is perhaps the saddest thing in my life. But I'm not oversad because I know that as they get older, I'll have more time yet with them and they'll get a good chance to get to know their Dad.

I'm an incorrigible punster, a passionate guy, a faithful friend, and an energetic (if not overly imaginative) lover. I'm also a half-decent cook, a voracious reader, a goofball, a radioactive monster who wants to destroy Tokyo, and I see dead people. Okay, the last one's not true. I think. ;)
JazzManJim said:

~~ Bindii, well, when I said "good People" you have to consider that I was saying it here, where the best good people are truly bad at heart. ;)

Cool, count me in!

Jim I always knew that you were a great guy, your above post just confirmed it! Don't change a thing.
Bindii said:
Jim I always knew that you were a great guy, your above post just confirmed it! Don't change a thing.

Thanks, sweetie. I'm not all that good a guy in actuality. I just seem to find a way each day not to actually throttle someone with my bare hands. I figure that's my one big accomplishment for the day. ;)

peachykeen - a confirmed jazz lover here. I've played in a jazz band (though I'm taking a break from the group right now) for about 12 years, and I sing a little, too.
JazzManJim said:

Thanks, sweetie. I'm not all that good a guy in actuality. I just seem to find a way each day not to actually throttle someone with my bare hands. I figure that's my one big accomplishment for the day. ;)

That just makes you human!

Absolutely! I like getting to know people and it's even nicer when I am able to call them friend! :kiss: