Would you have sex with Dr. Laura?

Of course you do. She, like you, is a racist.

DR. Laura Schlessinger: Yes, I think you have too much sensitivity and not enough sense of humor.

Female caller: Is it OK to say it?

DR. Laura Schlessinger: Well, it depends on how it is said.

Female caller: Is it ever OK to say that word?

DR. Laura Schlessinger: It depends how it’s said. Black guys talking to each other seem to think it’s OK.

Female caller: But you’re not black. They’re not black. My husband is white.

DR. Laura Schlessinger: I see. So a word is restricted to race? Got it. Can’t do much about that.

Female caller: I can’t believe someone like you is on the radio spewing out the (bleep). I hope everyone heard it.

DR. Laura Schlessinger: I didn’t spew out the (bleep) word. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Everybody heard it.

DR. Laura Schlessinger: Yes, they did.

Female caller: I hope everybody heard it.

DR. Laura Schlessinger: They did and I’ll say it again (bleep). Why don’t you let me finish a sentence? Don’t take things out of context. Don’t NAACP me.

Female caller: I know what the “n” word means and I know it came from a white person. And I know the white person means that.

DR. Laura Schlessinger: All right. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Can’t have this argument. You know what, if you are that hyper sensitive about color and don’t have a sense of humor, don’t marry out of your race.
I'm not a "racist" and neither is Dr. Laura.

What exactly in the taken out of context transcript is "racist"? The media never explaned that one, we were just supposed to take their word for it.
Pressure groups like Media Matters are just like RoryN. They wait and listen for years, even decades, to find something they can take out of context and distort into somthing its not to "get" people they already disagree with. RoryN does it to posters on this site she doesn't like. Its not the least bit original tactic. Its been an establishment lib MO for a long time. Glad to see her admitting that. ;)
What's so funny is that Laura had always been a huge proponent of black man-white woman marriage (while interestingly opposing Jewish-gentile marriage, though that's another subject). To "get" her on the race issue, when the real beef with her was on family values, so-called "woman issues," disciplining of children, and other things like that, was really pathetic. Sadly to the liberal censors, I guess its a case of "whatever works."
I'm not a "racist" and neither is Dr. Laura.

What exactly in the taken out of context transcript is "racist"?

You're too dumb to figure it out, so I'll illustrate:

DR. Laura Schlessinger: It depends how it’s said. Black guys talking to each other seem to think it’s OK.

She didn't say, "some black guys", or "uneducated black males" or "black gang members". She just said, "black guys". The only qualifier she used was race. That's racist.

If someone said something akin to, "White guys are all child molesters", you'd be up in arms about it. That's one of the many reasons you're a hypocrite. And a racist.
You're too dumb to figure it out, so I'll illustrate:

She didn't say, "some black guys", or "uneducated black males" or "black gang members". She just said, "black guys". The only qualifier she used was race. That's racist.

If someone said something akin to, "White guys are all child molesters", you'd be up in arms about it. That's one of the many reasons you're a hypocrite. And a racist.

Wow, that's amazing mental gymnastics even for you. Did she say "all black guys"? No, not at all.

It seems to me she was trying to help the caller decide whether it was worth it to throw the relationship away over the issue, because you can't control others behavior only your response to it. Maybe it was bad advice, but I'm sure the intent was not how it was spun by Media Matters and the mainstream media.
Wow, that's amazing mental gymnastics even for you. Did she say "all black guys"?

She didn't have to. By saying "black guys", it was implied.

Now then, since you didn't address it, I'll ask again: would "White guys are child molesters" bother you, or not? It'd bug me.