Worst LOVING WIVES comments


Deviant but Romantic
Mar 2, 2022
So much has been made on here of the comments that make you feel good but what about these legendarily bad LOVING WIVES comments?

As I don’t post in LOVING WIVES I never see these vindictive comments but upon seeing a story in that section that caught my eye I was met with this comment.

“Erin you cheating hobag”

And it made me laugh my head off. Anyone else seen any particularly funny comments in this, any other section for that matter?
For me, this is easy, because I've only written one LW story, but I got some doozy comments for it--BTB, Incorporated. It's a Mike Hammer/detective spoof with a cuckold angle. Unfortunately, Laurel (not me) of her own volition deleted the most obscene of the comments, but some remain. Probably the comment that best captures the negative sentiments that still remains is this one:

"Illiterate cuck shit."

One of the ones that was deleted that I remember was this:

"Here. Eat my condom."

Here's an interesting observation: most of the really negative comments appeared right away, soon after publication. It still gets comments from time to time and they're more positive.
I did an erotic horror story in which a serial killer is found and destroyed by demons. It drew the anonymous comment, "Take that you rapist piece of shit!" That in turn drew another anonymous comment: "To the person below me. You do realize it’s just a story, right?"
I post stories to LW (my stories about a happily married swinger couple having fun), and I often get the "Cuck shit" type comments.

I think it was at the end of May when I received a comment to one story which (at the end) recommended reading some of the background earlier chapters. The anonymous comment was: "Recommendation noted. My recommendation to you is EAT SHIT AND DIE!" Since then, the site admins have deleted that comment.
I post stories to LW (my stories about a happily married swinger couple having fun), and I often get the "Cuck shit" type comments.

I think it was at the end of May when I received a comment to one story which (at the end) recommended reading some of the background earlier chapters. The anonymous comment was: "Recommendation noted. My recommendation to you is EAT SHIT AND DIE!" Since then, the site admins have deleted that comment.
I've noted that those kind of comments appear far less in Group Sex and Loving Wives tends to be a breeding ground for people who really have a problem with...

a) Wives and b) Loving.

By that's just my observation.
No explanation is needed for this one!

This is the kind of hate that comes from women who are unable to attract a man, whether by their appearance or their insufferable attitude. By their twisted thinking it is always the man’s fault, no matter what causes their rejection. Their inherent jealousy of the stronger, smarter sex and their penis causes these vitriolic, bitchy, insane postings. You angry bitches do understand that medical science can now give you your own penis don’t you. It won’t really work of course, but maybe it can ease a little of your toxic femininity and give you a little peace in your sad lives.
Y'all have no idea, I promise. I have thousands of LW comments, and 95% of them are positive. The odd "n***** bitch" ones here and there. I saw this one yesterday on a story by Cagivagurl. I think there will be few contenders for worst nastygram:

"Anonymousabout 3 hours ago
After skimming through this piece of typical toxic feminazism, vagina girl has done it again. Anyone out there that thinks that the wife and the husband exactly the same thing is so full of shit that's why men really get upset when you c**** and do what you do, and why I sincerely believe that a cheating hole like this should get a face full of acid or get worked over with a razor blade. I'll say it again face full of acid or razor blade, then let's see how much cock you get. Despicable c**** whores that's all you are."
Y'all have no idea, I promise. I have thousands of LW comments, and 95% of them are positive. The odd "n***** bitch" ones here and there. I saw this one yesterday on a story by Cagivagurl. I think there will be few contenders for worst nastygram:

"Anonymousabout 3 hours ago
After skimming through this piece of typical toxic feminazism, vagina girl has done it again. Anyone out there that thinks that the wife and the husband exactly the same thing is so full of shit that's why men really get upset when you c**** and do what you do, and why I sincerely believe that a cheating hole like this should get a face full of acid or get worked over with a razor blade. I'll say it again face full of acid or razor blade, then let's see how much cock you get. Despicable c**** whores that's all you are."
And any funny ones?

From Thanks for the Roses, a Valentine's contest entry and meant as an over the top parody of the cuck stories. Figured I'd see if they knew they were being baited by a story that few could consider serious....and....they did not get it. Story is at 2.73 I think and that's after 8 years

Got a lot of good ones from this, but this could be my fav.

Never Again

by Anonymous user on 02/13/2014
Where does he get this pathetic shit? I got sick of picking the corn out his verbal diarrhea on the second page and had to stop reading. Awful. Just awful

A runner up for the title of it

you shit pissed and vomited on valentines day

by Anonymous user on 09/19/2014
i usually like your stories but this was the most fucked up excuse for a story that i have ever read

And this one from someone who decided to try and help the idiots out by telling them they were walking right into the set up...and I still kept getting the comments

To the trolls

by Anonymous user
If any of you trolls had read LCs posts in the forum you would know what his objective was with this story. The only thing that surprised me was how easily he achieved his objective! You guys really came out of the gutter screaming just like he thought you would. I'll bet LC has these comments framed and proudly displayed on his office wall.
And any funny ones?
Well, I have one that is 2713 words, 103 paragraphs, 48 bulleted points. I think that’s pretty funny.

Or this pair:

by Anonymous user on 03/18/2017
You really are a shit writer. Give it up Nig!”

Then this reply from another commentator:
"Trolls go home!
by hillcountrycowboy on 03/18/2017
I wonder if the trolls get tired of dragging their knuckles through pools of their own drool!”

I saw one today in which the writer mentioned Elon Musk, and the commentator said, "Anonymousabout 6 hours ago
I gave chapter 1 five stars, this one I stopped reading when you named Elon Musk. He's a disgrace to the name of Nikola Tesla and I gave you one star and I'm thinking of never reading any story of you again."

Who knew that the mere mention of Elon Musk would be fatal to a story?
Y'all have no idea, I promise. I have thousands of LW comments, and 95% of them are positive. The odd "n***** bitch" ones here and there. I saw this one yesterday on a story by Cagivagurl. I think there will be few contenders for worst nastygram:

"Anonymousabout 3 hours ago
After skimming through this piece of typical toxic feminazism, vagina girl has done it again. Anyone out there that thinks that the wife and the husband exactly the same thing is so full of shit that's why men really get upset when you c**** and do what you do, and why I sincerely believe that a cheating hole like this should get a face full of acid or get worked over with a razor blade. I'll say it again face full of acid or razor blade, then let's see how much cock you get. Despicable c**** whores that's all you are."

Holy crap. That's pretty bad. Makes you wonder what's going on inside people who bother to come to an erotic story site but are seething with these feelings.
This is from my one and only entry in LW:

'Dude this drivel was baaad and plain stupid too

keep your job dude, do it, do it, just do it. You can do it'

On the same story, I thought one comment was funny, because he was bashing the bashers:

'I'm sure the anonymous trolls are going to go crazy in their comments, but F 'em. They have no balls.'
I've had comments expressing the hope that characters in my LW stories will die of cancer or AIDS, or be murdered.

I know 'Go and kill yourself comments' aimed at the authors aren't permitted, but I've had a variety of other insults hurled at me by angry LW readers. Although as I've noted before, I've actually copped worse in Incest Taboo.
I've had comments expressing the hope that characters in my LW stories will die of cancer or AIDS, or be murdered.

I know 'Go and kill yourself comments' aimed at the authors aren't permitted, but I've had a variety of other insults hurled at me by angry LW readers. Although as I've noted before, I've actually copped worse in Incest Taboo.
But they are comments directed at the writer. The readers are nearly disguising it by using the character. And I have had some pretty hateful things directed at me as the writer in LW. Some almost hidden while others blatant and out in the open.
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But they are comments directed at the writer. The readers are nearly disguising it by using the character. And I have had some pretty hateful things directed at me as the writer in LW.

In the case of my Loving Wives stories, I knew what I was in for when I submitted them so not bothered by the vitriol that was thrown my way. One was a mean-spirited story about a creepy cuckold husband with stalker-like tendencies; one was about a middle-aged man looking back to when he was 18 and boasting that he banged the wife/mother and 18-year-old daughter from a wealthy Mormon family and never got caught; and the other was narrated by a feminist lesbian who has an affair with her brother's cheating and very annoying wife, so hardly themes that would endear me to the readers there.

However, I do feel bad for less experienced authors who submit a story to this category not wanting to offend people, and then cop the backlash from angry readers and trolls. For example, if somebody wrote a perfectly nice story about three married couples on a cruise ship - one American, one English and the other Australian - where they swapped partners on different nights and it was viciously attacked with low scores and angry comments, then I would feel badly for them.
In the case of my Loving Wives stories, I knew what I was in for when I submitted them so not bothered by the vitriol that was thrown my way. One was a mean-spirited story about a creepy cuckold husband with stalker-like tendencies; one was about a middle-aged man looking back to when he was 18 and boasting that he banged the wife/mother and 18-year-old daughter from a wealthy Mormon family and never got caught; and the other was narrated by a feminist lesbian who has an affair with her brother's cheating and very annoying wife, so hardly themes that would endear me to the readers there.

However, I do feel bad for less experienced authors who submit a story to this category not wanting to offend people, and then cop the backlash from angry readers and trolls. For example, if somebody wrote a perfectly nice story about three married couples on a cruise ship - one American, one English and the other Australian - where they swapped partners on different nights and it was viciously attacked with low scores and angry comments, then I would feel badly for them.

I guess that's the benefit of this forum though.

If someone comes on, say a new author, and asks where such a story like you mentioned would go ...I would always suggest Group Sex as most people there are colossal perverts and hugely broad-minded like myself.

They don't tend to say a lot but they do vote.

I guess that's the benefit of this forum though.

If someone comes on, say a new author, and asks where such a story like you mentioned would go ...I would always suggest Group Sex as most people there are colossal perverts and hugely broad-minded like myself.

They don't tend to say a lot but they do vote.

I've only posted one story to Group Sex - a story called 'Grumpy Humphrey's Easy Wife' - and was disappointed in the reaction, it got low scores and few comments.

This story about a grumpy middle aged high school teacher with a much younger floozy wife was initially going to go into LW - and in fact I had selected this category when submitting it - but given that the LW crowd had been even more vicious than usual at that time, that I had put a lot of effort into setting the story in 1960 and that the main erotic focus was an orgy between the wife and five 18-year-old students (three jocks and two girls with bad reputations) I lost my nerve and thought the Group Sex readers might like it more, changing it at the last minute.

As it turned out they didn't like it, and most of the comments have been from LW readers who found the story using tags.
I've only posted one story to Group Sex - a story called 'Grumpy Humphrey's Easy Wife' - and was disappointed in the reaction, it got low scores and few comments.

This story about a grumpy middle aged high school teacher with a much younger floozy wife was initially going to go into LW - and in fact I had selected this category when submitting it - but given that the LW crowd had been even more vicious than usual at that time, that I had put a lot of effort into setting the story in 1960 and that the main erotic focus was an orgy between the wife and five 18-year-old students (three jocks and two girls with bad reputations) I lost my nerve and thought the Group Sex readers might like it more, changing it at the last minute.

As it turned out they didn't like it, and most of the comments have been from LW readers who found the story using tags.
Yeah, those bastards will follow your ass to hell and back and "Edit: NOT" in a good way, either. :)
I've only posted one story to Group Sex - a story called 'Grumpy Humphrey's Easy Wife' - and was disappointed in the reaction, it got low scores and few comments.

This story about a grumpy middle aged high school teacher with a much younger floozy wife was initially going to go into LW - and in fact I had selected this category when submitting it - but given that the LW crowd had been even more vicious than usual at that time, that I had put a lot of effort into setting the story in 1960 and that the main erotic focus was an orgy between the wife and five 18-year-old students (three jocks and two girls with bad reputations) I lost my nerve and thought the Group Sex readers might like it more, changing it at the last minute.

As it turned out they didn't like it, and most of the comments have been from LW readers who found the story using tags.
Shows what I know then.

However …upon looking further just found this on the fifth part of a story.

“This story died four chapters ago, but like a decaying zombie it keeps coming back.”

Someone should start, "The unofficial Kiss My Beautiful Ass Page," for authors to bitch about the incels and weird fans' nasty comments.
I did an erotic horror story in which a serial killer is found and destroyed by demons. It drew the anonymous comment, "Take that you rapist piece of shit!" That in turn drew another anonymous comment: "To the person below me. You do realize it’s just a story, right?"
OTOH, if you can get your audience cheering along, you've probably done something right with the story!
Shows what I know then.

However …upon looking further just found this on the fifth part of a story.

“This story died four chapters ago, but like a decaying zombie it keeps coming back.”

"...and what do we call somebody who keeps fucking the zombie long after they realised it's dead?"