Trapped! I engaged with a troll, to my sorrow. and here's what happened


Apr 3, 2018
First time here, hi everybody. A troll is after me and I would appreciate suggestions from experienced readers.

Some background: I joined Literotica in 2018 and I wrote 11 stories since then. At the outset, I decided to focus on incest & taboo, for the simple reason I found the subject was of interest to me, certainly, but I also felt the I/T category was very popular and it seemed like a quick way to achieve some success here.

I met with limited success. That’s fine, I had no experience with writing even though I always wished I could write something that would become popular.

My stories have not been read very much, as far as I can tell, but I got some comments nevertheless. Some comments offered kudos but most originated from readers who hated my work.

I always left comments attached to my stories because I thought it was better to get comments than not to get any. I felt that if some readers cared enough about my stories to leave a comment, that was a plus. I didn’t much care for some of them, especially recurring comments along the lines of ‘You write like a twelve-year-old,’ and ’You tell the same story over and over.’ Still, I did not delete them.

But now, this month, a troll or somebody who acts very much like one, has seemingly fixated onto my story ‘My Sister Kathy and I.’ He is not anonymous and, from what I could find out in his profile, he’s a successful author with over 700 Literotica followers.

Now, why would a well-regarded Literotica author start posting offending comments to the stories of an obscure author without any fame? It would not seem that it’s because he hates the category as he lists brother-sister incest as one of his favorite subjects. So, why?

When our interaction began, I looked for information about trolls and most readers here feel it is better to not do anything about them, that they’re a fact of life and that their comments should not be deleted or responded to, simply to avoid goading them as that would likely increase their nefarious activity. Unfortunately, I disregarded that consensus of sage opinion and I replied to a post in my story ‘My Sister Kathy and I’ because I was beginning to feel angry about this particular Literotica Member. Bang! My reply set him off and, as a result, the comments section for that particular story is now filled with comments from my troll and with answers from me. This is most annoying, not only to me but to my readers as well, which is the part that I hate. Fortunately, I don’t think anyone at Literotica has looked at that story in quite some time and, if I’m right, I’m hopeful our ridiculous altercation will remain unknown to most of my readers.

I deleted a few comments after this spat began to heat up but, in looking for the best way to keep trolls at bay, I realized I should have left the comments up. So, I put the two comments I had deleted in my trolled story back in the 'My Sister Kathy and I' comments section.

The fellow posted again, about an hour ago today! He’s talking about some question he said he put to me and I never answered. I looked through the story’s comments just now but I could not locate the comment he’s referencing.

So, he’s keeping after me. I should never have answered him a week ago.

I know there’s a button to let Laurel know there’s somebody harassing me but I don’t know if what is going on can be considered harassment and, second, I don’t like snitches and I certainly don’t wish to be called one. I would appreciate any special advice about this particular subject. Thank you.
Whatever he writes, you can delete with one click, so I don't understand why his comments bother you so much? You could even see his attention as a compliment. He is not posting his comments anonymously so he is putting himself out there too, especially considering that he is an author as well. I mean, you or some proper troll could start targeting his stories as well. My advice for you is to relax and try to find some fun in his comments, whether you decide to engage this person further or not.
And believe me when I tell you, you have no idea what it means to be truly trolled on Literotica. Trust me on that.
First of all stop replying to the comments. You are giving that person the attention they want by responding.

Delete their comments (and honestly, you should probably delete your responses to him) and report any that are especially mean.

You don't owe him anything.
I know there’s a button to let Laurel know there’s somebody harassing me but I don’t know if what is going on can be considered harassment and, second, I don’t like snitches and I certainly don’t wish to be called one. I would appreciate any special advice about this particular subject. Thank you.
If you think it's harassment, it's is harassment if it continues.

Bringing it here will either make it worse, or make him go away. In any event, delete the comments you think are out of line (both yours and his), and don't respond to anything more. If he tries to contact you through PM or via Feedback, report him to the site.
I went ahead and reported one of the comments. The site has some recourse. You shouldn’t have to deal with this, and I'm sorry.
I quickly scanned the Kathy story and this person's comments and your replies. In my opinion, this is not trolling. You have a reader who genuinely does not like your story, and he's telling you that and why. That's not trolling. Readers are entitled to hate your stories and to tell you why. You are entitled to delete their comments if you wish. Your best bet is not to engage at all, but you have chosen to use your story comment section to engage at length with this reader, which of course prompts him to engage further. Just stop, and delete his comments if you want to.

Here's the tagline for your Kathy story:

A man pesters his young sister who refuses to commit incest.

It's not at all strange that many readers would find this to be a troublesome premise for a story. I'm a fan of incest stories, and I've written some very successful incest stories. You've got to lead up to the deed. You've got to sell the reader on the appeal of the act against the backdrop of the taboo and societal pressure. You don't do that. It's no wonder that you have a reader who finds the story repellant. It doesn't mean you are bad or wrong to want to write your fantasy, but you can't be surprised at the reaction.

In my opinion, this is not trolling, and the site has no responsibility toward you. It's up to you to decide what to do and how to respond to these comments.
I looked up the troll.

And seeing they're such a twit, I'll link this. The comments to one of his whopping two stories where he-as he accuses you of-can't take any critique as he's belligerent with anyone who points out any mistakes.

He also does not allow voting, a sign of someone who's not very confident and doesn't want anyone retaliating in kind.

2 stories and 700 followers....I am underwhelmed.

Contacting Laurel does no good, if you even get a response it will be "That's what ignore is for." If it were me, I would delete your responses to him, but leave his snotty and insulting remarks up there so everyone else can see what a jack ass he is, and just don't respond. Ignoring his prattling really goes up the ass of that type.
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I quickly scanned the Kathy story and this person's comments and your replies. In my opinion, this is not trolling. You have a reader who genuinely does not like your story, and he's telling you that and why. That's not trolling. Readers are entitled to hate your stories and to tell you why. You are entitled to delete their comments if you wish. Your best bet is not to engage at all, but you have chosen to use your story comment section to engage at length with this reader, which of course prompts him to engage further. Just stop, and delete his comments if you want to.

Here's the tagline for your Kathy story:

It's not at all strange that many readers would find this to be a troublesome premise for a story. I'm a fan of incest stories, and I've written some very successful incest stories. You've got to lead up to the deed. You've got to sell the reader on the appeal of the act against the backdrop of the taboo and societal pressure. You don't do that. It's no wonder that you have a reader who finds the story repellant. It doesn't mean you are bad or wrong to want to write your fantasy, but you can't be surprised at the reaction.

In my opinion, this is not trolling, and the site has no responsibility toward you. It's up to you to decide what to do and how to respond to these comments.
They called the OP a snowflake and there is nothing constructive in their remarks, they are just combative.

Full of themselves for such a meager library.
It's the "I commented on your stories three years ago but decided to come back to them and be a bit of a dick about it" that bemuses me.
They called the OP a snowflake and there is nothing constructive in their remarks, they are just combative.

Full of themselves for such a meager library.

I don't disagree. But it's not a "problem" for the Site to take care of. I've had plenty of absurd, rotten, churlish comments to my stories. I laugh at them and move on. You don't expect the Site to deal with nasty comments to your stories, do you?

Delete his comments and move on. Any time spent worrying about this asshole is wasted, OP. Any time spent actually writing out responses to him is doubly wasted, since that's time you could be spending on more worthwhile writing.

You're letting YOUR STORY comments become this idiot's playground. Quit doing that. That space belongs to you; take ownership of it and control what goes there. I'd delete both his comments and your own, in reply; no comment that isn't directly about your story belongs there.
If it were me, I would delete the entire exchange between the two of you, and refuse to engage with this individual in future. Engaging with negative commenters does not lead to much joy...I have done it, and regretted it. If you allow comments on your stories, this sort of thing will happen. Someone will always dislike our stories. This individual certainly seems rather unpleasant though...try to cut them out of your Literotica life, and carry on. Best of luck to you.
I say delete his comments, and forget about him. You can also just shut your comments off. I would advise against that though as not all comments are negative, and can be inspiring.

As far as responding to reader comments, pick your posts. Respond to the good ones that commend you or show praise, be thankful and let them know. I even go so far as to post a general "Thank you" post to those who send me compliments.

I delete the random "I LOVE BUSH!!" posts from users, and any other post that some "Anon" will post where they don't talk about the story at all, but how much they love banging "so and so".

I don't care who you screw or how much you love someone's hairy asshole. How did you like my story? Did you enjoy it? Does it suck? What? That's what I want to read in the comments.
Internet comment boards are kind of like tidal pools. They're attractive to people, especially those who don't swim well, and they usually end up full of urine.
If you don't like the tone or content of someone's comment, my advice is to delete it. The Lit story comments are, for better or worse, not particularly conducive to having conversations, whether civil or otherwise. Most people will not notice that their comment has been deleted, nor care. If they do, and they complain, then they probably really are a troll, or will turn into one if you feed them after midnight.
I don't disagree. But it's not a "problem" for the Site to take care of. I've had plenty of absurd, rotten, churlish comments to my stories. I laugh at them and move on. You don't expect the Site to deal with nasty comments to your stories, do you?
That's why I mentioned Laurel won't help. Try reading the entire post.
2 stories and 750 followers in a year. Did Notalenthack even do that well? (And he is one of the best writers on the site.)

Silly question: Is that 167K view story he wrote that good? I don't care for that category so it is very difficult for me to judge either way.
I looked up the troll.

And seeing they're such a twit, I'll link this. The comments to one of his whopping two stories where he-as he accuses you of-can't take any critique as he's belligerent with anyone who points out any mistakes.

He also does not allow voting, a sign of someone who's not very confident and doesn't want anyone retaliating in kind.

2 stories and 700 followers....I am underwhelmed.

Contacting Laurel does no good, if you even get a response it will be "That's what ignore is for." If it were me, I would delete your responses to him, but leave his snotty and insulting remarks up there so everyone else can see what a jack ass he is, and just don't respond. Ignoring his prattling really goes up the ass of that type.
His profile text screams, "I am incredibly brittle, and how dare you suggest that I am incredibly brittle?"
2 stories and 750 followers in a year. Did Notalenthack even do that well? (And he is one of the best writers on the site.)

Silly question: Is that 167K view story he wrote that good? I don't care for that category so it is very difficult for me to judge either way.
From what I can tell, reading between the lines, he posted here previously, deleted his stories in a snit, then reposted them for... reasons. Without ratings turned on, and, apparently, without comments turned on originally.
2 stories and 750 followers in a year. Did Notalenthack even do that well? (And he is one of the best writers on the site.)

Silly question: Is that 167K view story he wrote that good? I don't care for that category so it is very difficult for me to judge either way.
Its not 167k its 16.7K and over a year old so I'd say for that category that's not every good. But its over 20 pages so that's going to cut the views down a bit, but its still nothing special.
Thank you, everybody, and I apologize for not replying sooner. I can hardly believe how promptly I began receiving answers to this thread and how compelling they were.

I let one of the comments I received upset me; I replied to the author impetuously and am now reaping the results of that blunder. My bad. I should delete the ugly confrontation at this point, I suppose. I'm still trying to decide what I should do.

I now realize that all or most of the 'You write like a child' and 'You always write the same story' comments my stories received probably came from that single individual. They began appearing in 2021, after the publication of three stories that emerged following a three-year hiatus since I joined Literotica in 2018. And I believe our person of interest joined Literotica circa 2019.

To SimonDoom: After reading what you said, I may refrain from referring to the author as a troll. I shall also consider your recommendations about the framing of my stories. I surmise your opinion about my lack of proper buildup refers only to the story ‘My Sister Kathy and I’ and I can only hope my other stories fare better in that respect.

To lovecraft68: I am tempted to follow your advice: Delete all my replies to this person in the ‘My Sister Kathy and I' comments section but keep his rash of offensive comments for their ridiculousness. I deleted two of the unsavoury personage’s comments yesterday or the day before so, unfortunately, they will be missing from my story’s comments’ farcical array.

I’m concluding this tirade with a thoroughly unimportant titbit: I intimated in this thread yesterday this was my first post in the Lit forums. Belatedly, I admit I had forgotten having posted here on three occasions in 2018.
I had the same problem with the same troll. Whenever I upload a story, I still allow voting, but I disabled the ability to comment. So far, this does not appear to have affected my stats.
I just deleted two nasty comments accusing me of being a cuck. First nasty comments I've had in a long time. A brave anon, of course. Then a third comment more than made up for it by being one of the longest comments I've ever received. I deleted the two cuck comments and won't look back. And certainly, NEVER repost them.
No matter how good an author you are, there will always be someone who wants to tear you down. Delete them and understand they're fucked in the head and screaming their miserable existence to the world.