Where is Siren????

T.H. Oughts

Oh the thoughts of Oughts
Nov 8, 2001
I miss her whit ...... did she change her name and forgot to inform me????


Siren is doing well. She has a lot going on in her life & isn't spending as much time online these days. I miss her, too.
I'm glad Siren had her "legacy" erased and moved on, for her own good.

I think she was too emotionally invested in the place and so her husband finally put his foot down and said "enough".

Uncensored anonymous BB's aren't healthy places for those with mental health issues to be spending their free time anyway, in my humble opinion.

Lancecastor said:
I'm glad Siren had her "legacy" erased and moved on, for her own good.

I think she was too emotionally invested in the place and so her husband finally put his foot down and said "enough".

Uncensored anonymous BB's aren't healthy places for those with mental health issues to be spending their free time anyway, in my humble opinion.


What do you do, hide in her closet?
Dixon Carter Lee said:
What do you do, hide in her closet?

I note that so far, you are the only person in this thread that has chosen to be critical of another's view as opposed to expressing your own.

I do miss her.

I do understand taking a hiatus, short or long.

When the board gets to the point where it is upsetting, a break is in order.

Been there, done that.

:rose: Siren
Lancecastor said:
I'm glad Siren had her "legacy" erased and moved on, for her own good.

I think she was too emotionally invested in the place and so her husband finally put his foot down and said "enough".

Uncensored anonymous BB's aren't healthy places for those with mental health issues to be spending their free time anyway, in my humble opinion.



The thought of anyone "putting their foot down" to Siren cracks me up. Have you been taking lessons from your buddy Bozo? You're really starting to sound alike.

Siren is one of the few people who have proven that they can take an extended break when their rl gets too busy, and then come back months later like she's never been gone at all. That's where I'd put my money if I were a betting person.

And Lance, if BB's like this aren't healthy for you, why are you still here? :confused:
Add me to the list......Miss you Siren.....:rose:

And why the hell does Lance get to live in your closet????:p
Cheyenne said:

The thought of anyone "putting their foot down" to Siren cracks me up. Have you been taking lessons from your buddy Bozo? You're really starting to sound alike.

Siren is one of the few people who have proven that they can take an extended break when their rl gets too busy, and then come back months later like she's never been gone at all. That's where I'd put my money if I were a betting person.

We could accept your guesses on Siren's reasons for not being here, but I've chosen to go by the things her husband posted after she left instead.

I hope she feels well enough at some point to return. She and I used to exchange a lot of PM's and when she was on an even keel I rather liked her.

yayati said:
I hated siren. No, not hated too strong a word...I found her very prickly and not of nice character. Do you get me?

She was a stuck up b.tich.

Now she is gone, I wish her all the luck in the world. Who would think that yayati outlasted people like "Siren" and "Cymbodia"? and others too.

I have to bid adieu, since I am leaving too, never to return and bless this site with the perfumed breeze again.

If it were only true! LMAO :D
Lancecastor said:
We could accept your guesses on Siren's reasons for not being here, but I've chosen to go by the things her husband posted after she left instead.

I hope she feels well enough at some point to return. She and I used to exchange a lot of PM's and when she was on an even keel I rather liked her.


And just which part of Wolfy's post says anything close to what you attributed to him, hmmmm?

wolfy said:
Ok I read the posts from last night and I have had a chance to look at our computer today. I have noticed a few problems with it already that weren't there before yesterday. Our files are all backlit now when we boot up the computer and some are missing.
I will have to do a thorough check this weekend when I have time.

We have backups of all our files but there are a ton of them spanning many years and they are all on 3.5 floppies. We havn't gotten a zip drive although I will If I have to restore my computer again as it isn't worth spending all that time.

To get all the files restored and organized again for both of us will take me a full weekend. I have had to do it once before because we got a virus from somewhere that was crashing our Internet Explorer. It's not fun and very frustrating.

To say that Siren is at fault for clicking on the link is ridiculous. Is a child at fault for eating a candybar that has a razor blade in it? She thought she was going to see a pretty picture and instead got her computer thrashed. IndigoRose may not have meant for this to happen but it doesn't obsolve her of the responsibility.

This may seem like a joke to some of you but it's not funny to me. I don't post on here and I'm happy my wife enjoys posting here, but this is affecting me and probably others as well who haven't spoken up. I'm not sure the extent of the virus, or how long it'll take to fix my computer but I am sure that I'm going to have to spend at least a few hours checking over our computer to make sure it's ok, and I don't appreciate it.

As for blaming Siren or being gleefull about causing her a bad time, I just hope there is a karmic system in this universe and you get what you deserve. She hasn't harmed any of you unless she has hurt your feelings and thats no reason to revell in her missfortune.

I have good feelings about this board as it was the cause of me and my wife meeting, but the negative aspects of this board make it really unappealing to me. That is why I don't post here anymore. My wife has more tenacity than me and seems to be willing to put up with alot of abuse because she's so fond of this place.

I applaud her loyalty but I'm beginning to think it's missplaced here.


Lance, I'm sure you were such a good friend of Siren's that she'll be overjoyed to hear that you somewhat like her when she is "on an even keel." I've seen Siren get mad, etc. over the years here at Lit, but I'd also say I've never seen her NOT on an even keel in terms of mental capacity.
Lancecastor said:

I hope she feels well enough at some point to return. She and I used to exchange a lot of PM's and when she was on an even keel I rather liked her.


Excellent use of the vehicle known as a backhanded compliment.

At least I tell her to fuck off in plain English.
Siren IS missed. I don't think she'd appreciate her name being posted all over the board to disrupt it, either.
Cheyenne said:
And just which part of Wolfy's post says anything close to what you attributed to him, hmmmm?

What's the matter, Lance? Can't find it now? Wasn't an ounce of truth to your statement to start with? What?
yayati said:
I hated siren. No, not hated too strong a word...I found her very prickly and not of nice character. Do you get me?

She was a stuck up b.tich.

Now she is gone, I wish her all the luck in the world. Who would think that yayati outlasted people like "Siren" and "Cymbodia"? and others too.

I have to bid adieu, since I am leaving too, never to return and bless this site with the perfumed breeze again.

Is this true? Yoyotwat is leaving? The best news that I've had in a long time.

'Course he has said it before. This time I'm going stick pins in the VooDoo cpu and see if his hard drive melts.
Problem Child said:
Excellent use of the vehicle known as a backhanded compliment.

At least I tell her to fuck off in plain English.

My words were genuine. Despite the fact that I enjoyed her PM's ...when she wasn't threatening to sue everyone and/or call the FBI... she was clearly out of control more than occasionally on the Board, just like Cymbidia, CarolineOh, Lavender, Intrigued and various others that have left in a big snit and returned/didn't return.

If Chey and others miss Siren, that's their call. As for what Siren might think of what others have said about her...the fact she had all her posts erased by L&M (enough of an imposition that a new Rule was created in her "honor") and hasn't been back speaks to how much she cares about what anyone here says or thinks, I think.

JMHO, as you're certainly entitled to yours.
