What made you say fuck today? II

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You're an idiot trying to be Captain save them hoes, for women who tell you to stay out of their business. You protecting females who cheat and cry like I am immoral, for not wanting them.

No need good citizen! I am here now. Which of these hoes need saving?

Check your history Caveman came from the caves in Europe, not where I am from. It's funny though I'll give you that.
Pretty fucking hilarious. I always thought Hulk was a total asswipe. I had no idea that he was also SoulAssasin. The funny part is that I thought SoulAssasin was also a total asswipe. Just goes to show you that you can change your name, but you can't change what you are.
Earliest fossils discovered came from an African woman. The earliest people in caves came from Europe and later stretched out to other continents.

When I say early man, I include both genders. And we all came from Africa, would you like to discuss the finer details? Just last year the richest collection of the earliest early human fossils came out of a cave in Africa. If you don't keep up on paleoanthropology news, you can google the Rising Star Cave.
When I say early man, I include both genders. And we all came from Africa, would you like to discuss the finer details? Just last year the richest collection of the earliest early human fossils came out of a cave in Africa. If you don't keep up on paleoanthropology news, you can google the Rising Star Cave.

Cover your test Dearie, he's trying to copy your answers. For God's sake cover yourself up too, or these sinful boys will be giving in to self-indulgance
Pretty fucking hilarious. I always thought Hulk was a total asswipe. I had no idea that he was also SoulAssasin. The funny part is that I thought SoulAssasin was also a total asswipe. Just goes to show you that you can change your name, but you can't change what you are.

I never hid it. You getting brave now that they all came out pussy. You're just a thirst bucket trying to get points lol. All you fake nice guys who are appalled and lie to these women, later they'll be crying " I thought he was a nice guy". You all pretend at least I speak my mind no matter who disagree. I am not wanting for the popular vote to speak up and then stating my opinion.
Pretty fucking hilarious. I always thought Hulk was a total asswipe. I had no idea that he was also SoulAssasin. The funny part is that I thought SoulAssasin was also a total asswipe. Just goes to show you that you can change your name, but you can't change what you are.

Holy shit. Another one.

You're going to get your mouth washed out with soap young man.
I never hid it. You getting brave now that they all came out pussy. You're just a thirst bucket trying to get points lol. All you fake nice guys who are appalled and lie to these women, later they'll be crying " I thought he was a nice guy". You all pretend at least I speak my mind no matter who disagree. I am not wanting for the popular vote to speak up and then stating my opinion.
You should be a comedian. You're pretty fucking funny. Yeah, you go for it. One suggestion, though. Try and maintain a coherent thought. It allows the listener to actually understand your point. If you have on.
I never hid it. You getting brave now that they all came out pussy. You're just a thirst bucket trying to get points lol. All you fake nice guys who are appalled and lie to these women, later they'll be crying " I thought he was a nice guy". You all pretend at least I speak my mind no matter who disagree. I am not wanting for the popular vote to speak up and then stating my opinion.

Oh you seemed popular enough when Father Murphy had his holy staff in your ass down in the rectory basement. I seem to remember you crying and calling out to Jesus while you were on your knees.
We do all come from Africa. African women are the mother of civilization.

Earliest follils of people living in caves came from Europe and migrated to other continents.

Cavemen are people who lived in caves, not the earliest humans on earth.
*shakes head and sighs* Shut the fuck up. Everybody just shut the fuck up. Goddamned children feeding the trolls.
*shakes head and sighs* Shut the fuck up. Everybody just shut the fuck up. Goddamned children feeding the trolls.
Learn to spot the difference between people being crazy, and people having fun poking a troll with a stick. ;)
Learn to spot the difference between people being crazy, and people having fun poking a troll with a stick. ;)

I've seen how this goes. I've seen every possible permutation of how this goes and it just makes me tired and disgusted.
Oh you seemed popular enough when Father Murphy had his holy staff in your ass down in the rectory basement. I seem to remember you crying and calling out to Jesus while you were on your knees.

It's cute when master and sock puppet converse.
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