What would you tell your younger self if you could travel back in time?


Oct 20, 2023
What would you tell your younger self IF you could travel back in time??
Words of advice? Warnings? Encouragement? Reassuring?
What would you tell your younger self if you had the chance to do so???

Well, I will start.

I would tell myself "Avoid men like a plague, that shit will ruin you in sooooo many ways!! You think you can't do it, but you CAN. You gonna be just fine on your own! Oh and PLEASE, never EVER settle for less than you deserve and need.. Just don't do THAT to yourself!!!!!"

Then I would HUGG myself TIGHT and tell my younger self "You got this!!!" ❤️ Then I would leave quietly, hoping my younger self will do wiser life decisions than I have..

Thats what I would do.
What about you???

I would tell myself:
  • Learn to dance dumbass
  • Understand that not all chances you take are reckless
  • It took too many years to discover that when there's multiple path's available to help solve problems, just take any ONE of the paths and get started instead of not taking any path because of worrying about taking the wrong one.
That you can not change what happened to you and what you saw.
That the drinking and drugs doesn't help get rid of anything.
Holding onto the hatred, hurts you more than it does anyone or anything else.
Learn to let it all go and forgive them and yourself.
If you don't, you'll be inadvertently taking it out on strangers and loved ones.
Lord knows, I wish I truly understood that long before I do now. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
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This is what I would tell myself as my 40th birthday draws nearer...
  • Give yourself time. Explore who you are
  • Your self worth isn't tied to what a man or men think of you
  • People pleasing is a trauma response. People who really love you will love you even when you make them unhappy
  • You are not responsible for fixing people
  • You cannot make someone love you in the way you need them to
  • Don't take life so seriously. Laugh a lot
  • The right people will fight for you and support you in reaching your goals
1. Its ok to be a slut, even a married one
2. Take appraising eyes as compliments
3. That creepy guy you hate, he’s hung, fuck him
4. Your pussy doesn’t care what your heart wants
5. Be confident, dress however you want no matter what your husband says
6. The inner voice is right more than you admit
This is what I would tell myself as my 40th birthday draws nearer...
  • Give yourself time. Explore who you are
  • Your self worth isn't tied to what a man or men think of you
  • People pleasing is a trauma response. People who really love you will love you even when you make them unhappy
  • You are not responsible for fixing people
  • You cannot make someone love you in the way you need them to
  • Don't take life so seriously. Laugh a lot
  • The right people will fight for you and support you in reaching your goals
I could tell my younger 40s self the same thing. Time marches on and 40 seems so young to me.
1. Its ok to be a slut, even a married one
2. Take appraising eyes as compliments
3. That creepy guy you hate, he’s hung, fuck him
4. Your pussy doesn’t care what your heart wants
5. Be confident, dress however you want no matter what your husband says
6. The inner voice is right more than you admit
I LOVE THAT!! Especially the 1st one!!
With apologies to Charles Webb (author of The Graduate),

Ashley 2024: I want to say one word to you. Just two words.
Ashley 2013: Yes, ma'am.
Ashley 2024: Are you listening?
Ashley 2013: Yes, I am.
Ashley 2024: Artificial Intelligence
Ashley 2013: Exactly how do you mean?
Ashley 2024: There's a great future in AI. Think about it. Will you think about it?
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