What Are You Thinking Riiiiiiiiiiiight....NOW!?

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So all the big stars at the Golden Globes wore black in solidarity, and several of Harvey's former good friends said their bit, which was great, bringing awareness.

I find it odd that three of the most public victims, Rose McGowan, Mira Sorvino and Roseanna Arquette, didn't even get invitations to the event (at least that was what they were reporting on TV).
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The greatest college football and professional football coaches to ever live are both active today.

And both are miserable sons of bitches.
That I feel icky after one of the PM I just read about incest. *shudders in disgust*
You know that you’re officially lost when you turn down the car radio and take off your sunglasses…
This is good

That I want to start a thread about dreams but I can barely keep up with the threads I've already started.
If someone threw a rock and knocked you off your donkey, would you be considered stoned off your ass?
Ooooh! I love organizing other people’s stuff. My own? Not so much.

I know. I can do other people's stuff far easier than my own. I'm moving this summer and I'll be downsizing quite a bit so I am trying to get rid of all my junk and nonsense. Come on ovah!
I know. I can do other people's stuff far easier than my own. I'm moving this summer and I'll be downsizing quite a bit so I am trying to get rid of all my junk and nonsense. Come on ovah!

Just make me some of that black currant tea. I’ll bring my cup. ;)
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