The scent of a person.


stuff & junk
Dec 24, 2001
Have you noticed that we assign a certain scent to a person? There is this guy who doesn’t wear anything, but his scent is great and just a second ago I though I caught a whiff of it. Right away I thought of him. How often does this happen to you? Does it happen at all?
My g/f tells me all the time she misses my smell. So I guess there is a scent associated w/ a person. Never really thought much about it until now though. :confused:
There was this guy I used to know who smelled like coconut. Yummy. For a couple years after he moved away, every time I smelled that, I thought of him.
"If I was a younger man..

I'd take a flamethrower to this place!"
Actually, you're right on money with the scents, I caught a whiff in the store, that I swear flashed me back to my first wife. Started getting wood with that memory! :D
even if its not their 'real' scent'...Opium (not the drug)...from a long time ago

passing someone in the mall with it on floods the memory banks...
I've been told I smell.........

but in a good way........I don't where fu-fu juice........but I guess I ooze a good vapor.................

I think most people who know me associate a Rain scent for me. For obvious reasons. The scent surrounds me. It's in my house. My body. My hair.

I was told recently that I smelled like nutmeg. That is was my scent. Or was it that I tasted like nutmeg (?)

There use to be this guy in my old office that wore Cool Water. My mouth use to actually water whenever he would walk by me. I instantly think of him when I get a whiff of it.
Its funny. I like Pierre Cardin cologne, but women rarely notice that on me. But if I wear Aspen, a much less expensive scent, they love me for it.
I dunno what I smell like...heh friend told me that I don't have a smell...guess that's good?
IrishWolfhound said:
Its funny. I like Pierre Cardin cologne, but women rarely notice that on me. But if I wear Aspen, a much less expensive scent, they love me for it.

Mick...I adore that scent.
LukkyKnight said:
Scent is a very powerful cue to memory.

Indeed LK. Certain scents say home to me. Others just make me happy. The smell that puppies have is one of those.
Whenever I smell Cool Water it always brings some very sweet memories to mind....and reminds me I still have more to make.
I was with someone a very long time ago that wore Polo, anytime I smell it I think of him.

Same with Royal Copenhagen.. it makes me smile and sigh deeply with playful thoughts of days past.
There was a girl I knew, once. Always kenw when she'd been someplace, by her smell. She didn't wear scents, or use overly powerful bath items. And she wasn't plain stinky, yet I'd always know that she'd been someplace. Her mood, too. Pheremones, I s'pose.

Like I'm a fuckin' werewolf.

Per example, she moved out of the area years ago, but I know she's here right now. Something in the air.
People tell me they can smell coming and smell me going. I wonder which one is more pleasant.
Bath & Body Works, Warm Vanilla Sugar...

My 9-year old sits next to me on purpose just to smell me... the look on her face describes it perfectly... yummy bliss!
Mr. Mischka has a natural scent that I found intoxicating from the first time I smelled it. I nuzzle his neck just to breathe him in; he's the first person I've done that with. When we're apart for a night, I wrap one of his shirts around my pillow; it helps me sleep.

I associate many smells with childhood memories or specific locations, but he's the only person that that triggers my nose like that.
JerseyBoy said:
even if its not their 'real' scent'...Opium (not the drug)...from a long time ago

passing someone in the mall with it on floods the memory banks...

21 Years ago I worked part-time as a store dick at a popular department store chain. The women's fragrance counter was at the main mall entrance to the store, so from there you could watch the men's jeans and women's tops, two popular shoplifter zones.

So, I'd spend lots of time pretending I was shopping for women's fragrance... and developed a strong facility for picking out perfumes at a distance...a skill that stood me in good stead as a young single guy on the prowl.

Opium. Mmmmmyes. I remember it well. And Lauren by Ralph Lauren. And 19 by Chanel. RRReoowww. And any patchouilli oil.

Mens colognes I've had success with over the years....Royal Copenhagen. Polo. Canoe. Jazz. Obsession.

I wish they still made Hai Karate. (ha!)

But I do have a bottle of Old Spice. It's my Super Secret Lady Killer. (BayRum is better; Burt's Bees makes a version that stops women dead in their trax.)

Say what you like.....a teensy bit of Old Spice makes a woman feel safe & secure.


As for phermones.....did you know that the Pill reverses a woman's phermone receptors?

It's another thread....but my reserarch suggests The Pill is likely the cause of the increase in Divorce stats, simply for its' affect on phermone response in women.

Lancecastor said:

But I do have a bottle of Old Spice. It's my Super Secret Lady Killer. (BayRum is better; Burt's Bees makes a version that stops women dead in their trax.)

I hate to say it...but BayRum makes me giddy. Reminds me of no one...but it does stop me in my tracks.
My old boyfriend had the same scent (some type of cologne) as my grandfather. It triggered pleasant, but conflicted, emotions. :p