"The Reluctant Roommate"

Jenna wasn't returning Candice's kisses as she wanted. The teen's state of intoxicated horniness was wearing off too quickly for the eldest of the Alphabet girls to easily get from the youngest of them what she wanted. But Candice was all about perseverance. She turned to look at Barbara, who was still standing behind the camcorder, sharing her attention between a first hand view of the unfolding sex scene and the view on the little screen.

"Undress, Barbie," she demanded. Barbara's eyes widened a bit, and her hand lifted to point a long, slim finger at her chest as she mouthed me? Before she returned to Jenna, sucking in one of the teen's hardened nipples, Candice only said, "Yes!"

Barbara hesitated. She had been involved in her share of girl-on-girl encounters before, but never with these particular two Alphabet girls. For reasons Barbara had never understood, Angela -- the true lesbian in the room -- had never shown an interest in her. Too close to home, she'd always thought, knowing that if Angela had tried to seduce her and the pair hadn't clicked, they would have had to live with one another for years to come with a never ending sexual tension. And Candice, of course, didn't consider herself a lesbian or a bisexual. Candice considered herself without description, and -- over the years Barbara had known the older woman -- many of the adventures in which Candice had been involved had been just that, without description.

When the most shapely of the trio -- now quartet -- of roommates looked back again at her with a scowl, Barbara quickly began undressing. She knew without asking what Candice wanted: she wanted a recording of the new girl involved in something she could never report to the Principal, the Dean, the Authorities, or even her family without casting a sexual deviancy shadow over her for the rest of her young life.

Candice wanted blackmail material. Barbara didn't know why. She didn't realize that the older young woman had been privy to the new girl's records even before meeting her in the office this morning. Although she knew Jenna had come from a more conservative religious school, Barbara had no idea that Jenna's father was actually a reverend ...that he had plans for his daughter after school ... marital plans ... plans that relied upon her being as pure as a new snow drift.

It didn't take Barbara long to strip, and once she was, she asked, "What now?"

Candice was still restraining Jenna's hands, keeping her from escaping Angela's increasing intense workings with her mouth and tongue upon the girl's pussy. Candice gestured Barbara to take her place, and once she had, she stood and -- looking down into the panicked teen's eyes with a devilish smile -- began undressing as well...
Jenna futilely struggled against being restrained, her body sluggish to respond, she swore she kept saying no even as her hips and level of arousal was increasing. Barbara's hands felt different, and she looked up at her room mate, pleading with her to stop as her nipples screamed yes.

She wasn't sure if she was being raped, since their were no men, and therefore couldn't be any penetration, or if this was some bizarre non consensual thing as her head was too fuzzy to consider saying yes. Jenna just knew this was wrong, even though her body felt heavenly as if burning in the fiery pits of hell.

If this was hell she might just learn to like it, but every religious fiber in her being protested, and then she saw Candice stripping, and there was something powerful about it, as if she was stripping for Jenna's benefit, not the camera, and certainly not the other girls who had probably seen her naked before.

She was in lust, perhaps on some level she knew Candice was straight and therefore wanted her more than the others, but seeing Candice naked made her stop speaking. No longer begging them to stop, but not yet begging them to continue.
Candice was naked even quicker than Barbara had been, moving down to her knees beside Angela. As she and the true lesbian among them matched gazes, Candice whispered, "Make her cum." She glanced back at the camcorder, then leaned over to whisper into Angela's ear, "I need it too look entirely consensual. Make her scream."

Without ceasing the manipulation of Jenna's pussy, Angela nodded her head then mumbled, "Will do."

Candice moved back to the new roomie again, kissing her on the mouth, then directing Barbara -- the greatest kisser Candice had ever pressed lips with -- to kiss Jenna and instead moved to the nearest breast and suckling it. Together the three girls did their best to drive the reluctant roommate to orgasm...
Jenna turned her face, trying to deny Barbara her mouth, which was opened as if to protest but she merely groaned in pleasure, her body exploding in a million zillion little pieces, she felt more alive than she had ever been and her eyes rolled back and she unwittingly moaned her father's name.

Her eyes closed as if pleading to her mortal father to intervene she gasped his name again, feeling the sin of lust take hold of her, not letting go, pleasure melting away her inhibitions momentarily and she turned her face to Barbara, finally allowing their lips to meet and her mouth be silent.

It was like a dream, a real living breathing dream, and she wondered how she'd gone from hell to heaven in such a short time period. She recalled the story of a man being tormented in hell, and knew that soon enough hell would return that she was being allowed this one moment of pleasure to make the contrast of hell even more severe.

Surely they would continue to torment her after having gotten her naked.
Jenna's reluctant moans of pleasure had slowly mutated to soft cries, and Candice knew the teen was hopelessly heading toward orgasm. She peeked down to Angela, who in turn peeked up, her tongue still working Jenna's clit furiously. Without speaking a word, the two communicated their knowledge that the woman they were, essentially, date raping was quickly heading for the tipping point.

And then, suddenly, there it was. Below them, Jenna drew in a deep breath, held it for a moment, then screamed out in ecstasy. Each of the girls heard, felt, and saw the effects on Jenna, their eyes moving from watching their new roommate or looking to one another with prideful expressions.

Barbara finally got the climaxing teen to turn her face to her, and their mouths pressed together in a long, passionate, wet kiss. Angela knew what she liked when she was being eaten out, so ... she just kept at it, wanting to extend Jenna's orgasm or, possibly, cause her to repeat it again ... and possibly again ... and again.

Candice was the only one of the three rapists who pulled away from Jenna. She sat back on her haunches first, simply watching the girl in orgasm. It was a beautiful sight ... and, if she used it right, a valuable sight. She stood and moved to the camcorder, checking the image on the little screen to ensure that they had captured it all. They had, which made Candice smile with as much satisfaction as Jenna was enjoying. Candice grabbed the tripod and moved the camcorder around to Jenna's left side -- to where she had been when she was sucking on the teen's tit -- where she could get an up close and personal shot of Angela's mouth, still working on Jenna's pussy; before panning to the right to get an up close and personal view of Jenna, who was either still in orgasm or in orgasm again.
Jenna's nipples felt like they were on fire when some one stopped attending to them, she was completely unaware of who was where, just that she was still being lured to desire her sweet wet pussy parting in need, and she gasped briefly, "Please fuck me," while being unsure of just how that could be done, as her pussy felt hot wet aroused and empty. She turned her face back to Barbara, her eyes closed as she tongue fucked her with a passion, her tongue whirling around searching for tender spots, running along her room mate, it didn't taste like Candice and if she was thinking she knew by process of elimination having been pretty sure Angela was eating her out that it was Barbara's teeth she was touching, Barbara's mouth she was tongue fucking.

Her hips rising and falling, her body completely in control, as it craved more stimulation.
Candice's attention, like Barbara's before her, shifted from watching Jenna directly and watching her image on the camcorder's little screen. The ecstasy seemed like it had it no end ... but ... it finally did. Candice studied the teen's face and knew that, while she was still enjoying great pleasure, her ecstasy had come to an end.

About that time, Jenna begged, "Please fuck me."

Candice saw Angela's head tilt, allowing the lesbian to peek first to Jenna, then the eldest of the women. Candice shook her head, causing Angela to lift her face -- smeared with Jenna's fluids -- and show a conspicuous expression of disappointment.

"We're done," Candice said softly, turning the camera off, setting it aside, and moving to where her clothes were piled to begin donning them again. As she dressed, she looked to Barbara who was still eagerly involved in alternating her mouth between Jenna's mouth and tits. Candice was surprised at Barbara's enthusiasm. The Alphabet Girls' "B" member had been with women before, but only because Candice had pushed her into it. Now, though, Barbara seemed to be going her own way with Jenna ... and greatly enjoying it. Candice tried to pull her attention away, "Barbie... Barbie!"

Barbara lifted her head suddenly, then -- glancing back at Jenna who was wearing a disappointed expression of abandonment -- blushed a deep red. She looked back to Candice, asking, "What?"

"We're done here," Candice said.

Before Barbara could respond, Angela -- who had gone back to licking Jenna's clit again -- growled, "No!"


The young woman eating out the new roomie lifted her head, an angry look in her eyes. "I'm not done! She's got more in her--"

"We're done!" Candice snapped, now stepping into her heels. She pressed a button on the camcorder, kicking open the memory card door and removing the little card. She looked down to Jenna, then to Barbara who -- also conspicuously disappointed, was still groping one of the new girl's breasts as if to tell Jenna I haven't abandoned you. She told the two original Alphabet Girl's, "Get dressed and meet me in the lounge. We're going out."

"What about her?" Angela asked, wiping her pussy juice covered mouth and chin with the first piece of clothing she found. "Is she coming with--"

"No," Candice said quickly, turning and leaving as if nothing that had happened happened. She called over her shoulder as she opened to the door and left, "Hurry! We have things to talk about."

As Candice disappeared, the other two girls were dressing quickly and heading toward the door, their heels and some articles of clothing still in their hands...

They simply left Jenna collapsed back in the couch, still panting from the multiple orgasms they'd forced from her.
Jenna's head only pounded a little when she came to, and if it wasn't for the liberal scent of her own pussy combined with what looked like a bite mark on her breast, she could have sworn she'd been dreaming.

"Fuck," she cursed Candice, obviously the bitch had set her up and she pulled out a long t-shirt and sat in the corner, knees pulled up against her body, arms wrapped around them trying to hold it together while she rocked and cried. They didn't fucking care about her, they just wanted to out here, to use her as some plaything. She felt like she was almost done crying then realized there had been a camera and the tears started falling again.

She checked the bathroom door, but the lock was broken and she started a supper hot bath and scrubbed her skin nearly raw. She hated them, but mostly she hated Candice the others seemed to be her lapdogs, or considering what they had done to her, maybe lap lickers would be a better response.

She thought about killing herself for one entire second, wondering if that final sin would send her straight to hell. Anything had to be better than this nightmare she was stuck in. She went to bed naked, but wrapped the sheets around her body like a cocoon.
Barbara had returned to the room to find the lights out and Jenna in bed. She closed the door quietly, unsure of whether her new roomie was asleep. But when Jenna looked up suddenly, the truth was obvious.

"I'm sorry," Barbara said quickly with a sincere tone. She moved quickly over to drop to her knees next to the bed, looking into Jenna's eyes. "I'm sorry, Jenna. I didn't know what Candy was going to do. Really!"
"Bull shit," Jenna stated in a flat dull tone, she hadn't ever felt so raw, so used, so conflicted. She had liked it, she had liked kissing Barbara, she had liked Angela between her legs, she had liked Candice on her breasts.

This pathetic act to try and win her back over to the slut side was not going to work. She'd stop eating, she'd drink herself into a quick oblivion, she understood the dark side of addiction, of wanting something you knew was bad for you. Well she was going to be strong enough to stop it, or so fucking drunk she didn't care.
"Bull shit."

"No," Barbara responded quickly, softly. She moved closer again, laying a hand upon Jenna's cocooned hip. "I mean it, Jay. I do."

Again, she moved a bit closer, too, her face now just two feet from Jenna's. Continuing to use the nickname Candice had assigned to Jenna, she whispered, "I need to tell you something, Jay. Candice ... she sent me back to the room. She wanted to make sure you were okay. She cares about you, really."
"Then she's a fucking sadist, because I hate her more now than ever," Jenna replied. She'd washed away the signs of her crying and she had wrapped herself tightly because she felt if she didn't she'd start touching herself, and she didn't want to be found masturbating.

"She just doesn't want you to know what she's doing with the video I bet," Jenna bit her lip hard, she wouldn't cry in front of them, wouldn't show how deeply wounded she was.
"She just doesn't want you to know what she's doing with the video I bet," Jenna countered.

"I know what she's doing with the video," Barbara answered. She waited until Jenna looked into her eyes, the moonlight flooding through the window lighting both of their faces. "She using it to get a favor from you. A favor only you can give her ... because ... because you're a virgin. You are a virgin ... right?"
"Yeah, so what could she possible want from me? She's probably fucked virgins before," suddenly Jenna realizes that none of her room mates is a virgin, "What about Angela, I mean she doesn't like dick right?"

One corner of the sheet was slowly untangling as Jenna sat up a little, her legs shifting. "I enjoyed kissing you," Jenna admits in a whisper.
"Yeah, so what could she possible want from me? Jenna asked. "She's probably fucked virgins before."

Barbara laughed. "Candice doesn't want to fuck you."

She was about to explain the oldest roomie's plan but Jenna continued, "What about Angela, I mean she doesn't like dick right?"

Again Barbara laughed, giving Jenna a playful little push. "Remember that movie with Tom Oh please fuck me from now 'til the end of the world Selleck, 'Quigley Down Under'?" Jenna didn't respond, but Barbara wasn't sure whether it was because she didn't know the movie or didn't know where Barbara was going with this. She continued, "It's an Old West movie that takes place in, of all places, Australia. Early in the movie, Tom tells the bad guy that he doesn't use pistols, saying 'I never had much use for one' ... then later, after he guns the bad guy down with a pistol...!... Tom stands over the dying ass hole and says, "I said I never had much use for one. Never said I didn't know how to use one."

Jenna was still just staring at Barbara, who rolled her head and clarified, "Angela doesn't have a use for one ... a dick. That doesn't mean she hasn't had one."

That finally got a positive response from Jenna, and for a moment it looked like the two might actually have a nice moment together. Barbara smiled wide. She was so afraid that what the three had done to Jenna would destroy her. Maybe there was a chance that they could get past this.

"I enjoyed kissing you," Jenna whispered.

Barbara smiled, pleased at the new roommate's confession. She squeezed the hand setting upon Jenna's hip and confessed as well, "So did I. I don't ... well, I normally don't ... girls I mean. I mean, I have ... but ... I usually do-- I mean, I usually have sex with guys, but..."

She was going to explain that the only times she'd ever had sex with other females had been under the direction of Candice. But Barbara was trying to lessen Jenna's hatred for the oldest of the women, not increase it. She began to sit up a bit taller, ready to ask Jenna if she wanted to kiss again, when the door suddenly opened and the room was flooded with light.

"She still alive?" Candice asked playfully.

There had actually been a discussion in the lounge about the possibility that Jenna was at that time laying in a cold bath tub cutting her wrists with a razor knife. It was the reason Candice had sent Barbara back to the room. Candice began undressing almost the moment she entered the room, tossing her clothes onto the end of her bed as she continued talking.

"Did you tell her, Barbie?" Candice asked the young woman on her knees.

"No," Barbara answered simply.

Candice, now in only her push up bra and skimpy thong sat roughly on the edge of Jenna's bed, causing the girl to bounce a bit. Looking right into the new roommate's eyes and said bluntly, "I need you to give your virginity to a man I know."
It sounded so ridiculous, Candice took what she wanted, she had power, money, and all the sex she wanted. Jenna should have known that Candice would think of her as just another bargaining chip, but it was so funny in her agitated state that she began to laugh, at first a chuckle, than a full body roar, and eventually laughing so hard she was coughing and having trouble breathing.

Then her face turned purple and she felt light headed and she passed out. Her mind retreated to a safe place, where no one could touch her, where she could be alone.
Candice studied Jenna for a moment, then jiggled her at the hip a bit, then literally slapped her face in an effort to wake her. She murmured as a result of the inconvenience, "Well ... fuck."

"Is she alright?" Barbara asked with sincere concern.

As she stood and headed for the bathroom to get ready to go out on the town again, Candice answered, "Of course. She just passed out."


"You're kidding, right?" Angela asked, now beginning to undress for bed as well. "She's drunk and satiated. I'd pass out, too."

Barbara took Jenna's wrist and checked to make sure she still had a pulse. She released a sigh of relief, then looked to the bathroom and asked, "Now what?"

Candice initially ignored her, working on her face. But when the "B"-girl went to her and asked again, Candice told her with a hard tone, "You're so worried about her, you stay and watch over her."

"I will!" Angela called from the bedroom, where she was pulling up the corner of the sheet to look upon Jenna's naked body.

"I said watch over her, not rape her again," Candice snapped. "I think she's had just about enough of us tonight."

"But I didn't get any," Angela complained. She dropped the sheet, turning back to the other two.

Candice looked to Barbara and smiled. Softly, she asked, "You want to give Angel some, Barbie?"

Barbara hesitated. She would have preferred to have a man inside her tonight, and if she couldn't have that then she would have liked to slip into Jenna's bed. She said politely, "Not particularly."

Candice went back to looking in the mirror, calling loudly to the other roomie, "C'mon, Angel. I'll take you to that bar you like. You got your ID."

"Seized," Angela said, pouting out her lip. She'd been carded at a club the weekend before and lost her rather poorly made fake driver's license. "Why can't I stay here with--"

"Because I need Jay fresh for Carlton," Candice said, heading out to her closet to find something skimpy and tight to wear to a dance club where she'd been making friends with some rather well-to-do gentlemen twice, even three times her age. She looked hard at Angela and demanded, "Don't ... touch!"


At 5am, Jenna started awake with a shock at the sound of Candice intentionally slamming the door hard. She growled, "What the fuck?"

"I didn't touch her!" swore Barbara, who was in bed with Jenna, spooning her from behind. She hurried out of the bed -- dressed in only a pair of boy shorts -- and explained, "She was having night mares, so ... I got in--

"Shut it, Barbie," Candice said, confident that the girl was telling the truth.

Still in her dance clothes and just getting in, Candice ignored the rest of her roomies as she set about getting ready for school. Angela sat up with a groggy expression, complained about the noise, then laid back down with a hand in her groin, gently touching herself. Barbara stood in the middle of the room for a moment, unsure of what to do. She looked back to Jenna, telling her, "Sorry. I should have asked, but ... you were crying and talking in your--"

"You have work, Barbie," Candice snapped.

"Right," Barbara murmured, turning away.

The tall, skinny roomie worked in St. Gregory's kitchen three mornings a week to compensate for her parent's inability to cover all of the tuition costs. She went to the bathroom to shower, then came out to dress, donning her standard uniform, as well as a smock. She emerged just as a naked Candy headed for the bathroom to shower away the smell of beer, cigar smoke, and sex lingering from her night on the town. Angela, by now, was moaning unashamedly at the growing pleasure in her groin.
Jenna's head hurt, and sounds boomed in her head, but other than that she didn't seem that much worse for wear, except that she'd nearly skinned herself when scrubbing her body. Which reminded her exactly where she was, and what they had done to her, all in order that she would agree to fuck some guy, for Candice's benefit.

Plus if he wanted a virgin he probably wasn't going to be gentle, and if he was dealing with Candice he probably wasn't nice. He probably wouldn't use a condom either, she wondered what kind of pressure Candice was going to put on her to put out for him.

Jenna looked at the clock, she didn't really need the bathroom, but she didn't want to get dressed in front of them, but seeing that she didn't have a choice she as demurely as possible put on her school uniform, and since Candice hadn't thought to destroy her old underwear put on her comfortable white cotton panties and bra.
The Alphabet Girls made a point of keeping an eye on Jenna off and on during the day, just to ensure that she wasn't going to go postal and kill a room full of students or -- worse in Candice's opinion -- sneak off to a dark room and kill herself. Each of the three long time roomies had at least one class with Jenna during the day, so for 5 or her six periods she had Candice, Barbara, and/or Angela right there within a few yards. And in between classes, one or more of the girls made sure to at least make eye contact with her and let her know they were looking out for her.

Of course, more often than not, Jenna didn't look all too excited to see that she was being watched, particularly when it was Candice close to her. The eldest of the four roommates had had just about enough of the new girl's attitude by the last break between classes, and as the teen was making her way down the hall, Candice ambushed her. Grasping the younger thing by the elbow, Candice drug Jenna into an empty class and almost slammed her up against the wall, sending books all about the old, yellowing linoleum.

"Listen Little Missy Miss," Candice growled as she pressed her body up tight against Jenna's. Their breasts flattened against one another's, and the older students mouth was close enough to the younger's to have made it easy to lay a big kiss on her before a reaction could have even been considered. She grasped Jenna's wrists when she tried to fight back and -- stronger than most girls -- easily bent the teen's arms around to the small of her back. She stared at her for a moment, ignoring any negative reaction Jenna might have given, then finally chastised, "Life sucks! Shit happens! Get used to it!"

She called a bit but continued holding Jenna at bay. Actually, Candice liked it, restraining Jenna. The older student had very often tied up her lovers -- male and female both -- and was suddenly considering the fun it would be to tie Jenna to the couch up the roof and just leave her there until she agreed to eat out Candice's pussy. But, that would be for another day in the future, if at all.

"What we did to-- what I did to you last night," she began explaining, not a hint of apology in her hard voice. "Worse things have been done to girls. Hell, far worse things have happened to me. So, get over it! You enjoyed what we did to you, even if you didn't ask for it."

Candice suddenly realized that she was getting excited. Her panties were suddenly wet, which to be honest wasn't surprising. She rarely made it through an entire day without having to change into a different pair of panties or thong because her imagination had gotten the better of her. She pressed her lower body a bit harder against Jenna's, their groins now tight against one another.

She studied Jenna's lips for a moment, then asked almost as if a dare, "You want to kiss me ... don't you?"
"I don't want to be like you," Jenna retorted, she knew the girls felt some sort of responsibility for her, maybe even guilt the way she was being monitored all day. She'd scratched her wrist a little feeling her nails scrape away precious skin cells, and Barbara had flipped out.

Suicide watch, she realized, and knowing what it was only made her more depressed. "I want to rip your fucking tongue out of your throat and fed it to you." She was scared and she was manic and she was feeling trapped, making her even more scared and manic.

Some part of her did want to kiss Candice, to make this cold queen feel something, and she leaned in as if to kiss her, and at the last minute diverted to Candice's neck kissing a spot that on herself and the few girls she'd known or asked was certain to get them aroused and eager to play.

"You like scaring me, but I don't get why you want me to be scared of you."

Jenna had a slight build, her father kept her from going out for sports or any other after school activities.
"I don't want to be like you," Jenna retorted, "I want to rip your fucking tongue out of your throat and fed it to you."

Candice smiled and tilted her head. She said without shame, "Yeah ... I get that sometimes."

She thought Jenna was actually going to kiss her, but she did something even more erotic, kissing her on the neck. Jenna moaned, lightly but noticeably.

"You like scaring me," Jenna continued. "But I don't get why you want me to be scared of you."

Candice laughed, still pressed hard against the teen. She couldn't believe Jenna said that. "I don't want you to be scared of me!"

She leaned in quickly and pressed her lips against Jenna's in a forced kiss, then pulled back and stressed her true role amongst the Alphabet girls, "I just want you to know--" She tilted her head playfully and finished with a comical tone that Jenna was meant to understand was true, "--that I own you."

She kissed her again, this time passionately as her groin pressed into Jenna even harder.
Jenna wasn't sure how much was bull shit, how much was truth, and how much lay somewhere between. She knew one thing, she was tired of the games, and she continued to try and push Candice away, unwilling to let the girl toy with her body any more.

In her mind she laughed about Candice owning her, it implied that she had been sold, and while Barbara and Angela were certainly obedient, they seemed more like devoted servants that mindless fucking slaves.

The only thing Candice owned was Jenna's hate as she funneled all her rage towards the one person. Every horrible thing that had happened to her was somehow Candice's fault, because if Candice did somehow own her, then everything that happened was her fault. It was completely flawed logic, but Jenna was not thinking logically.

She wondered what Candice held over the other girls, as they seemed friendly enough towards each other, and towards her. Barbara and Angela had showed more genuine concern throughout the day while Candice seemed to scorn her.

Jenna would eventually begin to wonder if Candice was more than a power hungry sadist, she would wonder if she was a true sociopath, unable to care for others, selfish and charismatic.
Just as suddenly as Candice had begun her assault -- and seduction -- of Jenna, it ended. She pulled away from the teen and, before turning to depart, said playfully, "Get to class. You're gonna be late."

Barbara was standing outside Jenna's last class, and just as the eldest roomie had, she latched onto the new roomie and began draggjng her down the hallway with an excited expression and playful body language. When she found an abandoned alcove, she urged Jenna inside out of the view of the passing bodies and asked boldly, "I've never had a real girl friend, so ... would you like to try it?"
Jenna sputtered, wondering what Barbara meant, and how would the try it? but before her brain could process all of that she was kissing Barbara again, there was an bottomless pit of hunger and need built into that kiss and when they finally parted to breath Jenna did ask.

"So you just have sex with girls because you can?" it seemed rather absurd. Then again her whole life had been turned upside down, so really nothing seemed out of the question. She'd been sexually mauled by her room mates, Candice appeared to have auctioned off her virginity, she had wanted to kill herself, and now she just wanted to touch Barbara.

She doubted Candice would approve, but wisely chose not to say anything. "What have your boyfriends thought about all this, or do they get to watch or something?" she asked Candice didn't seem the type to share, and a boyfriend seemed like it would interfere with whatever power she held over them, but she supposed Candice couldn't be controlling them all of the time.
"So you just have sex with girls because you can?"

Barbara opened her mouth to say I have sex with girls because Candy asks me to, but then she only hesitated. It should have been pretty obvious to Jenna by now that Barbara did whatever Candice asked of her ... and typically without question. But Barbara didn't want Jenna to know of her total inability to withstand Candice's power over her. (Of course, Jenna pretty much understood that already.)

"What have your boyfriends thought about all this," Jenna went on. "Or do they get to watch or something?"

Jenna laughed aloud, kissing Jenna again. "No, silly! This wouldn't be for anyone else. This would just be for me and you." She kissed Jenna again, an erotic, opened mouth kiss with her tongue reaching out to play for a brief moment with the younger teen's upper lip, before pressing her mouth hard to Jenna's for a deep probing with her tongue.

"I want to see what it's all about," she whispered when she separated their lips. "I've never..." She looked away for a moment, giggling briefly as her face exploded in red. As she made her confession, she led a hand slip down Jenna's body to lay atop her groin. "I've never done that! You know ... with my mouth. Angel has always gotten to--"

She stopped short. Barbara didn't know whether she was supposed to impart to the new roomie that the Alphabet Girls had performed similar acts of blackmail on previous fellow students. Of course, they'd never done it to a roomie before. But then, they'd never had a virginal roomie before either. Candice had explained her plans for Jenna before any of the three had even seen her.

"I've never done that," Barbara went on. Her lips widened in a hungry smile, adding, "I've had it done to me, but ... I've never done it to someone else. I'd like to ... but ... only to you, Jay."

They kissed again as Barbara let Jenna contemplate her future for the pair...